Originally posted by GeoModder
Tentative IAF production proposals for CyCon
Tentative IAF production proposals for CyCon

- DBTSverse Portal: Seaformer
- Pi Square: Hurry crawler production, costs 7 or 8 energy

- Triplex: start with Plasma Garrison (side note, why not building Trance Plasma Garrisons? Costs are the same).
- Zetaris: 1 mineral will be lost by changing production to crawler
- Calico: Trance Scout
- Abort Retry Fail(ed): Command Center or Recreation Commons.
- Binary Bastion: Hurry production, will cost 18 energy I think.
- And/Or Gate: Research Hospital, in combination with that rover on 84,58 to 81,57 (pod popping). If no production finish, switch to colony pod.
Some unit movements: