Originally posted by Maniac
Okay. Does that also count if Hive declares war on CC?
Okay. Does that also count if Hive declares war on CC?
Originally posted by Maniac
How about a missile needlejet instead, as according to the previous plan to attack a base on Yardarn Island?
How about a missile needlejet instead, as according to the previous plan to attack a base on Yardarn Island?

Originally posted by Maniac
How about a sensor array on (75.33) to protect Townsville, Cape York and Daintree, and another one on (79.39) to protect Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove?
How about a sensor array on (75.33) to protect Townsville, Cape York and Daintree, and another one on (79.39) to protect Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove?
Originally posted by Maniac
- Logic Loop and Pi Square: Tree Farm
How about waiting until we have enough cash to hurry it at once? From the calculations I made above rec commons hurry orders, it would be more profitable to hurry those all first, so how about building some (sea) formers, crawlers, probe teams, transports or whatever else in the meanwhile while we're hurrying more profitable projects first?
- Logic Loop and Pi Square: Tree Farm
How about waiting until we have enough cash to hurry it at once? From the calculations I made above rec commons hurry orders, it would be more profitable to hurry those all first, so how about building some (sea) formers, crawlers, probe teams, transports or whatever else in the meanwhile while we're hurrying more profitable projects first?
Originally posted by Maniac MBV most definitely
, but IIRC MM hasn't accumulated 10 mins yet. Better wait one more year then.

Originally posted by Maniac
Unit upgrade:
Why now?
Unit upgrade:
Why now?
