Try to have some fun with it. Sure, even on directed research you do not get every possible choice every time but thats more "realistic" anyway. Imagine a bunch of scientists scrambling around knowing that you want biogenetics but being unable to offer it to you. IIRC the same issue arose in CIV2 when people had to research a non-beeline tech on the road to monarchy
But I'm with RedFred on this one. Once I went to double-blind I can't imagine going back in SP. The challenges when you do not know if Industrial Auto will be the next tech or ten more down the road are a heck of a lot of fun.
[This message has been edited by cbn (edited February 22, 2001).]
Try to have some fun with it. Sure, even on directed research you do not get every possible choice every time but thats more "realistic" anyway. Imagine a bunch of scientists scrambling around knowing that you want biogenetics but being unable to offer it to you. IIRC the same issue arose in CIV2 when people had to research a non-beeline tech on the road to monarchy
But I'm with RedFred on this one. Once I went to double-blind I can't imagine going back in SP. The challenges when you do not know if Industrial Auto will be the next tech or ten more down the road are a heck of a lot of fun.
[This message has been edited by cbn (edited February 22, 2001).]