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Foreign Faction Analyst wanted! Position open.

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  • Foreign Faction Analyst wanted! Position open.

    Would someone like the job of looking at the information that you can obtain from other factions.


    Right-Click faction profile, look at how their votes changes. Look at what government system each is running.

    This can tell us how fast the other factions are growing and when they discover certain technologies that give those government systems.

    For factions we have alliances, maybe the troop statstics screens, and information on the what they're building how long to they finish etc. Look to see how many military units they are supporting too.

    This person that does this should probably be the intelligence agency.

    I've been doing this a little, but it takes a long time.

    By the way the drones aren't geared for war at all. They're just expanding their colonies just like we are.


  • #2
    I am up for covert ops.
    Promoter of Public Morale
    Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


    • #3
      Sounds interesting, im up for it
      Sea Kings TOT

      Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
      Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


      • #4
        Heh it also involves alot of spamming too. As each turn you check the other factions and see how they're going then tell us about it.

        If you want to try it on for size now. You should open up the hive turn and start posting information into a new thread on other factions.

        It's using the freely available information. Later in the game we may need 2 spymasters to trawl through all the information.

        Also it's observing who logs on and off and trying to figure out when turns stall and what might have caused them.



        • #5
          I am not online long enough to check who is online and stuff. When I am online, hardly anyone is around.
          Promoter of Public Morale
          Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


          • #6
            This is something I would like to do, I would also consider this would be related to "assuming" there political intentions.
            Proud member of The Human Hive, working for a better future on Chiron, today!


            • #7
              Instead of everyone saying they want the job. Why don't people actually open the game file and start copying the data down. Label the data with which turn you obtained the data and which faction it came from.

              As this information is gathered we can see trends appearing, and start theroising what the other factions are up to.

              The way I would do it would be two posts per turn, general information gathering, and information gained from the infiltration we get from pacting with the drones.

              General - Votes, any special government settings, power graph estimates, who's who listing, listed alliances, credits.

              Infiltration specific - go through each of the F2-F8 screens writing down any information on the Drones you think would be useful.

              This is alot of work and the task may need to be split up between more than 1 person.

              The ones that show they can do this effectively will most likely get the job.



              • #8
                Now it sounds like some real work. (Unlike the other gov positions ... )
                Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                Grapefruit Garden


                • #9
                  Need to back saves to find trends

                  Pop:3 Base(3)
                  Free Market

                  Pop:7 Base(3-5)

                  Pop:8 Base(4-6)

                  Pop:6 Base(3-6)
                  Free Market

                  Pop:5 Base(3)
                  Free Market

                  Pop:8 Base(3-5)

                  Pop:8 Base(4-6)

                  Pop:6 Base(3-6)
                  Free Market


                  Pop:8 Base(4-6)
                  Free Market

                  Pop:8 Base(4-6)

                  Pop:8 Base(4-6)

                  Pop:6 Base(4-6)
                  Free Market

                  And very raw data

                  PN 2-2126
                  tc 71
                  ta 50
                  tp 14.4

                  CentEco, InfoNet, IndBas, AppPhys, IndEcon

                  ec 42
                  in 13
                  ma 0

                  fd 2 MX 77/160 17 1sy
                  wb 1 sy 6/16 5
                  ls 1 cp 4/24 10 1sc
                  lp 1 cp 9/24 5 1sc
                  am 1 sy 16/16 0

                  cp 1/2
                  f 5
                  sc 3
                  ur 1
                  uf 1
                  Last edited by Vev; July 30, 2003, 01:38.
                  Promoter of Public Morale
                  Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


                  • #10
                    Did these reports continue? I don't see any but perhaps I missed them?
                    Play hangman.


                    • #11
                      We did have the covert report, but I'm ashamed to say that they are not as complete and continuous as it could be. We only have one Kody you know.
                      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                      Grapefruit Garden


                      • #12
                        Well there are Cloninig Vats you know
                        SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                        The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                        • #13
                          We haven't got around to build that SP yet.
                          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                          Grapefruit Garden


                          • #14
                            You know when I first saw the thread title and saw that the first post was by Kody it almost gave me a heart attack, giving the background of the other post Kody made in the public forum. Then I realize that it was an old thread being bumped up.

                            I understand Kody your naming of team leaders etc was smartly used as a nudge so they would actually do something, but whenever you put on that control freak hat I just feel that I'm going to faint.
                            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                            Grapefruit Garden


                            • #15

                              You worry too much. Still doing my best to avoid getting involved in any game play stuff.

                              I had a feeling that naming forum leaders might work. Often humans can't jump up and push the work on someone else fast enough.

