Democracy, in the styles of those practiced by such triumphs of human civilization that were Rome and America, has been the greatest scourge on civilized man. Imagine if you will a form of control so perfect that the slaves believe themselves to be the masters, and whats more are allows little toys to amuse themselves while those in power use the masses as a source of labor. The nature of Western democracy has been such since the days of its invention. Democracy may be best described as government by the elite for the elite on the backs of the masses. Marx saw the obvious, that capitalism oppresses the masses, but he failed to see the tool it employs in order to achieve this oppression, democracy. The kakisocratic elite rule in such a system by being the ones with the money, and hence the ones who can run for office or fund campaigns, thus democracy has never been about majority rule, but rather by plutocratic rule, money can buy anything, and in democracy it can buy you a government.
Surely you say that despite all these flaws a democracy must be preferable to other forms of government... I would respond by saying that a democratic official can be bought, but a despot cannot. Democracy abhors the proletariat, for just as capitalism has been built with the blood of the proletariat, democracy has been build with his ignorance.
There exist then those who will argue for democracy on the basis of the freedoms it provides. What freedoms, I would ask. Democracy is slavery perfected. The elite keep the masses occupied through the old Roman method of “bread and circuses”, the elite provide a few comforts for the masses and limitless entertainment, and what have you created? The perfect slave, one who willing submits himself to the oppression of the elite. There exist those individuals who criticize the Hive for our supposed lack of free speech, I would advise you to look ever closer at the system you love ever so much, free speech is too dangerous to a democracy to be permitted. No man in a democracy things for himself, he belongs to a group, and the group tells him what to think; here lies the difference between our two systems. Your democracies focus as much on the group as we in the Hive do, the only difference would be the fact that your groups are controlled by the elite and make the masses act against their best interest, we seek to make the masses act in their own best interests.
The we have the last group, who would argue that the evils of the system are a result of not enough democracy. The cure for the evils democracy is more democracy? That is like saying that the cure for crime is more crime. In the battle for the freedom of the proletariat we must seek out and destroy the institutionalized slavery that is democracy, for the masses will truly be free when they act in their own best interest.
Essays on Democracy
Chairman Voltaire, Datalinks
Surely you say that despite all these flaws a democracy must be preferable to other forms of government... I would respond by saying that a democratic official can be bought, but a despot cannot. Democracy abhors the proletariat, for just as capitalism has been built with the blood of the proletariat, democracy has been build with his ignorance.
There exist then those who will argue for democracy on the basis of the freedoms it provides. What freedoms, I would ask. Democracy is slavery perfected. The elite keep the masses occupied through the old Roman method of “bread and circuses”, the elite provide a few comforts for the masses and limitless entertainment, and what have you created? The perfect slave, one who willing submits himself to the oppression of the elite. There exist those individuals who criticize the Hive for our supposed lack of free speech, I would advise you to look ever closer at the system you love ever so much, free speech is too dangerous to a democracy to be permitted. No man in a democracy things for himself, he belongs to a group, and the group tells him what to think; here lies the difference between our two systems. Your democracies focus as much on the group as we in the Hive do, the only difference would be the fact that your groups are controlled by the elite and make the masses act against their best interest, we seek to make the masses act in their own best interests.
The we have the last group, who would argue that the evils of the system are a result of not enough democracy. The cure for the evils democracy is more democracy? That is like saying that the cure for crime is more crime. In the battle for the freedom of the proletariat we must seek out and destroy the institutionalized slavery that is democracy, for the masses will truly be free when they act in their own best interest.
Essays on Democracy
Chairman Voltaire, Datalinks