Originally posted by binTravkin
'The Orbital Death Cannon' [binTravkin] no comments needed..
'The Orbital Death Cannon' [binTravkin] no comments needed..
Person Interests in team --------------------------------------- Googlie turnplay, strategy Chaos Theory strategy binTravkin strategy, roleplay Maniac strategy Illuminatus roleplay, represenation Hercules strategy ---------------------------------------
Person Interests in team --------------------------------------- Googlie turnplay, strategy Chaos Theory strategy binTravkin strategy, roleplay Maniac strategy Illuminatus roleplay, represenation Hercules strategy ---------------------------------------
Person Interests in team --------------------------------------- Googlie turnplay, strategy Chaos Theory strategy binTravkin strategy, roleplay Maniac strategy Illuminatus roleplay, Hercules strategy ---------------------------------------
Person Deity Desc ------------------------------------------------------------- Googlie Zeus The Leader Of Deities Chaos Theory Ares The Deity Of War binTravkin Hermes The (Instant) Messenger Deity Maniac Poseidon The Deity Of The Oceans Illuminatus Apollo The Deity Of Intelligence, patron of many good things. Hercules himself A legendary hero, known for his (Heracles) immense physical strenght. dmm1285 ? Give me a short desc of your RP personality in previous DGs (so to have smth to start with) GeoModder Hephaestus The Deity Of Fire And The Forge (one who sits in his underground Forge, and hammers the Steel Of Lurk and The Thoughts Of Plot) Vev Dionysus The Deity Of Wine (gets very upset whenever you call him - 'Hey you, old drunkard!') Jamski Hades The Deity Of Death (he who devises all kinds of vile ways how to make our enemies perish) Archaic ? ? -------------------------------------------------------------