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Turn Planning/Reports

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  • Ok, I played the turn. Here's what happened:

    We have met the Hive! Our scout in the landmass to the north from us met a Hive unity rover.

    Changed worker to doctor in Climactic Research in order to avoid drone riots.

    Hurried recreation commons in Otkrietia-Discovery for 46 ECs.

    Rehomed a crawler from Mir Lab to Monitoring Station in order to speed up the building in M.S.

    Tried to figure out what the formers were supposed to do as best as I could.

    Added stockpile energy to queues in University Base and Mir Lab. Apparently, the whole production of the base is counted as stockpile energy in the turn something is built. This means that for University Base, which is producing over 20 minerals per turn, we get 10 ECs every time something is finished just by adding stockpile energy to the queue.


    What we will we do diplomatically with the Hive? Will we offer them a treaty at the moment? Btw, seeing as the Hive is very close to the north from us, and seeing that they have Doctrine: Flexibility, I'd feel a lot safer with some probes in our northern coastal bases. On the other hand, I'd like to get some probe foils there, so that we could infiltrate the Hive ourselves.


    • No faction had Probe Foils, last I knew. Probe Foils would be a good idea, but we can probably hold off on the guardians for a while yet.
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • Originally posted by Archaic
        No faction had Probe Foils, last I knew. Probe Foils would be a good idea, but we can probably hold off on the guardians for a while yet.
        We don't have infiltration on the Hive, so we don't know what units they have. However, they've only had Doctrine: Flexiblity for a few turns, so they won't have an armada of probe foils yet. Anyway, I do think we should make a few probe foils of our own in University Base, and pay a visit to our friends in the north.


        • Agreed.
          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


          • Posted by Maniac in the Turn Tracking Thread
            Time for a Planetary Council?
            Whether or not he was being serious (and he probably wasn't), this is an issue that needs thinking about - what are we going to do when the Planetary Council is convened? I can't imagine that we'll have the highest pop, or even the second highest (and I expect the Hive will be in first place, who do we want to support in place of the Hive? Also, if we had an opportunity to arrange for the deadlocking of the elections, would we, and how much would we be prepared to pay to achieve it?


            • Hmm, difficult questions. I don't know what the Consciousness is thinking now. Depending on the size of the Pirate faction, our two factions might be able to be an obstructionist block.
              Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


              • Has the Hive contacted us? Should we contact them?


                • If one thing is obvious now, it's that the Pirates aren't going to be good friends with the Cyborgs. On the whole, I'd say this is good news to us, since now the Pirates are more likely to consider us as a trusted ally and both the Cyborgs and the Pirates lose the pact commerce. Things are getting interesting as far as diplomacy in concerned.

                  By the way, I'm currently recreating the game a single player game to serve as a 'simulator'. The idea is that the simulator reflects the real game accurately enough, so that it is easy to plan our turns well into the future. I'm planning on adding new data to the simulator after every turn, so it would be always updated. I know the Hive is using this method and apparently their careful planning of the turns is a big reason to their success.


                  • Personally, I'm wondering if we shouldn't hook up with the Borgs in preference to PEACE. We can only be in the Pirates shadow for the meantime, until their lack of industrial capacity leaves them in the dust. With the Cyborgs, we are equals, who can work towards a common goal. Specifically, the long term elimination of both PEACE and the Hive. The Cyborgs may have betrayed PEACE, but I trust them to act well by us more than I trust PEACE themselves.
                    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                    • [size=1]Originally posted by General Tacitus[/size
                      I can't imagine that we'll have the highest pop, or even the second highest (and I expect the Hive will be in first place)
                      As of your 2141 turn basic infiltration data (commlink, right click on faction leader):

                      Hive ............... 37 votes
                      Drones ........... 19 votes
                      CyCon ............ 19 votes
                      PEACE ............ 19 votes
                      PUT ................ 15 votes

                      G (still lurking and answering questions).


                      • Originally posted by Archaic
                        Personally, I'm wondering if we shouldn't hook up with the Borgs in preference to PEACE. We can only be in the Pirates shadow for the meantime, until their lack of industrial capacity leaves them in the dust. With the Cyborgs, we are equals, who can work towards a common goal. Specifically, the long term elimination of both PEACE and the Hive. The Cyborgs may have betrayed PEACE, but I trust them to act well by us more than I trust PEACE themselves.
                        That's certainly a possibility. I was mainly thinking about the short term impacts, especially considering that we don't have that many comm links yet. Perhaps the Pirates would now be more interested in a map trade? In any case, I think we need to ally with someone in order to bring the Hive down.


                        • Originally posted by Googlie

                          PUT ................ 15 votes
                          Don't rub it in...

                          On the positive side, at least we can pop-boom easily. That's something only the Drones are capable of.


                          • Your 2142 turn has now been posted
                            Last edited by Googlie; October 14, 2003, 23:58.


                            • Diplomatic thoughts

                              Dean Archaic: First, I disagree that the Cyborgs are less likely to betray us than are the Pirates. The Cyborgs have proven their untrustworthiness by their betrayal of PEACE. We may not fall for such a convoluted trick, but we need a Pactmate we can be reasonably sure of the integrity and, to a certain extent, the loyalty of. PEACE shares common interests with us, and in the long run in order to expand overseas or mount a campaign against the Hive, we will have to either go with their cooperation, or through them.

                              I say stand by our Pact with the Pirates, make clear that we intend to stick by it and that we think we could be constructive allies. Emphasize that we have common interests in defeating the Hive, the dominant faction, and the Cyborgs -- their betrayers, our tech competitors.

                              This is open to debate of course, but that is my view.

                              Minute Mirage: I believe that any faction with -1 POP can pop-boom in SMAX with Demo, Planned, Children's Creche, and Golden Age. I haven't teste it, but that's what I've heard. Likewise, the Hive can boom with Planned, CC, and Golden Age. Please correct me if I'm wrong; as you all are aware it wouldn't be the first time.
                              Adam T. Gieseler


                              • No - you are right. and GA's can be induced to pop-boom strategically, base by base


