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MY-2198 - Planning and Execution Thread

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  • #46
    OK - some moves:
    • changed to POWER (40 credits)
    • upgraded the Disco to fusion (90 credits)
    • executed Operation Pactpilfer and extracted 97 credits from Zak (56 from Academigork, 29 from gagarin and 12 from Mendelev) - we'll set the probes in motion next turn to return to their guard duties in those bases
    • moved the LATF to 48:20, and covered with the F-8 from Fort Buster (it'll reach Vander next turn for air protection there)
    • moved the SATF to 11:23 and covered with a Kaj Kaoos from Fort Liberty (a cheap Impact one) - made it the Designated Defender, as it's expendable in the event Morgan comes calling)
    • sent the GeneralTacticus to cover the Disco and also made it the DD
    • left the IoD where it is, in the fungus
    • Upgraded its 2 longstriders to CIA (fusion) for 30 credits each
    • sold the energy banks at Ass Red and Fort Sol for 40 credits each
    • change to POWER sent a couple of bases into either drone riots or starvation, so reset the sliders to 10% psych, and at the same time tweaked for a few extra credits - now running 60/10/30
    I'll get the formers and crawlers done next, but here's a save (there's prolly a reload message or two there, 'cos not expecting to have to play the turn I opened it a couple of times to compare 2197 to 2198, look at Morgan, etc)

    Edit: energy reserves stand at 822 - next turn we'll have 222 from commerce, plus any stockpile energy additions - should be ample

    Edit-2: save removed as later version available below
    Last edited by Googlie; December 2, 2005, 12:49.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Googlie
      Brilliant thought occurred to me while slowly waking up this morning - upgrade the Disco and the 2 longstriders to fusion this turn.
      I thought of this too!
      There is still a concern that it will be too expensive to MC that base though. If the Morgans drop out of Knowledge, won't it increase quite significantly? We can't raise that much money.

      Moves look great


      • #48
        Argh, now of course I realize that we could have guaranteed the MC of CoT this turn. We could have upgraded the Disco Volante to fusion through the unit workshop! It would have blasted away its adversary... Oh well, I guess it would have been hard to gather support for that move anyway And I'm happy with the current plans. Let's kick some ass.

        Did we flame the mindworms yet?

        I am a bit concerned about the CIA invasion next year. There could be land units at 24,24 or the one next to it, blocking the CIA:s path to CoT. Will we have any air units to knock those out, just in case? (maybe a former or something will drop by, who knows)


        • #49
          Crawler and former moves:
          • sent the FL crawler that is currently working the unclaimed forest tile on 0:28 to an unworked Tegea Harbour mine (at 2:24) for extra minerals
          • sent Vijay's forest-working crawler to the new mine constructed in unclaimed territory at 0:30
          • set the following bases to "stockpile energy" (they would't produce for a handful of turns, so their short-term energy credits contribution would be better):
            > Sparta Command - 7 credits (and will grow a pop next turn)
            > Vijayanagar - 6 credits
            > Arcadia University - 6 credits
            > Fort Liberty - 8 credits
            > Fort Superiority - 15 credits
          • plus, we'll also get stockpile credits from rushed and completed units at:
            > 2Nuts Strand - cost 9 to rush the crawler there, and will provide 9 in stockpiled energy
            > Gythium Harbour - cost 11 to rush the B-8 there, will get 8 back in stockpiled energy
          • Moved Fort Soup's 3 formers west to assist in the Argos borehole next turn (road there completed this turn)
          • brought Vijay's 2 foremrs back from the mine they just completed to farm in Vijay - will spur rapid growth after we get a creche there
          • brought the slow trannie into Kel Harbour, and loaded the colony pod and a cdf and left the bay, with the SCC Iaci in tow
          • did a flyby sortie of the fungus/monolith east of hero's waypoint, to see if any Angel action there, but they seem to be focussing on the Hive
          • sent an F-6 to cover the NATF - it'll get to any of the to-be-captuerd bases nect turn to provide air defence if needed
          • sent Vlad's seaformer en-route to Argos - it'll need kelp to feed it's pop when we take a worker off the land to work its borehole in a few turns
          • sent a slew of formers from the new Gythium Harbour borehole to assist in the Minas Tirith defungussing and boreholing exercise there
          • redeployed a B-8 from Santiago citadel to Craterwest. readu for the next tuern action
          • instaplanted a river forest at Messena
          Here's the final save, as all units have moved

          Edit: save removed as later version available below
          Last edited by Googlie; December 2, 2005, 12:49.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
            Did we flame the mindworms yet?
            Yes - and they contributed 120 credits, if I'm not mistaken

