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Turn 2176

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  • Turn 2176

    Finally, something to do again for us.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Couldn't help myself and do a fair bit of spontaneous turnplaying but didn't invest an ec yet.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I'll look at it now.
      It's been a few turns since I've done that (I guess 3 or so)...
      no sig


      • #4
        So, it seems like we had some small battles with the Hive
        -> Air def scrambled
        -> msg: 2 battles won, 0 lost
        -> Hive transport in our waters
        Anything serious happend here or just small skirmishes ?

        Where is our probe foil heading (we already have the PK infiltrated) ?

        Why are we building a crawler at Vander Eudaimonics (there's not really a tile-to-be-crawled in the neighbourhood)

        Am I right you are using Choke on this as the home base for all our pacifism-producing units? If so, we need to terraform around here and build supply crawlers to have enough support minerals (and maybe later for nutrients too).

        As for hurrying: do you choose recycling tanks and recreation commons (= small cost) or tree farms (= huge cost) ? I don't really know which would benefit us the most.

        Did we get a fungal pop yet? One of our bases is producing 27 ecodamage, so it should happen soon.

        (I think we mostly lack a "goal" to work to for the moment)
        no sig


        • #5
          I manually killed two Hive units unloading from the Transport - just small skirmish.

          The Vander crawler is supposed to be rehomed and will crawl the 6 energy tile.

          Choke is next on the to-do list when the borehole near Mt. Planet is done.

          First RecTanks and RecCommons, then after the soon-to-happen fungal pop it seems to be race to transcendence, each faction on its own...
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Well, transcendence is still quite some time away,

            there are lots of things which can still change...


            • #7
              maybe we should probe some techs from The Hive ?

              It seems like the only viable solution to get more tech without the help of our so-called allies.

              If Sparta is supporting the Hive in their fight against us, we might get the Spartan techs through the Hive :-)

              Did anyone check Hive units/techs between turns to see if they are supported ?
              no sig

