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Turn 2160

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  • Turn 2160

    17-03-2004 20:24 | profile | mail | www | pm | search | buddy

    The Turns here.

    I'm going to download it, log off, take a look at it, then come back on with my observations.


  • #2
    Initial Impressions

    Drones will eat almost all of Uni.

    Drones have taken:
    Sunshine Coast
    Cape York

    Sunshine Coast is very heavily garrisoned.

    Uni will get MMI next turn.

    Uni's tech cost is 839
    tech accumalted is 769
    tech needed is 70
    They earn 186 per turn
    I don't think we can take enough bases to drop the Tech enough.

    The remaining Uni garrisons are almost non-existent.



    • #3
      Could you all give me some ideas here.

      Military thoughts:
      I know we are taking Longreach, plus destroying and Uni/Cycon units withing range of our forces.

      I want to kill the CyCon cruiser that killed the Peace schooner.

      I want to start some recon survellance of our coasts.

      I want to withdraw our ships further west under the umbrella of our airpower.

      I think we may be able to take a couple more Uni bases in addition to Longreach this turn. We should think twice before we take any on the coast, unless necessary because we should be afraid of Probefolis.

      Production thoughts:
      I want to change all our interceptor airplanes now in production to needlejets for better recon and longrange strike. I don't see CyCon seriously threatening our homeland with airpower right now or for the forseeable future.

      We have less cash than before due to the reduction in commerce income, so there is less cash available for rushes.

      I will continue with the Kody map, but I am more than willing to listen to suggestions.

      I will log off shortly but will log back on in about 20 hours.



      • #4
        Before I logged off I stopped by the Drone Embassy.

        I post these that Buster posted there.

        They were posted by Buster
        He also posted a bunch of scenic screenshots showing the occupation of the northern half of uni territory by the Drones and the southern half available for our taking.

        we killed 22 units (mostly formers & crawlers and cleared out the target cities.

        From the scenery it was safe to take a couple of extra cities so we did. We lost two choppers (1-3-1 defenders in a base with a sensor nearby are an about even match for a missile chopper).

        Uni (sort of) remaing millitary and other units:

        As can be see they have only three probes left. One is in Longreach - one is in Carseldine and one is next to Carseldine (see map below).

        The plane is off to somewhere (probably out to destroy remaining Pirate base)

        Hope it can be read - otherwise here it is again:

        Basically I suggest you:

        1) Take Longreach with units from Freedmans Park by:
        a) clearing out defense with a chopper (or two if youre really unlucky) from Freedman
        b) dropping everything from Freedman - except the rover (will get to that later) into Longreach.

        2) Use Hovering choppers (advance party) to:
        a) clear out carseldine + the probe to the west of it (see above)
        b) create a path for the rover to move along the roads (as per blue arrow on map) from sunshinecoast to Carseldine. You will need to get all crawlers - formers out of the way that interfere - either by sitting directly on the road or due to ZOC hindering movement. If possible leave choppers with movepoints to get to Carseldine.

        3) Drop rover into sunshine Coast move it along road to Carseldine.

        4) land advanceparty in carseldine - if relevant (they still have plenty extra moves) use them before landing to take out more crawlers.
        This should leave uni with the following for next turn:

        HQ (with aerospace complex and an ogre inside)
        Caboolture with aerospace complex and a scout inside (they may upgrade it to plasma though)

        Daintree, Kelvin Grove and Cairns will still be empty.

        A plane off somewhere.

        I plan to let you take the remaining bases - we will just keep what we got and help you clear the way.

        All but Caboolture should fall next turn.

        Caboolture (due to aerospace and fungus will take a turn more).

        Now who was the guy who said "Drop & chop doesn't work". Unless you are very unlucky they will open the next turn to see their millitary reduced to three units of which one is away somewhere, half their bases taken and a force that can simply plow through whatever they have left and may be able to build.

        By the way my bet is CPU will surrender - either next turn - or if they are so inclined - as soon as they have made a point out of wiping the last peace base.
        The Drones are leaving the rest of Uni, including Gardens Point.
        This will be nice taking Carsedine this turn.
        I also see from looking at the screenshots how we can drop near enough to Carboolture to take it in the next 2 or 3 turns. From there CyCon?
        Buster may be right in believing that CyCon will surrender soon. We are starting to have some serious momentum going.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Mead
          Military thoughts:
          I know we are taking Longreach, plus destroying and Uni/Cycon units withing range of our forces.

