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MY 2169 Planning Thread

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  • MY 2169 Planning Thread

    Something I was going to do this turn but got pre-empted by Modo's finalizing it

    Move the Crypteia from Fort Liberty to Mendelev College, en route to staff the new University base about to be built on 5:31 - a coastal base, and thus exposed to other factions' infiltration/techsteal activities

    And after the fungiformer at FL rolls out, train another Crypteia there asap

  • #2
    Re: MY 2169 Planning Thread

    Originally posted by Googlie
    .....but got pre-empted by Modo's finalizing it
    OOPS - I guess I owe Modo thanks - I was going from mart's 20:43 PST instead of AndiD's (correct) time of 13:54 PST


    Thanks M D


    • #3
      I'd like to commission another longstrider at Iaci Base - now that Lal has degraded us to treaty we've lost that secondhand infiltration on the Angels. We need to get Lal infiltrated to rrestore it, and a probe out of Iaci is faster then detouring the Disco Volante again


      • #4
        Tegea Harbour is connected directly by road to that Peacekeeper base near the Geothermal Shallows (though you don't see the whole road), so for an even faster infiltration we could just move the Crypteia in TH down the road and walk right in.

        You gotta love the work that PK former has done.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          Aha - and that probe, assuming success, would then be returned right to GH

          1st item on the 2169 turn


          • #6
            I noticed Rolling Thunder II is worm hunting off the Río Rojo. According to Kody's research the chance for capturing worms is highest on fungal river squares outside a base radius and outside sensor array range. There's only one square around the Great Fungal Wall that still fits this description. May I therefore for maximal chance of stirring up worms suggest to let the Rolling Thunder patrol as shown on the screenshot?
            Attached Files
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              The same counts for Northern Arcadia. There we also have only one suitable fungal river square outside our base radii. So we could let some units move there and back again constantly, as shown on the screenshot.

              By the way, note a forest has disappeared on the ensquared tile. May I suggest sending Skanky's Sileni to check out that area?
              Attached Files
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #8
                In Central Arcadia there's also a river, with three tiles covered by fungus. The hoplite could patrol those. The spore launcher can of course move over unrivered fungal tiles as fast as rivers, but since it can't flame any worms that pop up, I guess it better stays somewhere in the neighbourhood of the hoplite.
                Attached Files
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #9
                  One simply has to Love the Worm Hunting Experience (TM) provided to us by Maniac. Great job.
                  Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                  • #10
                    A few more little suggestions and questions:

                    Move elite TH CDF to AU.
                    Move Argonite synthmetal skirmisher to Ironholm (From there on it can continue to the nearby "worm arena"). Argos now has a replacement CDF for garrison duty.

                    If we switch to Democratic:
                    Move hoplite on Liberty monolith to FS, to provide garrison for the seventh pop that would appear.
                    Give AU two nut surplus for popbooming, and keep Spartan Kel in AU for garrison duty.

                    If we don't switch to democratic:
                    Turn a FS crawler to mineral production. There's no point in keeping a large nutrient surplus there, since we can instantly grow to size seven anytime we want.

                    What will the Arcadian fungicidal formers do?
                    What will the GH crawler harvesting nuts do?
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Modo44
                      One simply has to Love the Worm Hunting Experience (TM) provided to us by Maniac. Great job.
                      You are its spiritual father.
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #12
                        doesn't planting massive amounts of forests go faster then just plain fungal removal since forests can expand and replace fungal squares?
                        -=/+\ Wuy3 /+\=-


                        • #13
                          Of course it does. You connect bases by Roads, and plant a Forest under each Road right from the start. The only thing to take care of after that are Rocky, and Rolling+Rainy tiles (Flatten/Mine the first, CTRL+SHIFT+s the second ). It is kind of late to do that, though — Forest does take time to grow...
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • #14

                            Suggested changes:

                            Switch to DEM, for commencement of Operation PopBoom – Note that we have 3 crèches currently built, so that popbooming can commence immediately, if we have the nut surplus and base facilities

                            Set sliders to 40:10:50 so that increased population doesn’t automatically mean drone riots

