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Invasion plans for University/Lal Axis

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  • #91
    How about getting our navy to assist us in doing some bombing to soften up their defenses? Or do we have PolySoft so that we could build an artillery unit? Perhaps this will all take too long to set up?


    • #92
      Ok, so take out the sensor first. Then, do we have some infantry to attack? If yes, those two things should do it, IMO.

      I'd go for this base ASAP, to get that production, and take it away from Zak. That would mean being able to produce some reinforcements there.
      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
        How about getting our navy to assist us in doing some bombing to soften up their defenses? Or do we have PolySoft so that we could build an artillery unit? Perhaps this will all take too long to set up?
        Hunter is 40 seatiles away and Invincible 42 (and that includes a couple of fungus tiles) So it'd be 7+ turns before either was in a position to bombard.

        At AU we could build an Impact cruiser in 4 turns (not rushed) and in 3 more it'd be in that fungus tile south of MonStat and ready to bombard.

        But for the same price (40 mins) we could build 2 crytpeia and double our chanxes of taking out the perim defense, which would reduce defense by 50% - it'd tke a lot of bombardment to get a 50% damage to the defenders

        (But, of course, an Impact Cruiser would be a huge addition to our fleet)

        And it begs the question - do we try and grow AU (it has a hab complex already) - and if so, the next build there needs to be a rec commons - or do we churn out coklony pods to populate North Arcadia?


        • #94
          Originally posted by Modo44
          Ok, so take out the sensor first. Then, do we have some infantry to attack? If yes, those two things should do it, IMO.

          I'd go for this base ASAP, to get that production, and take it away from Zak. That would mean being able to produce some reinforcements there.
          While the minerals would be great, I'd rather see us rush thru Otk-Dis to Climatic Research and deny Morgan the easy techsteal from that coastal base (would need Crypteia or longstriders with the invasion force, but that's a given anyway)


          • #95
            All those plans sound wonderful to me.

            To add to the brainstorming, yet another option would be to send SNC Mercury with a few units to the gulf south of Monitoring Station, and let those pillage the sensor array (and capture Budushii Dvor while they're in the neighbourhood). (Drawback is of couse Mercury can't ferry troops to AU anymore, so it's probably not such a great idea after all )

            In any case, we have plenty of options to choose from to reach our goals.

            On another note, what if Zakharov offers submission before we conquer Monitoring Station? Should we accept, or reject so we can control all those minerals ourselves?

            On a third note, is it ok if I ask Method to rename this thread "The Council of War"? Has a nice ring to it IMHO.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #96
              Originally posted by Googlie
              I posted this in the Morgan Embassy: (re whether Zak had rushed the defender at Kop Obs)
              Not very helpful reply from jtsisyoda:

              PM received by Googlie from jtsisyoda

              I haven't even opened the turn yet-- we have time problems of our own, dude. I suggest having a contingency plan.
              (Wr do - if the Uni proves too much of a handful we'll turn our attention to Morgan!!)
              Last edited by Googlie; December 16, 2004, 20:35.


              • #97
                And it begs the question - do we try and grow AU (it has a hab complex already) - and if so, the next build there needs to be a rec commons - or do we churn out coklony pods to populate North Arcadia?
                I would say sell off the hab complex (it's costing 3 ecs per turn) and just churn out colony pods. We'll never get that base much above size 7 in the near future.
                Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Zeiter
                  I would say sell off the hab complex (it's costing 3 ecs per turn) and just churn out colony pods. We'll never get that base much above size 7 in the near future.
                  I definately agree.

                  Originally posted by Googlie
                  (Wr do - if the Uni proves too much of a handful we'll turn our attention to Morgan!!)
                  They haven't opened the turn yet?! That's weird ... I don't like this withholding of information, our troops need it. We shared intelligence with them of the Hive and now they give us nothing?

                  Why not reply something to the effect of what you just suggested?


                  • #99
                    Yes, it's not nice keeping us i the dark... and having that Gator boat so close to our cities... Uh, oh, we might see those as hostile acts.
                    Uh, oh.
                    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                    • Turn's up, and good news - KopObs has grown to 2 and is still undefended, so Warwag drove right in, and the citizens were split about 50:50 in their reception. Half threw themselves under the wheels of the advancing brigade, while the other 1/2 had a whip-round and collected 20 ec's which they donated to our treasury. Hoever that surviving half are all red faced and furious, so Captain KK ordered workers taken off the fields and assigned to the base as hastily assembled local militia.
                      Last edited by Googlie; December 17, 2004, 10:25.


                      • Great! It's funny that isn't it, how people react when under pressure? No doubt many of the casualties were due to violent drunken celebrations of our liberation. And hey, don't we all sometimes feel kinda' red-faced the day after one of those?

                        Thats a big relief though


                        • As to the question whether a captured base loses its mineral production the turn after capture - doesn't appear to be so. AU's first (of 2) rows is now complete, so its Crypteia will build next turn


                          • Mindworm did move adjacent to AU, so rather see Kel take any damage, I moved Shinsengumi (20% damaged from the intial atatck on the base) into the base and took out the mindworm - sustained no damage

                            (And AU doesnt; now have a Hab Complex - I'm sure that I saw it intact after its capture - but I'll have a look at last turn after I midsace this one)


                            • Kel did the end run and stopped at 84:16. Uni former at 86:16. Zak called, offered Opticals for a truce - Kel refused, Vendetta continues.

                              Chiron Knights summonned - reaches Kel, and takes out the former

                              Will be in a position to take Otk-Dis next turn. Kel moves 1 onto river, then 1/3rd upriver, then attacks (does an Elite infantryman get a hasty penalty if action occurs during its bonus mp? - if so, then we'd attack with Chiron Knights) - and takes out the defender, then the other enters the base and takes it. The damaged attacking unit next turn can heal at the monlith south of the attack tile

                              Then we have easy road access to Climatic Research (4 tiles of road) and to Bud Dvor (3 tiles of road)

                              And Zak is conveniently building an Energy bank at Mon Stat to make it an even more juicy target for us for when we eventually take it over!!


                              • That's some good planning and great execution done so far.
                                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

