Hey, I had liberally sprinkled my post with disclaimers ("I think...", "IIRC", "not sure", "should check"...).
I recall very well that you contributed to determine the undocumented TreeFarms effect in the ED formula (and apart that, the revised formula is pretty much the same we all already knew from the Datalinks).
It's just that I recalled that we did wonder wether a negative TerraformingDamage term would have increased clean minerals, but I thought to recall that someone determined it didn't.
It's not something weird, I just recalled it the other way round...
Thank you for reminding me, and for the save, which I'll donwload from home this evening (I am an advocate of testing in the editor any doubt I have, but you have spared me a bit of setup
(speaking of memory, it sounds MUCH more weird to me now that # of techs has an effect on ED, THIS I'll definitely have to check on my own!)
Zak7's wording: "planting forests reduces ecodamage caused by terraforming, not from minerals"
looked more consistent with my memories.
I was mistaken, as you pointed out.
Without that clause, Terraforming plainly contributes to ED, for the good (Forests) or for the bad, and without its effect being even dampened by Goodfacs!
For ease of reference of those who inquired above, here's the link to the article you contributed to write.
BTW, there's one quirk that I didn't bother to nitpick at the time:
Kelp Farms
The way you wrote the formula, it says that a Kelp contributes with 1 if unworked and with 0 if worked.
IIRC it should have contributed always with 1 (or eventually always with 0). Do you recall wether this was a positive finding of yours, or if it's just due to a loophole in the way the formual is written there?
BTW 2, also not documented there is that NerveStapling too contributes to EcoDamage, I have personally experienced it very recently, and that was the only atrocity I was committing in that game.
Finally, I "THOUGHT" to recall several cases in which I saw my ED going immediately down on the very moment I simply homed new units in a polluting base, reducing with their support the Net Minerals produced there.
After my failure above, I will have to recheck this too...
I recall very well that you contributed to determine the undocumented TreeFarms effect in the ED formula (and apart that, the revised formula is pretty much the same we all already knew from the Datalinks).
It's just that I recalled that we did wonder wether a negative TerraformingDamage term would have increased clean minerals, but I thought to recall that someone determined it didn't.
It's not something weird, I just recalled it the other way round...
Thank you for reminding me, and for the save, which I'll donwload from home this evening (I am an advocate of testing in the editor any doubt I have, but you have spared me a bit of setup
(speaking of memory, it sounds MUCH more weird to me now that # of techs has an effect on ED, THIS I'll definitely have to check on my own!)
Zak7's wording: "planting forests reduces ecodamage caused by terraforming, not from minerals"
looked more consistent with my memories.
I was mistaken, as you pointed out.
Without that clause, Terraforming plainly contributes to ED, for the good (Forests) or for the bad, and without its effect being even dampened by Goodfacs!
For ease of reference of those who inquired above, here's the link to the article you contributed to write.
BTW, there's one quirk that I didn't bother to nitpick at the time:
Kelp Farms
The way you wrote the formula, it says that a Kelp contributes with 1 if unworked and with 0 if worked.
IIRC it should have contributed always with 1 (or eventually always with 0). Do you recall wether this was a positive finding of yours, or if it's just due to a loophole in the way the formual is written there?
BTW 2, also not documented there is that NerveStapling too contributes to EcoDamage, I have personally experienced it very recently, and that was the only atrocity I was committing in that game.
Finally, I "THOUGHT" to recall several cases in which I saw my ED going immediately down on the very moment I simply homed new units in a polluting base, reducing with their support the Net Minerals produced there.
After my failure above, I will have to recheck this too...