This thread is devoted to discussion of our invasion of Zak (and eventually Lal).
When we infiltrate Zak, we'll hopefully be able to piece together a super-nifty F4 map of University territory. Then we'll be able to go into more detail. So far, our plans seem to be:
*An invasion force of 3 impact rovers (a few of them elites) and an elite impact infantryman, transported by two transport foils.
*General probe raping of tech.
*Long term goal is to acquire industrial centers, get lots of juicy tech, and make Zak our biotch.
I'm sure this show of our military prowess will gain the admiration of the others too. Perhaps they will admire us so much that they will feel like giving away lots of tech or energy credits, all of their own free will. Of course, from time to time, we may have to remind them exactly how much they admire us. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. First, some things we need to think about:
*When to strike? (infiltration will help us decide)
*Where to strike? (ditto)
*Will we need defensive probe invaders? (ditto)
*How will we police our newly-captured cities? Rush-build scout patrols? Hold back our invasion forces? (I say
to that). Rush rec commons? Not worry about police, and just starve the citizens into submission? Switch to Police State? Nervestaple? Sacrifice 300 University researchers to the gods of war? Feed them xenoburritos? Feed University prisoners to Chairman Yang? So many options. We need answers!

So, discuss...
When we infiltrate Zak, we'll hopefully be able to piece together a super-nifty F4 map of University territory. Then we'll be able to go into more detail. So far, our plans seem to be:
*An invasion force of 3 impact rovers (a few of them elites) and an elite impact infantryman, transported by two transport foils.
*General probe raping of tech.
*Long term goal is to acquire industrial centers, get lots of juicy tech, and make Zak our biotch.
I'm sure this show of our military prowess will gain the admiration of the others too. Perhaps they will admire us so much that they will feel like giving away lots of tech or energy credits, all of their own free will. Of course, from time to time, we may have to remind them exactly how much they admire us. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. First, some things we need to think about:
*When to strike? (infiltration will help us decide)
*Where to strike? (ditto)
*Will we need defensive probe invaders? (ditto)
*How will we police our newly-captured cities? Rush-build scout patrols? Hold back our invasion forces? (I say

So, discuss...
