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Turns 2161- 2170

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  • It is also good we are holding the line.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


    • Turn 2168 opened and mid save sent to you guys.

      Foil probes moved: the eastern one towards the Gaian 'Lily of the Valley' base (which is building probe defender).

      The other foil probe is moved towards Lal coastal base and revealed another pod. Meanwhile our transport popped a pod and was swept away by tidal wave. I have moved it close to the pod beside our probe foil. So that we have the options next turn of probing Lal and/or popping the pod(s)

      Looks like we could rush a number of facilities and units for little cost.

      Missile unit in RPS for 4ecs
      CC in Snowflake's Haven for 34?
      Rec com in Googlieplex for 28?


      Move LIT back to RPS?

      What to build in EN and KP. For the moment I have placed Colony Pods in the build queue. A CP destined for a place between HG and KC at 22,56. Alternatively maybe Hab complexes or Research Hospitals.

      I moved the former near RPS, northwards, with the view of building a borehole on the coastal 278 metres tile at 25, 59

      What shall we do with the former at 35.75 near Geomatrix.

      I moved our 1-3-2 unit from RPS to Fungal Heights in anticipation of popping the pod next turn.
      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


      • Oh I have not contacted Lal or Zak in case Lal wants to trade Poly Soft for something and I wanted views on what we can or cannot trade.
        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


        • I agree with the CP's and hurrying those 3 productions, but with as much as possible that we have 10 minerals for next production in those bases.

          No use in contacting Zak, me thinks, and Lal is Belligerent. Both have accepted payment for the destruction of the Morgans, so even if a peace treaty is achieved between the Morgans/Gaians and the Spartans, the Junta comes out best of it for they will continue to be in good relations with both AI's, and sooner or later we'll lose our Pact status with Lal then.

          Free former? Let it help that former constructing a farm+Solar+road next to it then.
          He who knows others is wise.
          He who knows himself is enlightened.
          -- Lao Tsu

          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


          • The one former at 17,75 could be used to get rid of fungus in the large area of FH.

            Use some of our energy to complete crawlers and colony pods so those places can pump out trance units to send to the Yang border.

            Pact S and M.

            Become the planet negotiator.

            How can I see what is in the diplo screen besides our status with others.
            You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
            There is a reason for everything.


            • We can build fungicidal formers now for fungus removal. Let us do some and get rid of fungus in Pholus Ridge. Some good tiles are wasted there.
              Map creation contest
              WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                • I would switch librarians in EM to Technicians. We get bonus in economu now, and make us more energy, that we need. Also Stockpile Energy after the colony pod - don't forget.
                • Gemka's Loft should be ok with police unit in it, so no change. Hurry Crawler
                • Hurry recreation commons in Gogglieplex. Full 28 EC, since we have +10 minerals
                • Stockpile Energy in Heavens Gate
                • Hercules Station hurry crawler for 8 EC
                • Stockpile Energy in Kahlua Probing. Also change Librarian to Technician
                • RPS, if hurried, only for 4 EC. The reason is that we have +11 minerals and only 10 can be transferred to another building item. This way we hurry only 2 minerals, get 1 next turn and 10 are saved for the next item.
                • Hurry Children Creshe in SH for 28 EC only. The reason, we have +12 minerals, see RPS
                • The former near Geomatrix do the road. It already spent a turn entering that tile so let us make use of it.
                • I would move LIT to RPS, unles someone has better idea.
                • I would pop the pod with transport foil, we could get alien Artefact after all. And do it next turn If there is an isle of the deep we will be in trouble.
                • I would infiltrate Lal next turn. We will loose Pact probably at some point so let us do it now.
                • I support base in 22,56. I think that is a good spot. We may move a COP from HG. We need also some more COPs
                • Also my support for borehole at 25,59. but my remark. Befor starting it - do road so other formers in the future elping the effort will not loose their turns. It is worth it in my oppinion.
                • With all the changes to technicians I got 84-23-3 = 58 EC/turn. We seem to be economically not that bad.
                • Since we do some colony pods, maybe wait with Free Market some more. this way we get faster population recovery.
                • If the workers in Heavens Gate are supposed to work on that 2-1-3 tile, we can move a crawler as shown in the picture. This way Hercules Station gets 1-2-1 instead of 1-1-1.
                • And we can move that one crawler from either RPS or SH to that mine. Now getting 3 minerals, later 4 when road is ready. Remember to hurry for less then in those bases. RPS 2 EC and SH 26 EC.
                • The rest, if you spot more issues.
                Attached Files
                Map creation contest
                WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                • Just a proposition. Before the former enters the tile of intended borehole, how about loading it on the LIT, which would attempt to enter the tile with its 2/3 points, thus saving for us one former-turn. The former might spent yet 2169 productive by building a road and not only entering the tile.

                  But in order to do it, just after the turn is opened, the former must have the "Go" order removed. Otherwise it can automatically attempt to enter there. The will be probably only that short moment for that after the turn is opened.
                  Map creation contest
                  WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                  • Ok I'll try that.
                    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                    • Alright I have opened the turn. Gaian's have accepted Env Econ but are now researching Neural Grafting with a turn to discovery. Doc Air must not have been offered. Or else they plan to steal Doc Air.

                      If would be useful to know from the Gaians as to what they were offered.
                      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                      • Neural grafting is another highly valued technology. We can build Bioenhancement Centers in bases having Command Centers. This gives +4 morale to the units build there. Must have.
                        Map creation contest
                        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                        • Big Big error on my part. GAIANS have Doc Air, so do Morgans (pod or stolen from Yang?). And so do we. Yipppeeee.

                          So with Doc Air and 1 turn to NG, Gaians will no doubt be researching MMI.

                          Morgans have currently 17 Missile tactical units under construction with a 70% econ, 30% pysch setting.

                          Yang is now infiltrated. Probe returned to Hercules Station

                          sea pod popped, no AA but we now have a Tree Farm in Hercules Station.
                          On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                          • Originally posted by Hercules
                            Yang is now infiltrated.
                            You mean Lal?
                            Map creation contest
                            WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                            • Sending the mid turn save in a minute or two.

                              Yes I meant Lal infiltrated and no vendetta.

                              Marts 'trick ' with the LIT worked a treat.

                              I have edged closer to Gaian Lily of the Valley base. They have a laser skimship in the vicinity so don't be surprised if we are sent home.

                              Still a number of decisions to be made.

                              What shall we build in Googlieplex, KP, EM, SH, GL

                              Hab Complexs
                              An Air unit (to be designed)
                              An Aerospace Complex
                              Missile Units

                              The current builds you see can be changed.

                              Shall we attack Fungal Tower now with Hardened rover?
                              Shall we rush some builds

                              One Colony pod is heading towards 22. 56 but where should the CP from KP go?

                              13, 67
                              30, 76
                              34, 64

                              Somewhere else ? Must check earlier suggestions.

                              Also shall I move SH crawler from the mine at 27, 75 to the forest at 30, 74. ? and replace with crawler from GL.

                              What shall we do with former at 29, 67
                              what shall we do with formers at 27,75
                              Last edited by Hercules; April 28, 2005, 21:02.
                              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                              • On Geo's suggestion via email during Apolyton lock out I contacted, first Zak and got Non Linear for Doc: Air and then contacted Lal and got Poly Soft for Doc Air.

                                It will be interesting to see what tech Lal switches to, with 1 turn to go.
                                Last edited by Hercules; April 29, 2005, 17:44.
                                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