                            • Arcadia University:- Move worker off forest onto offshore kelp nutrient – will grow to size 5 in 2170, but next pop will be a drone (1st 2 citizens are pacified by the holotheater, and 2nd 2 by the 2 base garrison units acting as police). Needs a rec commons or else 2 cdf’s instead of the current Impact Infantryman and Hoplite. Currently building a crawler. Rush it next turn (5 credits) then change production to a Rec commons.
                            • Fort Liberty:- Fungiformer clears fungus on tile due west, and constructs farm (rolling, rainy, river) and solar collector (1620 meters) – 3/1/3 is better than a road and mine giving 2/2/1, for popbooming. After that it flips round the river bend to 87:15 and does the same there. These extra 6 nuts will force growth to size 6, so we need a rec commons next (that plus the cdf and hoplite covers to size 5, so either we need to switch a hoplite for a cdf, or else run with 1 talent in the base)
                            • Fort Superiority:-Tree farm will give 3 extra nuts , so in 2171 will grow to size 7. It will then have a 3 nut surplus (assuming the 7th worker is put on a forested tile, but needs a Hab Complex to grow, as well as another cdf to offset drones. So, after the Tree farm, next turn, switch to a Complax, and find another cdf somewhere (then 8 workers can be maintained – 2 covered by the rec commons, 2 by the holotheater, and 4 from the 2 cdf’s – any more will need to be talents until we get a research hospital built there, which will take care of another 1)
                            • Gythium Harbour:- Currently size 4, with a rec commons and 2 Hoplites doing police work. Also currently has a 2 nut surplus. Switch production to a crèche, and upgrade or swap one or both hoplites for cdf’s
                            • Rio Grande:- currently size 3 with a hoplite and a cdf curbing drone activity. Needs a rec commons as well as a crèche, but can grow to size 4 with a hoplite>>> cdf switch, and further growth can be talents until Rec Commons active. Good site for nutrient development
                            • Santiago Citadel:- Size 4 with a rec commons, hoplite and cdf controlling drones (they’d also control up to 5 drones) With worker reallocation could run a 2 nut surplus right now. Start a crèche in 2169, with a Tree Farm to follow.
                            Current size 3 bases and opportunities
                            • Fort Buster::- Aerospace Center there, so crèche, Rec Commons etc would detract from Air Force building
                            • Ironholm:- has 6 rainy tiles in its base radius (but 4 under fungus), so is a prime candidate for farms and condensers, even letting other bases crawl nuts from there. Fungiformer completing next turn goes 1 south and then 1 east to clear that fungus and farm that rainy tile (can be used by either Ironholm or Fort Soup) – then either continues on that loop to give Fort Soup more farm tiles – can tagteam with FL’s fungiformer for instabuilds – or head to Ironholm’s east and northeast radius tiles to defungus and farm there. Would need a crèche then a rec commons
                            • Sector Craterwest:- Currently running a 2 nut surplus, but needs a crèche to take advantage of it. Drone control is an Ogre and a hoplite, so would need the hoplite to switch for a cdf, or else a Rec Commons ASAP after growing
                            • Sparta Command:- A couple of 2-nut tiles in its radius, but we’ve dumped so many units onto SC1 for upkeep that we can’t readily shift workers onto nut surplus tiles. Would need some homed crawlers (to mineral crawl) before we could do that, so likely not an early candidate – which is a pity, being our HQ and likely site of any possible Spartan Super science City). Would also need a switch from its hoplite to a cdf, or else a Rec Commons, and eventually a Holotheater. A long term project
                            • 2 Nuts Strand:- nutrient rich, but minerals poor. Needs a fungiformer to clear fungus and plant forests to get the minerals count up. It does have 3 rocky tiles within its radius, albeit 2 are fungus-covered, so there’s minerals potential there

                            Summary: Changing to Dem next turn – and after shuffling a few units around to cope with the loss of some free upkeep that Fundy provides – would result in some immediate population gains, and get our popboom started.


                            • #15
                              Why not prepare more basic infrastructure first, with more production available? Why definately bring Yang back against us, before we are sure about his intentions? I mean, what is the problem with waiting a few turns?

                              And what is so wrong about Rec Tanks?
                              Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

