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Former build strategy

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  • Former build strategy

    Alright, I see plenty of folks around here who talk about supporting many formers per base. I can certainly see the merits of doing this, but I'm finding the support cost (especially with my favorite faction, Morgan) crippling. How do you afford the extra formers, at least until you reach clean reactor?

    On a side note, when do you build the extra formers? All before starting base improvements? After a couple of colony pods have been spat out? When?

    Just as a baseline, my typical city build starts with a rushed former, tanks (rushed after the first bar), and a garrison, then either creche or pods depending on if I'm expanding or building.

  • #2
    Supply crawlers. Once you get Industrial Automation, build a supply crawler, plop it on a mineral resource outside your base radius, and set it to convoy minerals.
    oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


    • #3
      especially mines. you can crawl mines (which only produce 4 minerals) and not be "wasting" any other resources by only crawling the minerals. then you can send the worker to a forest or borehole. the same goes for condensors.


      • #4
        So pre-tree farms, you just crawl up to 12-13 minerals and live with the mineral overhead, is that correct? If not, how do you cope with the eco-damage? Do minerals tied up in unit support affect your eco-damage rating?


        • #5
          only minerals you produce count to eco damage (so if you make 20 and 5 are taken up by support, 15 count to ecodamage). pre-tree farms, i won't have more than 2 formers per base, (and i don't play morgan) so i won't have that much support, and i don't crawl forests, although many people do.

          eco damage never seems to be that much of a problem for me, even under free market. forcing fungal bloom, and eco-friendly facilities fend it off very well.

          BTW playing morgan with democracy is -3 support. is that 2 minerals per unit???


          • #6
            Minerals used by support ARE counted for Ecodamage.

            You really dont need more than 1 former per base - unless your using crawlers on forest, in which case you have extra minerals to support extra formers.

            I play crawlerless and build 1 former per base (as the first build!), doing mostly forest, roads and sensors, until bio-engineering and/or Adv.Eco.Engineering at which stage I build heaps more and start all the stuff like boreholes, magtubes, landbridges.

            So you can get by perfectely well with 1 former per base, as long as you properly manage it, plant mostly forest, do terraforming where it counts.

            If you are a support rich faction (Believers, Hive) and want/need to build for a bit build 2-3 formers per base instead. Hive especially should build lots of formers because you'll be expanding like a disease.

            -3 Support is cost 1 mineral per unit, no free units, no free minerals at new base.


            • #7
              Several possibilities to deal with eco-damage:
              - live with it, and have some empath rovers. Gives clean minerals for each and you'll have another source of energy. You need the first to get clean minerals from Tree Farms etc!
              - Plant forests. They reduce the ecological damage due to terraforming, IIRC (see datalinks for more)

              BTW playing morgan with democracy is -3 support. is that 2 minerals per unit???
              No, that's -4 support.
              -3 is one min per unit, no free minerals.
              Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


              • #8
                ok, i wasn't sure.

                i thought forests didn't reduce eco damage, they just didn't cause any (except for the minerals they produce). blake?


                • #9
                  IIRC, planting forests reduces ecodamage caused by terraforming, not from minerals. Supposedly roads, farms, then especially mines, condensors, mirrors, and boreholes add to ecodamage just being in a base radius. However, this is countered by the number of forests in the radius, halved by Tree Farms, and eliminated by Hybrid Forests (I've never played the expansion, but I hear Hybrid Forests are before Tree Farms...I assume each of them cut down on 50% the terraforming ecodamage, and they're cumulative), so usually it's hard to notice.



                  • #10
                    oh, well, ok.

                    about hybrid forests being first, its just that planetary economics is a level 4 tech, instead of level 6, so it's possible to get them first, but nobody in their right mind would skip environmental ecomomics because of the energy cap. IIRC you still need a tree farm anyway.


                    • #11
                      Forests do reduce ecodamage, every 8 forests allow 1 more clean mineral, altough the first happens at 4 forest tiles, next at 12 etc...
                      TreeFarm halves this effect, and Hybrid forest eliminates it. So it is possible for building a TF to increase ED


                      • #12
                        I am one of the people who build a lot of formers, and it isn't much of a problem if your development paradigm supports it.

