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Official SMACX v2 bug list. READ ONLY PLEASE!

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  • BugID: #0105, Mixed_Faction_Colors
    Submitter: Dreifels,
    Version: Alien Crossfire
    Category: UI
    Status: Pending
    Priority: 2
    Save before: N/A (not available)
    Save after:
    Description: If you play a game in SMACX with mixed factions (SMAC + SMACX) you have
    two bad choices:
    a) you get the pictures and buildings of that SMACX faction that stands in the ini file at the
    position of the SMAC faction (eg the 4th position is Angels, if you play with peacekeepers instead
    angels you get the pictures of angels)
    b) If you'd like to see the SMAC faction's pictures and change the ini so that now (eg)
    instead ANGELS there is on place 4 PEACE, you will get the right pictures, HOWEVER
    as the background of the building pictures is wrong you see all peacekeepers buildings on
    the map with their background color overlapping the map. Furthermore, you can't read
    the chart bar and the text in commlink.
    If you rename the pcx, it isn't a solution, as you then still have the text problem and the
    background problem for the buildings.
    I found a solution / workaround. See complete description and file for it at

    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


    • BugID: #0106, Upgrading_Gifts
      Submitter: Kinjiru,
      Version: Both AX and AC4
      Category: Unit design
      Status: Pending
      Priority: 3
      Save before: N/A (not available)
      Save after:
      Description: I took over a Spartan base of size 1, at the end of the turn Morgan flew out 15
      needlejets into the base and gifted them to me. I knew that most would get disbanded
      since gifting units makes them rehome to the nearest base and a size 1 base would not
      minerals to support those 15 units. I was right and when my next turn started 7 of the jets
      were disbanded. Okay, so I go try to upgrade that entire class of unit through the
      workshop. And it tells that to upgrade these 8-1-12 jets to my own version of
      10-1-12-Clean will cost 48,900 credits. I am shocked, so I look more closely and it
      thinks I have 248 of these 8-1-12 units around!

      So I am thinking that 255 is the max number of any kind of unit. (Since 255 - 7 = 248). So
      does the engine somehow lose count if you had a unit type, then retired it, but are later
      gifted that same kind of unit?

      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


      • BugID: #0107, High_Tech_Gifts
        Submitter: Kinjiru,
        Version: Both AX and AC4
        Category: Unit design
        Status: Pending
        Priority: 3
        Save before: N/A (not available)
        Save after:
        Description: Later that game Morgan's highest tech level was fusion laser (10) and silksteel armor
        (4). He gifted me a couple of 10-4-2 rovers. I upgraded those immediately to 13-8r-4
        rovers (heh, actually called dragons in teh workshop default). The next turn Morgan gifts
        me two more rovers, but they are now 13-8r-4!! How did Morgan get this tech? I don't
        think he did because his other chassis were still at the 10-4 level. Seems that my upgrade
        somehow got applied to the same chassis type automatically going forward...

        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


        • BugID: #0108, Sex_Change
          Submitter: Trippin Daily,
          Version: Alien Crossfire
          Category: Faction Editor
          Status: Pending
          Priority: 4
          Save before: N/A (not available)
          Save after:
          Description: Alien Crossdresser bug: at least with the cyborgs... you can't change your leader's sex to
          male from female.. well you can, but soon as you hit ok, it changes back to female... yeah,
          i could go into the faction files.. but i shouldn't have to do that. Don't know about the restof
          the factions though.

          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


          • BugID: #0109, IP_host_corrupt
            Submitter: Genaciv,
            Version: Both AX and AC4
            Category: MultiPlayer
            Status: Pending
            Priority: 1
            Save before: N/A (not available)
            Save after:
            Description: in multiplayer game (IP atleast), if the host chooses a faction, and then
            changes his/her mind and selects another, the game is corrupt. Nice, eh?

            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


            • BugID: #0110, Loan_payment
              Submitter: Darkstar,
              Version: Both AX and AC4
              Category: AI
              Status: Confirmed
              Priority: 3
              Save before: N/A (not available)
              Save after:
              Description: Pactmates continue to pay loan after it's been paid.
              Save game available.
              Fistleaf: AI keeps repaying loan even though loan payment is negative value.

              [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


              • BugID: #0111, Combat_Transport
                Submitter: Darkstar,
                Version: Alien Crossfire | Alpha Centauri v4 | Both AX and AC4
                Category: Combat
                Status: Confirmed
                Priority: 3
                Save before: N/A (not available)
                Save after:
                Description: Transports incorrectly count as combat units for determining whether all
                non-combat units are lost with final combat defender at a base.
                Example: Set-up: a base with one combat unit (say a garrison unit of any tech), a
                transport, a colony pod, and a probe team. Base is attacked and defender is wiped out.
                Transport being in base protects colony pod and probe team from being eliminated. Trying
                same setup without the transport, and when defender dies, so do the colony pod and probe

                Possible Correction: Check to see if transport is non-combat (no armor) and if so, it is
                eliminated when last combat defender in stack is lost, in or out of bases.

