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Sparta-Gaian relations

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  • It's prolly a good time to post it as they must almost be wrapping up their turn.

    I just wish Maniac and Zeiter had been able to comment if they were on board or not with the text

    Heck - I'll post it anyway (after all. "the Junta asked me to give the Gaians my understanding of how the Spartan system works"


    EDIT:Posted, with one addition (see large insert above, the not) that changed the whole meaning - thank goodness I caught it!!
    Last edited by Googlie; October 12, 2004, 02:17.


    • Aha - some action at last.

      Illuminatus has posted the Gaians turn in the general forum

      In our embassy, he says:

      Posted in the Embassy by Illuminatus

      I am posting our turn this very moment. You should be pleased to know that I offered you the commlink, as agreed
      I guess that's that, then - we get the Angels commlink this turn or next (he didn't say whether it was pre-accepted) and we pay 25 ec's for it (I am assuming the price didn't go up - the 25 ec's was never formally agreed to) Maybe my bluff re Yang not talking - which was meant to convince them that we didn't have Morgan's commlink - will backfire and we'll see the Gaians asking 50 ec's for the Angels' !!


      • Could also be that they have made arrangements with the Angels before hand on how they should be interacting with us. I would have, if I were in their garden. (This is assuming the Gaians and Angels are sleeping in the same bed for the rime being.) For some reason, call it a hunch, I don't think we'll be paying more than 25 e.c.'s...
        This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


        • Hmm - if they were smart, they'll have sold ours to the Angels on a pending basis (so that the Angels can't calll us right away, but they'll have to accept the offer before passing on the 2142 turn to us)

          Then sell it to us on a pending basis, so that we pay and accept, but the whole deal isn't finalized until with their next turn the Gaians activate both.

          When we then open the 2143 screen, to see the Angels diplobox open, we'll know we've both been had

          (Am I being too suspicious??)


          • Great we can get the Angel frequency.
            If this deal works out, will we offer DocFlex next for a sum of credits (or ask if they are currently researching anything interesting)?
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • If it works, we should try to get as much as possible (prolly cash, not techs, as I don't know that we want our already feeble research rate pummelled even more by a host of level-1 techs that we have gone beyond or don't need) from the Angels for Gene Splicing, then - or conucrrently - sell Flex to the A's and G's

              And knowing what the others are researching never hirts


              • Doc. Flex is a big tech for both the A's and G's...
                This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                • I imagine that they're trying to get it form leapfrog research, so might be open to paying a good price to us for it


                  • The Gaians have (in this 2142 turn) put the Angels' commlink on the table, as expected, but not pre-accepted, as I surmised.

                    Do we:

                    a) - put 25 ec's on the table this turn, "accepted" and get the Angels commlink next turn (with the possibility (probability?) that the Gaians have also sold our commlink to the Angels?

                    b) - put 25 ec's on the table, "negotiating" (which means that next turn they'll accept, then when we accept in 2143 we get the commlinks) - which will call their bluff if indeed they have sold ours to the Angels (as the Angels wiull call us on opening the 2143 turn)

                    c) - stall for now and try again this turn and next to buy it from Yang? (we can do that anyway)


                    • Do we presume that the Gaians researched Progenitor Psych last turn (see their special issue of Planetvoice)


                      • Unless the Gaians are doing the obvious, sane thing and using their news outlet to push out false information and distorted truth. It doesn't look like they do - so yes.

                        I'd go with 25 ec on the table "negotiating", so that we can postpone it with one more turn and see how their play will roll out. We should also do our best to get it off of Yang, of course.
                        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                        • Was it stated anywhere, why the Gaians didn't want to trade technology and commlinks simultaneously...?
                          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                          • Dia we agree to not ontrade the 2 techs we got from the Gaians? (and if so, was it only not to other human teams?)

                            I called lal, and he wanted Ind Auto, I said the "fabricated tales reply", then he offered a treaty - I accepted, then asjked if he'd be interested in swapping techs.

                            He's offered ethcalc

                            Game is on pause .............................
                            Attached Files


                            • The embargo was on both human and AI players. For 5 turns after the exchange.

                              Of course, there's the matter of whether or not the Gaians will ever find out...
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • Hmm - I've been re-reading the trade:

                                Posted in the Embassy by Illuminatus
                                On the other hand, we understand your concerns and will hold secret your technologies for a minimum period of five years, and will never trade technologies to who we know your enemies to be for as long as we are on good terms (in game terms, not vendetta'd or overtly desiring vendetta).
                                Is the Morgan wing of the Junta "overtly desiring" vendetta with the Gaians?

                                That, to me, seems to indicate that they feel free to trade our techs to factions they know are friendly to us, or during any period they are in vendetta with us, or overtly desiring vendetta

                                They've given themselves a lot of 'off the hooks" (and I must admit that I didn't pick up on that earlier)

                                (Maybe we just execute the trade (save us pilfering Ethcalc from Zak) in the interests of establishing a stronger AI to keep the game interesting - and also, our 'understanding" is that these types of trade embargoes just apply to human-controlled factions (as you can't ask an AI faction in any event to observe an embargo)