          I want to kill the CyCon cruiser that killed the Peace schooner.

          I want to start some recon survellance of our coasts.

          I want to withdraw our ships further west under the umbrella of our airpower.

          I think we may be able to take a couple more Uni bases in addition to Longreach this turn. We should think twice before we take any on the coast, unless necessary because we should be afraid of Probefolis.
          This [the military planning] falls in the jurisdiction of the CMC, so you may want to further check with them and the threads they have posted to make sure.

          No objection from me though.

          Originally posted by Mead
          Production thoughts:
          I want to change all our interceptor airplanes now in production to needlejets for better recon and longrange strike. I don't see CyCon seriously threatening our homeland with airpower right now or for the forseeable future.
          I would agree here in principle, the CyCon do not seem to be a threat to us at the moment, and perhaps an offensive air force would be prudent at this time, though in the long run I’d sleep much easier if we have interceptors just in case.

          Also, something of importance that needs to be addressed, and I do not believe it was earlier. How soon until we get Planet Busters? And how soon until the CyCon are able to get them? If they are loosing this war they may become desperate, I think we need them just in case.
          You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


          • #6
            Of course you should change the interceptors to needlejets!

            But like I said before, Comrade Mead, the CMC is probably where you would want to go.

            Once CyCon get the turn, I'm hoping they don't decide to resign from the game itself....that would suck.
            Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
            Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
            *****Citizen of the Hive****
            "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


            • #7
              Originally posted by Voltaire

              This [the military planning] falls in the jurisdiction of the CMC, so you may want to further check with them and the threads they have posted to make sure.
              I am waiting for Rubin's inputs.

              I would like to try to keep the operational planning and execution of Turn 2160 kept in this thread to ensure we don't overlook anything that is discussed in another thread.


              Also, something of importance that needs to be addressed, and I do not believe it was earlier. How soon until we get Planet Busters? And how soon until the CyCon are able to get them? If they are loosing this war they may become desperate, I think we need them just in case.
              I am not sure. I think it may be some time off, but don't know. If we keep this momentum up, we may have conquered them before they get there. We ought to check though. Ours and the Drones Tech ability ought to dwarf CyCons after this next turn.

              I'm logging off now. I'll log on again tomorrow.
              I'll be happy to hear of specifics on military action (I suspect we will follow Buster's suggestions for the the invadion of Uni), production planning, and teraforming. I'll try to do the turn tomorrow after I get everyone's input. Then I will post it here for final comment and correction before I hit end turn.



              • #8
                Looks like buster's done a good job. I'll go look at the turn and see if I can offer any suggestion and fulfill my responsibility at the CPC.
                Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                Grapefruit Garden


                • #9
                  Teraforming suggestions:
                  1. Before any formers act, go to (9, 17) close to Meadapolis, change job of three formers from mine to lower land. Move one former to (10,20) forest.

                  2. Press w many times so that all former have moved.

                  3. Move formers at (7,19) to (9,17) lower land. Prepare for borehole.

                  4. Formers at (10,20) build a forest.

                  5. Roko need another farm/condensor for food
                  Former (27,23) move to (31,23), accumulate teraforming
                  Another former will move into (32,22) and will prepare road the next turn for gang teraforming with others. Formers at (30,22) will continue to accumulate teraforming.

                  6. Engergy park
                  Formers around Voltairgrad not including the two formers building a borehold at (21,19) go to rivered square (24,22) to make solar panels. They will continue to make solar panels and mirrors in the area.

                  7. New base preparation
                  Propose it named after Arnelos.
                  Two formers moved into (22,34). Should build road next turn, then move to (23, 35) and build sensor.

                  8. Boreholes finished in the same area.
                  Move one former to (17,31) and another to (14, 26). Prepare to road these squares. Other formers accumulate teraforming. There will be a borehole at (17,31) and a base site at (14,26). There should also be a borehole at (14,24) that should be built using these teraformers.

                  9. Zeropolis
                  Send one former at (10,28) to road the mineral bonus square (11,29). The other two accumulate teraforming. Will build a borehole there.

