Well, the thought (on my part) behind acquiring those lowly techs in trades before stealing from Zak was to increase the chances of stealing something worthwhile
Right now, if we techstole, we'd prolly walk away from Zak with Soc Psych or Biogen, then it'll be five or six turns before we get probes bcak to his coast (and prolly need to go to a different base, too, to avoid his "enhanced security locks" at the first base we steal from.
So I'm in favor of infiltrating first, to see what he's got and what he's researching, then striking with the second probe (even if the trannie - or the probe on land - sits idle for a turn) witha targeted tech in mind (ie having cheaply gotten the level-1 techs for peanust from our trading partners)
I'd also be in favor, while we assemble the invasion force, of trading techs to Zak, so that he can be getting higher up the tech tree for our next probe mission to lift from him
(And elsewhere I've suggested a means of getting Ecol Eng for free before the decade's end)
Of course all these comments re tech trades and tech steals are but proposals at this stage thrown out for the Junta to discuss and toss out as approptiate
Right now, if we techstole, we'd prolly walk away from Zak with Soc Psych or Biogen, then it'll be five or six turns before we get probes bcak to his coast (and prolly need to go to a different base, too, to avoid his "enhanced security locks" at the first base we steal from.
So I'm in favor of infiltrating first, to see what he's got and what he's researching, then striking with the second probe (even if the trannie - or the probe on land - sits idle for a turn) witha targeted tech in mind (ie having cheaply gotten the level-1 techs for peanust from our trading partners)
I'd also be in favor, while we assemble the invasion force, of trading techs to Zak, so that he can be getting higher up the tech tree for our next probe mission to lift from him
(And elsewhere I've suggested a means of getting Ecol Eng for free before the decade's end)
Of course all these comments re tech trades and tech steals are but proposals at this stage thrown out for the Junta to discuss and toss out as approptiate