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MY 2169 Planning Thread

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Modo44
    And what is so wrong about Rec Tanks?
    Nothing wrong with them - in most SP games they are the first thing i build - that 1-1-1 for 300 or 400 years is an awesome return on investment

    but ....

    most PBEMs rarely last longer than 2225, and then the equation isn't so lop-sided. Deferring creches (to fuel a pop boom) by, say, 5 turns while you build a creche in a base literally can cost a player the whole game. As vel rightly says, it's all about turn advantage, and if you can get from size 3 to size 7 (or even better, 14) in five fewer turns, that's am awesome advantage

    Consider (and to keep it simple, say it's 2170, and we will, after creches, be able to popboom from size 3 to 7 in 4 turns and assume new workers work a 1/2/1 forest, and also that we build a rec tank or a creche in 4 turns)

    scenario-1 2174:rec tank built, then start a creche, completed in 2178, then poopboom 1 per for 4 turns - 2179 through 2182 when population reaches 7

    Cost of rec tanks 40 minerals, then 2175 through 21832(8 turns) of a 1-1-1 bonus, plus 4 turns (2179 - 2182) of a 1/2/1, three turns of 2 etc

    Total nutrients: 18
    total minerals: 28
    total energy: 18

    scenario-2 2174: creche built, and pop boom 2175 through 2178, when max of 7 is reached

    Cost of rec tanks - zero (a creche is built in both scenarions, so is a wash)

    total nutrients: 26
    total minerals: 52
    total energy: 26

    Over time, of course, the addition of the 1/1/1 every turn overtakes that 4 year hiatus while the tanks were getting built, but you have to hope the game lasts long enough gfor you to get ahead in the equation, and as well, the lost opportunity is hard to quantify - what could you have been building with those extra 64 minerals (the 40 for the rec tanks plus the 24 differential per base that's booming), and what boost did the extra 8 energy (per base booming) give to your research?

    So it's not that anything's wrong with rec tanks, it's just that many think that in PBEMs they are lower on the priority list than some other facilities. (Of course, if you're Morgan - or the Pirates with their 200 credit seapodpops - you can afford rec tanks 'cos then you can rush them in 1 turn, thereby restoring that vaunted "turn advantage" when you do pop-boom)


    • #17
      Turn's Up!!

      MY – 2169

      Moves to date
      • Loaded R-112 and Unity Rover from Gaian Monolith back onto the Heimdall
      • Hive Transport is blocking the Styx, so Pegasus is stalled in its journey north
      • returned the B-4 flying CAP over the fleet to Minas Tirith via the Hive troops in the fungus – still there
      • repositioned the fleet within striking distance of Vander Eudaimonics and Socialism Tunnels and Great Collective (see screenie)
      • Moved the Unity Rover trolling in the Great Fungal Wall back onto the Rio Rojo for better odds in the river fungus tiles
      • AA moves into Tegea Harbour and waits there for the opportune moment to link to the Network Node there
      • B-4 outside Gagarin Memorial lands there
      • Sortied the B-4 at Craterwest out to the fungus tiles in Buster ocean to see if anything was lurking there – nada

      taking a break for the evening – will resume tom,orrow
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Nice math there, Googlie. However, we lack the friggin tile improvements to profit from Creches in the way you describe it. We can get the boost in Arcadia, but not in our homeland — not even close. Formers will take time to build things up — time when we would already be profiting from Rec Tanks.

        And why is that task force not transporting a Crypteia?
        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Googlie
          taking a break for the evening – will resume tomorrow
          I'm free from Wednesday on, so if you want I could play the turn, supposedly being "weekend".

          I have a few important posts to make though referring to this turn and any possible popbooming (I played some turns ahead in the updated simulator), so could you please wait with further movements until I've been able to post those? Should be able to in a few hours, now a lesson starts soon.

          I wanted to post them yesterday, but due to the downtime...
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #20
            Originally posted by Googlie [*]returned the B-4 flying CAP over the fleet to Minas Tirith via the Hive troops in the fungus – still there
            Quick question I've been wondering about: what does CAP mean?
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #21
              cover air patrol? something like that i think...

              ah crap one of my bunnies is loose be right back
              Welcome to the DBTSverse!
              God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
              'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


              • #22
                Moves to date
                Sounds good.

                Originally posted by Googlie [*]repositioned the fleet within striking distance of Vander Eudaimonics and Socialism Tunnels and Great Collective (see screenie)
                If the Corporations finds us, they can sink our fleet with their noodles. May I therefore suggest to reposition the fleet at a location where we can provide air cover?

