I am referring to just that, the Aimoo meeting room. Yes, it's not much at the moment. There is only one forum for diplomacy with the Gaians.
No announcement yet.
Sparta-Gaian relations
Originally posted by Googlie
Is it worth asking them if they have the Angels' commlink? And if they'd be willing to swap it for Lal's (assuming my theory of how Buster has set up the factions is correct, they won't have been able to pass thru the Angels to get to Lal yet.)
But I'm sure that by now the Gaians have met the Angels - or vice versa
As long as we hold on to Zak's (and don't give Lal's to Yang) we can hold off Yang calling elections as long as we deem strategically beneficial to us (to act as the honest broker in a few deals)
Also if we give Gaia access to Lal (and thus automatically also Zak - they just need to buy the frequency at Lal's for 25c), given enough money they'll have access to all those techs we currently have a trade monopoly on: DocMob/Flex, AppPhys; NonlMath, Gene Splicing...
Proud Gaian Founder's Council Member!
Ambassador to the Data Angels
A possibility, perhaps wishful thinking I don't know, is that they haven't met the Angels yet, but that they just gave every Gaian some neat title right at the start of the game, even if they hadn't yet met the related faction. Ouro_827 has been having that signature for quite some time already.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Unfortunately, looks like that theory is out of the window. Lord Illuminatus mentioned (the Gaians accepted the Treaty in its temporary form, btw) that they are in the midst of electing an ambassador to Sparta. (This does pose an interesting question of protocol - are we facing dishonour if the highest ranking diplomat must deal with a "lowly" ambassador?) If they are doing that only just now after initial contact, certainly they've already met the Data Angels a good while ago?
No word on the other trades, I suppose they're still voting.
I'm just getting a chilling feeling that the other three have been in contact and working together for quite some while now. Perhaps the Gaians have even received IndAuto from the Morganites. (But then I'd find a no-trade clause highly likely with such a prestigious trade - and I find it unlikely the Gaians would be willing to outright break it so early on.)Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
I don't see how the gaians have met Morgan. The latter only got flex a turn or 2 ago, and the Gaians still don't have it. My reading of the map is that they are a couple of continents apart, so unless one of them got the other's from Yang, (and remember, the AI doesn't volunteer another human player's commlinks in trade - they have to be asked for it), I don't reckon they've yet met (Gaians and Morgan, that is)
I do believe that the Gaians have met the Angels, and I think that they are neighbours (the Angels lying , IMO, between the Gaians - southwest quadrant of the map - and the PK's - southeast quadrant - ie, Angels habitate the south center)
I'm just getting a chilling feeling that the other three have been in contact and working together for quite some while now.
Originally posted by Googlie
I don't see how the Gaians have met Morgan.
(Same with the Angels - they too have met the Gaians, as we can't offer the Gaians commlink to them as a trade item)
I agree. Perhaps Kass should add a post to the Embassy tech trading thread along the lines of:
The Junta has insisted on the following agreement:
Trade Protocols:
- Tech Levels: - The principle is established that tech-level trades (eg a level 3 for a level 3) need no add-ons for offer or acceptance by either party (subject to below)
- Embargo on third party onward trading: - Onward trading (to any third party, human or AI) is prohibited by both Sparta and Gaia for a 20 year period following such trade exchange (subject to variance by mutual agreement between Sparta and Gaia)
I actually like it, as it's quite devious.
Here's my surmising:
The Gaians got Ind Auto from Morgan, with a "no trade" clause.
When we offered them Gene Splicing for it, the delay has been that they had to go back to Morgan to 1) get permission to onward trade it, and 2) extract something else from Morgan in exchange for GS
If they come back and nix the trade, we'll know that this is the case
We'll be without our trade, but then, they'll be without their GS. That would explain the delay, yes. Most intriguing. Maybe I should give them a little prod if they keep dragging their feet. I did try to put it as sternly as possible that the trade is no go if they do not want to adhere to our rules.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
The Morganites might not be as receptible to our trade as the Gaians, who could use it to cement a position as a sort of brokering office between us and the Morgans. They'd need hab complexes and stuff to have any use out of GS anyway, would they not?Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!