Would someone like the job of looking at the information that you can obtain from other factions.
Right-Click faction profile, look at how their votes changes. Look at what government system each is running.
This can tell us how fast the other factions are growing and when they discover certain technologies that give those government systems.
For factions we have alliances, maybe the troop statstics screens, and information on the what they're building how long to they finish etc. Look to see how many military units they are supporting too.
This person that does this should probably be the intelligence agency.
I've been doing this a little, but it takes a long time.
By the way the drones aren't geared for war at all. They're just expanding their colonies just like we are.
Right-Click faction profile, look at how their votes changes. Look at what government system each is running.
This can tell us how fast the other factions are growing and when they discover certain technologies that give those government systems.
For factions we have alliances, maybe the troop statstics screens, and information on the what they're building how long to they finish etc. Look to see how many military units they are supporting too.
This person that does this should probably be the intelligence agency.
I've been doing this a little, but it takes a long time.
By the way the drones aren't geared for war at all. They're just expanding their colonies just like we are.