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MY 2169 Planning Thread

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  • #31
    Further moves:
    • Disco volante popeed that pod, got a sonar, that revealed a gaian laser foil by the Ruins. Also revealed another nearby pod, so popped that, and got a fungal gin freighter at Minas Tirith
    • Moved Disco Volante east skirting southern pole
    • Tegea Harbour Crypteia successfully infiltrated the PK’s – but got returned to Iaci Base (see general covert ops thread for some interesting info re Air power)
    • Sent the trannie and Invincible east to pick up the Crypteia and return it to TH
    • Moved fort Liberty’s Crypteia to TH, for the more exposed coastal base protection
      Moved Iaci’s wormhunting hoplite into the river fungus tile to his east
    • swung sporelauncher northwest thru the fungus and back, trying to scare up some mindworms
    • Moved Heimdall to Invincible’s protection, and moived Iaci to cover the trannie heading for TH (and can head for that seapod below Iaci )
    Last edited by Googlie; May 3, 2005, 13:24.


    • #32
      More moves:
      • moved GH’s Crypteia into MT’s suburbs
      • Sent MT’s B-4 on a recce through the southeastern fungus – Hive troops still there
      Attached Files


      • #33
        Correction - the Gin freighter is at Iaci base

        (Phew!!! - In thought I'd lost it at MT - knew i hadn;t changed production there, and couldn't work out where it'd gone)

        Heimdall can pick it up when it - or the Pegasus - picks up the Crypteia for reassignment



        • #34
          Yet more:
          • Moved Skanky thru FL and onto river towards Manaic¡¦s unforested square to investigate
          • TH¡¦s Elite CDF continues to AU and takes up drone control duties there
          • Moved the commando hoplite in FB downriver southeast en route to the Santiago monolith.
          • Moved the SC4 hoplite to FB.
          • Moved the SC2 hoplite to SC4
          • parked MT¡¦s 10% damaged B-4 over our forest mineral tile there for CAP
          • Left the stalled trannie in the Stxy channel
          • repositioned healed B-4 from FB to craterwest
          • ran a sprtie over ocean fungus with RG¡¦s B-4 (but finished outside base ƒ¼ )
          • Rats ¡V sent messena;s hoplite into the fungus wormhunting instead of back to base to ready for drone control when pop expands ¡V will still make it in time though
          • brought the slow unity foil back into the Straits of Thebes for its intended ferry duty between the 2 continents

          I haven't moved any formers or crawlers pending decisions on terraforming, MM moves, etc

          Over to Maniac
          Attached Files


          • #35
            Did Yang move his units towards or away from our territory? Or are they just sitting there, having a picnic?
            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


            • #36
              He's actually bolstered a couple - that rover by MT's forest/min tile was just 1 last turn - now it's 2

              And we'll need to keep an eye on that trannie to see where it's headed - hopefully towards Morgan territory (We can either shadow it with our own trannie - 2 extra mp's help there - or look for it from the air)
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Now that or neighbours have planes, we need to start having interceptors. Are any of our bases not popbooming, Maniac?
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • #38
                  we have a couple of F-6's - one at Craterwest and the other at Gagarin memorial, and we've been using the MM crawler-cash-in manoeuver to build them

                  We have 4 bases with completed crawlers in the bases that could be candidates for F-6's (Citadel, Olympus Academy - which has an Aerospace - Vlad and Rio Grande), and Fort Buster, with an Aerospace, commissions a crawler next turn.

                  So I'd suggest we just build one this turn at OA and another next turn at FB

                  But Morgan isn;t buyilding any noodles - just interceptors (his population riots if he goes offensive aircraft)

                  Amd the Hive just have 1 noodle built (in the Hive) and it is currently in manuWarrens, presumably to take on Morgan. he is building 3 more though, but they'll prolly knock their heads against Morgan Interceptors anyway


                  • #39
                    I see. In that case, there is no rush yet. A better use for those Crawlers would be to build some infrastructure.
                    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                    • #40
                      btw is great collective a target to invade? it is kinda obvious but is a great place to get the hive and the sue for peace
                      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                      • #41
                        Will play soon, after dinner.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #42
                          Good to see you, Maniac. I was beginning to wonder if I should have some fun with the Spartan economy.