                Some further suggestions:
                • SCC Iaci: move to (80.44) to pop the pod there. With its last MP this turn, move on (70.48). You never know we're lucky and stir up an IoD.
                • SCC Heimdall: it's probably faster to drop off its cargo at Twonuts Strand, certainly with the Hivean blockade of the Styx Straits.
                • In case Hive units are in range of the mineral forest (can't see if there are), park a B-4 over the mineral forest. Then we're sure of its mineral supply, and can safely work it.
                • Move the commando hoplite in FB a tile east en route to the Santiago monolith. Move the SC4 hoplite to FB. Move the SC2 hoplite to SC4.
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Googlie
                  Set sliders to 40:10:50 so that increased population doesn’t automatically mean drone riots
                  For what bases do we need psych? (As far as I can see, we have everything under control.(?))

                  Arcadia University:- Move worker off forest onto offshore kelp nutrient

                  As for AU's possible drone problem next turn, there's a CDF already en route to AU. Now positioned on a river forest between AG and FS (don't have the exact coordinates with me). We could then move Spartan Kel to Fort Soup to provide the garrison there.

                  Gotta go. See ya soon.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Maniac

                    I'm free from Wednesday on, so if you want I could play the turn, supposedly being "weekend".
                    OK - I'll hold off on any further moves

                    (Unfortunately, the fleet has exhausted its moves, so it's where it is for now hidden in that fungus patch (altho only the tactical coming on line next turn from Vulcanology has the range to reach it, and my bet was that they're patrolling fungus closer to their shores)
                    Last edited by Googlie; May 3, 2005, 10:51.


                    • #25
                      Here's the turnsave to date
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Googlie
                        OK - I'll hold off on any further moves
                        Thanks. I'm especially interested in the economic stuff btw, so if you're interested in military movements and exploration with SCV Disco Volante etc, go ahead I'd say!
                        Last edited by Maniac; May 3, 2005, 12:20.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Googlie [*]Gythium Harbour:- Currently size 4, with a rec commons and 2 Hoplites doing police work. Also currently has a 2 nut surplus. Switch production to a crèche, and upgrade or swap one or both hoplites for cdf’s[*]Santiago Citadel:- Size 4 with a rec commons, hoplite and cdf controlling drones (they’d also control up to 5 drones) With worker reallocation could run a 2 nut surplus right now. Start a crèche in 2169, with a Tree Farm to follow.[/list]
                          According to my simulation, with our current terraformation, we can only popboom one base to size seven. May I therefore suggest to only build a creche at Santiago Citadel right now, and only build one in GH after we've constructed some more farms and condensers on the rainy foothills west of Sparta Command?
                          (If you're interested, I can upload the played simulation turns up to 2173 btw)

                          Sector Craterwest:- Currently running a 2 nut surplus, but needs a crèche to take advantage of it. Drone control is an Ogre and a hoplite, so would need the hoplite to switch for a cdf, or else a Rec Commons ASAP after growing
                          If we switch to democratic, due to the decreased nutrient needs to grow, SC3 would already already grow to size four by itself, without a creche.

                          2 Nuts Strand:- nutrient rich, but minerals poor. Needs a fungiformer to clear fungus and plant forests to get the minerals count up. It does have 3 rocky tiles within its radius, albeit 2 are fungus-covered, so there’s minerals potential there
                          Yep. Once we can get some formers and crawlers over there, that base will rock.

                          Originally posted by Modo44
                          Formers will take time to build things up — time when we would already be profiting from Rec Tanks.
                          While recycling tanks give a constant 1-1-1 right from the start, the two formers you could build instead with those 40 minerals, keep terraforming and with every added terrain improvement become more and more profitable than a recycling tanks. (I think)
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Maniac

                            I'm especially interested in the economic stuff btw, so if you're interested in military movements and exploration with SCV Disco Volante etc, go ahead I'd say!
                            OK - I'll go ahead and play the unit moves, but leave formers, crawlers, base builds and worker allocations alone and post a new midgame save in 1/ hour or so


                            • #29

                              Disco volante popeed that pod, got a sonar, that revealed a gaian laser foil by the Ruins. Also revealed another nearby pod, so popped that, and got a fungal gin freighter at Minas Tirith

                              (I took a screenie, but PhotoEditor froze on me, so I can't paste it)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Googlie
                                got a fungal gin freighter at Minas Tirith
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