                  10. HongHu KongHu
                  Looks like the farm that I just built at (19,15) will disappear again the next turn. Four formers move to (16,18) to build borehole. Should stop in the way to accumulate teraforming. Two formers move to (21,19) to assist building borehole.
                  Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                  Grapefruit Garden


                  • #10
                    Crawlers, workers, etc.

                    First put a worker on all the new boreholes.

                    Micha's crawler (20,22) move to mineral bonus (24,24) so it can finish its skyhawk without rushing. Googlie's crawler that used to be at (24,24) move to another square such as (21,25). Upgrade scout to police in Micha and put a specialist back to work the forest to avoid hunger. Will need to build a crawler to crawl in more food next turn.

                    Zero's new crawler should crawl mines at (10,28).

                    Kody has a worker need to be put on a forest.

                    Mead put a worker from non river forest to the newly built river forest.
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden


                    • #11
                      Base production:

                      Basically I suggest the east part of the bases build drop garrisons, drop rovers and drop probes as fit to prepare for Roze invasion. West part of the bases build choppers and such to refill the air force that are lost in the uni war.

                      Franky should build a colony pod.
                      Roko's interceptor could not be changed for loss of minerals. We have 6 skyhawks (penetrator) they should be quite sufficient?

                      Seat of Unity 26ec (should rush this one for this has 2 turns to completion)

                      Others should be made based on cash availability:
                      Roko 11ec
                      Enigma 13ec
                      HH 18ec
                      Vanderburg 19ec
                      Googlie 20ec
                      Oct 22ec
                      Kody 27ec

                      There might be other rushes in need when you determine the build for each base.
                      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                      Grapefruit Garden


                      • #12
                        How does the Drone situation look in thier home territory? Are they exposed for a Hive strike as predicted?

                        1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                        That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                        Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                        Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                        • #13
                          Are you actually serious?
                          Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                          Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                          *****Citizen of the Hive****
                          "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                          • #14
                            Yes Goddammit. I shall leave the Hive if we gangbang the Uni this turn with the Drones.

                            Its just not fun to play the big bully, and here we are playing as the big bully's "yes man"

                            Its sickening, the things this faction want to do just because we want to win.

                            1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                            That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                            Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                            Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                            • #15
                              CMC: 2160 suggestions

                              There are 3 areas of importance this year. Here are the initial suggestions of the Central Military Committee:

                              1) Production Allocation and Central Planning:
                              Prepare military base at [22,34] by setting up a sensor array at exactly these coordinates and start the production of a colony pod; Frankyburg is an excellent choice. We do NOT have much time!

                              Eight or nine bases are ready for new production orders:
                              - a Colony Pod
                              - an Interceptor or Penetrator
                              - 2 Drop Probes
                              - 2 Drop Plasma Garrisons

                              This gives 2 or 3 free bases for additional production requests. By default they should produce Drop Probes, which gives us optimal troop flexibility. Energy reserves should be carefully allocated as we may need extra credits soon!

                              2) Operation "Brainwave":
                              Proceed with the plans presented by Foreman buster. We should focus on swift conquest of ALL remaining University bases. However, it may be advised to contact the Free Drones and get a few things straight:

                              1) What are the Free Drone plans succeeding the University invasion?
                              2) Are the Free Drones willing to help the Hive defending the new settlements?
                              3) What is the situation regarding CyCon probe-warfare?

                              We have troops already designated for the invasion and these should be dispatched without hesitation.

                              3) Data Angel region:
                              The Data Angel base, Coder's Pit, is expected lost to the CyCon. CyCon transport located at [34,50] (visible from Coder's Pit). I strongly suggest that the transport is eliminated; we have 5 units nearby (including 2 badly damaged Choppers). Dispatch any of these to eliminate the transport. The CyCon Impact Cruiser at [30,46] should be considered secondary target, though it poses no real threat. We have idle aircraft at New Moscow to deal with it if nothing else is possible.

                              Reconnaissance should be high priority in this area and our military forces should ideally soon be invading Data Angel territory. CyCon may capture a few Data Angel bases. I had hoped for an invasion by M.Y. 2164; this is probably not possible now, but we should not let the CyCon hold Data Angel bases for more than a few years--Aerospace Complexes would be devastating for a swift invasion.

                              Comrade Rubin
                              Chairman of the Central Military Committee