                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]


                • BugID: #0112, Land_tile_usage
                  Submitter: zsozso,
                  Version: Both AX and AC4
                  Category: Rules
                  Status: Demonstrated
                  Priority: 3
                  Save before: N/A
                  Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                  Description: Darkstar: AI controlled Water Bases can use OTHER AI controlled faction Land
                  Tiles, despite the fact that all those land tiles are claimed.
                  Example: Usurper Water Base "Ocean Scar" is just off Caretaker coast, and USING the
                  Caretaker claimed land tiles, despite all land tiles falling under Caretaker land border
                  If a Human controlled faction is involved, this doesn't happen. Border and claims
                  respected, no matter the state of relations.
                  Save game available demostrating above scenario.

                  zsozso: In the above game save, 2 AI factions, that have met each
                  other, both uses (by worker) the same land tile from 2 sea bases!
                  The square is at (52,26) coordinates in the save (on a tiny island)
                  and it is being used by Ergonomis(Angels) and Nettapcomplex(Caretakers),
                  sea bases at the same time. The 2 factions are at vendetta. Nettapcomplex
                  was originally built by the Probes, but now occupied by the Caretakers.

                  [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 12, 2000).]


                  • BugID: #0113, Delete_From_Queue
                    Submitter: Ronin,
                    Version: Both AX and AC4
                    Category: UI
                    Status: Confirmed
                    Priority: 4
                    Save before: N/A (not available)
                    Save after:
                    Description: If you have items in your queue and attempt to
                    delete one without adding or replacing items as well, when you click OK the deleted item
                    reappears in your queue. The delete is only permanent when you perform another function
                    as well as delete.

                    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                    • BugID: #0114, PBEM_save
                      Submitter: tfs99,
                      Version: Both AX and AC4
                      Category: UI
                      Status: Confirmed
                      Priority: 4
                      Save before: N/A
                      Save after: N/A
                      Description: Default PBEM save location is not same as original load location (as it is in SP)

                      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                      • BugID: #0115, Vanishing_Probe
                        Submitter: cousLee,
                        Version: Alpha Centauri v4
                        Category: Movement
                        Status: Pending
                        Priority: 3
                        Save before: N/A (not available)
                        Save after:
                        Description: In a PBEM game, when a probe foil was stacked with a pact brothers foil
                        (AI) in fungus, the probe foil vanishes completly (not just graphics, totally gone). Do not
                        know if this is unique to this paticular game. Bugs showed up under V3.0, and persisted
                        after V4.0 was applied. Save file: Available

                        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                        • BugID: #0116, Accelerated_Formers
                          Submitter: tfs99,
                          Version: Both AX and AC4
                          Category: Terraforming
                          Status: Pending
                          Priority: 3
                          Save before: N/A (not available)
                          Save after:
                          Description: Formers can be "accelerated" by repeated clicking and assigning of orders

                          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                          • BugID: #0117, Population_loss
                            Submitter: jimmytrick,
                            Version: Both AX and AC4
                            Category: Base
                            Status: Pending
                            Priority: 3
                            Save before: N/A (not available)
                            Save after:
                            Description: Population loss. Two adjacent bases lost 7 pop, from 16 to 9. Possibly related
                            to raising terrain.

                            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                            • BugID: #0118, Scenario_flood
                              Submitter: Darkstar,
                              Version: Both AX and AC4
                              Category: Scenario Editor
                              Status: Pending
                              Priority: 4
                              Save before: N/A (not available)
                              Save after:
                              Description: Noah's flood. When creating a map from scratch (empty ocean), the map will
                              FLOOD by 1000m when the first change of elevation is used on a loaded/restored from file
                              Workaround: Create empty ocean map. Save map file. Load map file. Raise/lower one
                              tile. World floods. Save map. Now, the map will not flood any further.

                              [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                              • BugID: #0119, Borehole_base
                                Submitter: Darkstar,
                                Version: Both AX and AC4
                                Category: Base
                                Status: Pending
                                Priority: 3
                                Save before: N/A (not available)
                                Save after:
                                Description: AI can build a base on Borehole Cluster Borehole. When player tries, get's
                                "you cannot build a base on a Borehole" message.
                                Saved Game available.

                                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]