                        For my first tech I always take the former tech. This is not only a luxury for increasing production, there are a number of situations where formers are critical to your development, and even if you are fortunate to land in a spot with generous terrain and plenty of space, building roads will give you a lot of turn advantage as you move your colony pods to the frontier, and the roads and a few sensors also offer some defensive protection.

                        Once I have formers I beeline for crawlers. Look at all the goodies that this tech and the ones before it give you:



                        Synthmetal Armor

                        Network Nodes

                        Merchant Exchange
                        Virtual World
                        Planetary Transit System

                        Before I get crawlers I just run the frontier SE settings, and build only formers (1 per base except where I can garrison that base with a free and clear unit such as my initial scout, or any unity rovers etc. that I pick up along the way, in which case I build two), garrisons and colony pods. I build roads and forests, and perhaps a farm or two if there aren't any good tiles near my early bases. Every base has one former that works in the base radius building forests where it is easy to do so, and I always build roads as well. Extra formers build roads to new base sites.

                        Once I get crawlers there is a bit of a rush to build them. Once they roll off the line they immediately go to an unworked forest square, almost always within the base radius to crawl the two mineral there. Keep in mind that at this point in the game restrictions on tile production have no been lifted, and populations tend to be one to two workers per base. So there are plenty of squares within the base radius which are not being worked, and few that will produce more than 2 with a crawler. Not every base goes right to crawler production, those near the frontier may still be cranking out colony pods, or still working on their own former and garrison. But your first few bases should be in crawler mode ASAP, with others joining in as they finish their early builds.

                        I should note that at this point in the game I have switched to Wealth, which gives a nice boost to both econ and industry. My next beeline is for Secrets of the Human Brain, which nets you a couple of very nice facilities, the recycling tank and the recreation commons. These go in whenever convenient or necessary. Sometimes there are not enough forests for a crawler, so I'll build recycling tanks instead while my formers work to get some more terrain formed. I like to switch to FM when I have the money, but at Transcend level I need to have Rec Commons in place to switch really early like this, otherwise I have to watch my bases carefully to keep them from rioting when they reach population 2. I try to switch as early as possible without bringing productivity to a crawl.

                        The bottom line is that every crawler I produce brings in 2 minerals, so that after 6 crawlers my bases are producing at least 15 minerals, which is plenty for most bases at this point of the game. Now SPs and facilities go in very quickly, and I have enough production to put out a decent military force pre-clean if I have to. Once a base has reached it's early game industrial potential, I build another former there to help with the load. There are a lot of tiles to form, and I will revisit them later when restrictions are lifted. By that time I should be close to the clean technology as well, and eventually every base will have about 4 clean formers to make the switch from forests to condensor farms and boreholes.
                        He's got the Midas touch.
                        But he touched it too much!
                        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blake
                          Forests do reduce ecodamage, every 8 forests allow 1 more clean mineral, altough the first happens at 4 forest tiles, next at 12 etc...
                          TreeFarm halves this effect, and Hybrid forest eliminates it. So it is possible for building a TF to increase ED
                          Blake, I think that Zak7 was more precise in his exposition.

                          Forests alone are not supposed to allow *more* clean minerals.
                          They just *give back* to you the clean minerals you lost because of terraforming.

                          It has been a long time since we discussed the ED formula in this forum.

                          Basically, the main factor for generating ED is:
                          Production - (16+Pops-Terraforming)

                          If you only have Forests, the Terraforming factor could become negative, increasing instead of lowering the 16 clean minerals you have.

                          But IIRC I don't think that negative values of the "Terraforming" term are counted, so excess Forests should have no effect.

                          I'm not sure tho, I don't recall all such details offhand, should check back.
                          I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                          • #14
                            Dont make me post an example game showing a base producing 18 minerals, with no ED, before any pops


                            • #15
                              Okay, now for the more serious reply.
                              I dont care how it's supposed to work, I know how it DOES work.

                              And heres the proof

                              There was one bug in my post tho, treefarms dont halve the odd negative effect, they eliminate it.

                              And just in case you dont believe me that something so weird could possible be true, I've attached a save showing the effect very cleary... (I've named the bases after the effect they show)
                              Attached Files