                          Originally posted by DeathByTheSword
                          btw is great collective a target to invade? it is kinda obvious but is a great place to get the hive and the sue for peace
                          Well, it does seal an important land choke point against the Hive. However, I would prefer that we clear all the land between us and Great Collective before actually taking that base. This would make our territory much easier to defend, and Yangs very vulnerable. Just taking Great Collective will "only "grant us a nice sea passage.
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • #43
                            In the middle of playing - just posting a midturn save, and lots of questions:
                            • The Spartan Federation enacted democratic reforms - change to Democratic Politics.

                            Military movements
                            • Spartan Kel moved to Fort Soup to provide garrison when it grows next turn.
                            • Wanted to move the hoplite to the fungal river square in Northern Arcadia, but my hand slipped a bit just before I let go off the left mouse button and the hoplite went north instead.
                            • Argonite B-6 flew to Fort Soup for repairs.

                            Build orders
                            • Argos, Ironholm (for use at AU) and SC3 (for local use) set to CDF training.
                            • Río Grande and Vladivostok set to formers production.

                            Engineering Corps
                            • Wombat-FL moved a tile west according to Googlie's suggestion to cultivate a farm there (after removing the fungus).
                            • Tomcat-SCW1 joins Tomcat-FB2 to plant a forest NW of Río Grande.

                            Worker relocations
                            • Its nutrient tanks being completely filled, worker relocated from the 2-1-0 farm to the 1-2-1 forest. Or do we want to grow Argos to size 3 the conventional way, and keep focusing on nutrient production?
                            • Minas Tirith 2-1-0 worker moved to the new 3-1-0 farm.
                            • SC3 worker moved from a crater farm to a forest - only one more nut needed to fill the nutrient tanks.

                            Questions & Suggestions:
                            • How about moving the IH probe to FS, and the FS probe to FL?
                            • Did we want to build another Crypteia in Arcadia?
                            • Switch production in TH to a former? It's the base closest to the nutrient bonus, so it could reach that tile soon.
                            • Fort Liberty: another former for the same reason?
                            • How about temporarily rehoming two FS units to other bases? That way FS has 20 minerals production, and we could produce a former or a Crypteia in a single turn.
                            • For Wombat-IH, instead of moving S-E to remove fungus and cultivate a farm on (84.16), how about moving W-NW and build a condenser on (79.13) for AU use? It could start building it this turn already, while terraforming the other tile would take some turns for movement and removing fungus.
                            • What should our Northern Fleet around Gagarin Memorial do? (If no other suggestions are made, I'll just move them over fungal tiles to try and stir up some Isles of the Deep for cash or capture.)
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #44
                              Let's not forget the save file of course.
                              Attached Files
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Maniac [*]Wanted to move the hoplite to the fungal river square in Northern Arcadia, but my hand slipped a bit just before I let go off the left mouse button and the hoplite went north instead.
                                [paranoia mode]I sense an Angels probedoing its work....[/paranoia mode]

                                Originally posted by Maniac [*]Did we want to build another Crypteia in Arcadia?
                                Are all bases protected?

                                Originally posted by Maniac [*]Switch production in TH to a former? It's the base closest to the nutrient bonus, so it could reach that tile soon.[*]Fort Liberty: another former for the same reason?
                                How long will it take? If it is quick, then do so.

                                Originally posted by Maniac [*]How about temporarily rehoming two FS units to other bases? That way FS has 20 minerals production, and we could produce a former or a Crypteia in a single turn.
                                Yes, definately worth it.

                                Originally posted by Maniac [*]For Wombat-IH, instead of moving S-E to remove fungus and cultivate a farm on (84.16), how about moving W-NW and build a condenser on (79.13) for AU use? It could start building it this turn already, while terraforming the other tile would take some turns for movement and removing fungus.
                                I thought Arcadia did not really need that? Am I missing something again?

                                Originally posted by Maniac [*]What should our Northern Fleet around Gagarin Memorial do? (If no other suggestions are made, I'll just move them over fungal tiles to try and stir up some Isles of the Deep for cash or capture.)[/list]
                                One trannie and one offensive vessel need to be there anyway for the "just in case"... uh... case. So, while there, letting the offensive ship try to get some cash is a good idea.
                                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

