some of my intended moves-just looking at turn also havnt looked at army ops yet
kodycryptor-can rush chopper for 30 EC,although id just as soon wait another turn
RPS makes a drop-trannie,whats the plan with this unit?
im all for changing RPS to a supcrawler, it only has 9 mins
safe house city,another crawler,crawler thats done on mins
googplex could rush a CP for 12 ec. also the new base could use that 1-3-1 forest goog wouldnt be working to kickstart crawlers and goog would still have 12 min with that new crawler
fungal heights-rec tanks. these could be got in 2 turns with some EC
gemka's loft-15 EC to rush a CP
delerium camp could rush a rec commons on the cheap
yang mine-scout patrol in 1 turn,for upgrading to 1-3-1
switching to FM?i wont do it this turn,but may i suggest to herc that may be a good plan.with some switching around we can run without revolts and get more ec for devolopment
kodycryptor-can rush chopper for 30 EC,although id just as soon wait another turn
RPS makes a drop-trannie,whats the plan with this unit?
im all for changing RPS to a supcrawler, it only has 9 mins
safe house city,another crawler,crawler thats done on mins
googplex could rush a CP for 12 ec. also the new base could use that 1-3-1 forest goog wouldnt be working to kickstart crawlers and goog would still have 12 min with that new crawler
fungal heights-rec tanks. these could be got in 2 turns with some EC
gemka's loft-15 EC to rush a CP
delerium camp could rush a rec commons on the cheap
yang mine-scout patrol in 1 turn,for upgrading to 1-3-1
switching to FM?i wont do it this turn,but may i suggest to herc that may be a good plan.with some switching around we can run without revolts and get more ec for devolopment