Originally posted by Maniac
So, referring to the 2151 turn planning thread, does that mean you would opt not to burden our conquered lands with supporting our troops, and thus limit our rehoming to only two units (to make use of the two free support slots)?
So, referring to the 2151 turn planning thread, does that mean you would opt not to burden our conquered lands with supporting our troops, and thus limit our rehoming to only two units (to make use of the two free support slots)?
Thinking further about this, we could perhaps destroy the Koppernigk garrison, but not yet take the base. Destroying the garrison would reduce the base to size 1. As a consequence only two instead of three nutrient rows would have to be filled, and Koppernigk would have enough nuts accumulated to grow back to size 2 the year after. Thus we could capture Koppernigk MY 2152 without destroying it.
We need to be on guard for those 2 Ogres, though (and have the longstrider ready to subvert one as they are great for x2 police duty)
(and re an earlier query - I had thought to move the Crypteia to UnivBase as a covert ops deterrent and the longstrider for more offensive probe actions (like getting Env Econ)
Any thoughts of perhaps going "live" next turn - it'll reach us on Sunday, and if we can reach concensus re a time, we could maybe get a bunch of us into the website Chat room while the invasion takes place