Plan of Action for 2126
Sorry about delays in creating the thread. Poly went down almost immediately after I posted the turn, and I was busy most of the day. I will make some screenshots now. So far - this are the issues -> scout patrol will be finished in #5 base, start former now? I hope that MW won't appear and destroy the base in single turn when it will be undefended, since it is unbelievable that we have that bad luck. Also, foil/rover should reach land -> I beleive only one movement point will be enough -> if we found a pod should we use pop it and retreat in case the pop produces a MW? Also, if one MV point remains, what to do with foil.
Sorry about delays in creating the thread. Poly went down almost immediately after I posted the turn, and I was busy most of the day. I will make some screenshots now. So far - this are the issues -> scout patrol will be finished in #5 base, start former now? I hope that MW won't appear and destroy the base in single turn when it will be undefended, since it is unbelievable that we have that bad luck. Also, foil/rover should reach land -> I beleive only one movement point will be enough -> if we found a pod should we use pop it and retreat in case the pop produces a MW? Also, if one MV point remains, what to do with foil.