Further moves:
- Disco volante popeed that pod, got a sonar, that revealed a gaian laser foil by the Ruins. Also revealed another nearby pod, so popped that, and got a fungal gin freighter at Minas Tirith
- Moved Disco Volante east skirting southern pole
- Tegea Harbour Crypteia successfully infiltrated the PK’s – but got returned to Iaci Base (see general covert ops thread for some interesting info re Air power)
- Sent the trannie and Invincible east to pick up the Crypteia and return it to TH
- Moved fort Liberty’s Crypteia to TH, for the more exposed coastal base protection
Moved Iaci’s wormhunting hoplite into the river fungus tile to his east - swung sporelauncher northwest thru the fungus and back, trying to scare up some mindworms
- Moved Heimdall to Invincible’s protection, and moived Iaci to cover the trannie heading for TH (and can head for that seapod below Iaci )