            I am a bit concerned about the CIA invasion next year. There could be land units at 24,24 or the one next to it, blocking the CIA:s path to CoT. Will we have any air units to knock those out, just in case? (maybe a former or something will drop by, who knows)
            That worried me too - and I thought of moving the IoD to the same tile as the taskforce - that way it could have sailed right into the Choke bay, and given 2 avenues of approach to Choke itself - but I didn't

            If next turn we find that they've lined the shores with clutter (as they did with the PTS raid) then we do have the NATF-covering Kaj Kaoos within range of 3 strikes along that road south of Hindenburg (plus, the General Tacticus can always shell and destroy any non-combatant units there too)


            • #51
              And we should plan a "live event" session next turn - this promises to be really big and it'd be neat to do it slowly, in realtime, with as many team members online as possible


              • #52
                Did one last runthrough to make sure that the loose ends were tied up (eg, stockpile energy in those unit builds completing next turn)

                That gave me a thought, so I put 1-turn units into those stockpile energy bases that could complete next turn (so that we get the unit plus the energy) - clean drop shells where possible, otherwise CDF's

                Turn is now as final as it'll be, so here's the endturn, and I'll hit "turn complete" and send on to the Gaians
                Attached Files


                • #53
                  Wow, 19 reload warnings?
                  BTW, I must add, excellent job with the turn, Googlie, Vishniac, and Snoddasmannen. Looks good, can't hardly wait for D-Day (or V-Day, or whatever we want to call it), a.k.a., MY 2199.

                  Assuming we get the turn in 6 days, we could schedule a turnchat for Thursday, 10:00 Greenwich time (4am CDT for me). I could wake up, help with the annihilation of the Morganites while I sip on my morning glass of orange juice, and go off to school for the day. Just an idea. Whatever works for everyone else. Generally, I will be able to attend a turnchat around 4-7 in the morning (CDT), and around 4-12 in the evening.

                  Edit: Errr, when I try to open the last zip file you posted, Googlie, I get a message that says, "Zip file is corrupted" or something similar.
                  Last edited by Zeiter; December 2, 2005, 18:32.
                  Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Zeiter
                    Wow, 19 reload warnings?
                    Yeah - there were five or six looks at Morgan, Angels and the Hive .... about ten attempts to get a screenshot capture working, and a couple of snafus when I accidentally saved a CGN tourney game over the 2198 save, and had tio download again and re-open

                    I guess if we really had wanted to cheat I would have played that final turn on my laptop - that'd have removed all evidence of reloads!!

                    BTW, I must add, excellent job with the turn, Googlie, Vishniac, and Snoddasmannen. Looks good, can't hardly wait for D-Day (or V-Day, or whatever we want to call it), a.k.a., MY 2199.
                    Don't sell yourself short, either - most of the current invasion plans are yours - we just execute

                    Assuming we get the turn in 6 days, we could schedule a turnchat for Thursday, 10:00 Greenwich time (4am CDT for me). I could wake up, help with the annihilation of the Morganites while I sip on my morning glass of orange juice, and go off to school for the day. Just an idea. Whatever works for everyone else. Generally, I will be able to attend a turnchat around 4-7 in the morning (CDT), and around 4-12 in the evening.
                    Hmm - 2:am for me. I have a friend down from Vancouver golfing for 3 days, so my preference would be eveining rather than overnight. But for 1 night I could be up at 2:00 a.m.

                    Edit: Errr, when I try to open the last zip file you posted, Googlie, I get a message that says, "Zip file is corrupted" or something similar.
                    Fresh zip attached
                    Attached Files


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Zeiter
                      BTW, I must add, excellent job with the turn, Googlie, Vishniac, and Snoddasmannen.
                      Well, this is your plan. All that I've done is to try to find minor improvements in it. If this thing works, you are in line for a promotion, not me

                      Assuming we get the turn in 6 days, we could schedule a turnchat for Thursday, 10:00 Greenwich time (4am CDT for me). I could wake up, help with the annihilation of the Morganites while I sip on my morning glass of orange juice, and go off to school for the day. Just an idea. Whatever works for everyone else. Generally, I will be able to attend a turnchat around 4-7 in the morning (CDT), and around 4-12 in the evening.
                      Well, I am at work during this time. Sure I could take an hour off mid-day to participate, and I could check in every now and then while I compile or something. But 16:00 for you is ... 22:00 for me, so I could definately participate 100% in the evening. I believe I am doing laundry on thursday in fact

