most definately.
No announcement yet.
Combined diplomatic thread --Direction needed
Planetary Council Motion
The Hive would like to inform the PEACE that we are prepared to submit a motion to the planetary council for a resolution of the CC-PEACE war. I'm attaching a draft here for your reference. Please do not disclose it to the other factions before we submit it to the council.
To the Planetary Council
Motion of Ceasefire and Returning of the PEACE Bases
By the Human Hives
Dear Governor, dear Planetary Council Members,
The Human Hives would like to express its great concerns about the recent intense conflict between the CPU and PEACE. The CPU-PEACE war has so far lasted seven years and has had a devastating impact on the peaceful development of the planet. The Hive is concerned over reports of increasing violations of international humanitarian law. We are gravely concerned that given the increasing likelihood of an thorough occupation of the PEACE territory by the CPU forces, coupled with the approaching winter, the situation in PEACE has the potential to become an even greater humanitarian disaster. It has become more and more apparent that the continuation or further escalation of the conflict between CPU and PEACE has dangerous implications for the stability of the region.
The Hive believes that the Planetary Council has overriding obligation to stop the suffering of innocent civilians and prevent a de-stabilising conflict spreading to other countries in the planet. The Hive motions the Council to take immediate action to consider this matter in order to prevent a humanitarian disaster and a threat to stability throughout the Planet. The Hive affirms the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the PEACE and the right of all refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes. The Hive calls for an immediate ceasefire from the CPU and the return of at least half of the PEACE bases. We emphasizes that the authorities of the Planet Council must achieve a political solution to condemn the CPU invasion of the PEACE territory and to establish that all violence and acts of terrorism from the CPU are unacceptable.
Chairman Voltaire
We would also welcome any eye witness account of the damage of the war and any unhumantary actions by the CC force. We will include some articals on this regard in the upcoming Pravda.
Ambassador HongHuBut there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Yes sounds good. Give them our exact CP co-ordinates and of support ships.
Haven't seen the turn yet (so need to think about all those pact treaty references). I would hate to see the CP go back to Atlantis. Whoops I think you (Maki)have posted in the 2141-2160 threadOn the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
Pirates Running Out of Rum! by FlameFlash
While normally not a problem among PEACE the current war with CyCon has put an end to many of the stills that were scattered throughout the faction.
"I jus' need ta get at it to power the boats!" One, now stray captain declaired.
"There's not even enough to feed all the kids anymore," a PEACE mother observed.
"We needs our rum on those salty seas," a captain of another boat reports. "We can't drink the water, so we needs the rum, now we can't drink the rum because it's not allowed to age long enough. We're suffering from dehydration!"
"My brother now in the CyCon territory told me in way too logicy of terms that they's drinking water often now. Water! Can you believe it? I bet those borgs are drilling holes in our women and chillen's heads to drain out any leftover rum too!"
"It's an utter discrace," declared another mother, "Please think of the child'run. How are they supposed to become respectable pirates without rum!? I hope those CyCon's are proud of how they are stiffling our education system."I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...
Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...
Parrots Going Crazy! by FlameFlash
In realted news (to the pirates being without rum) a delicious by-product of xenorum that make PEACE parrots as strong as they are is no longer available.
"This atrocity isn't just hurting us anymore... it's hurting the animals too!"
Mainly bred off of a mindworm/xenorumbyproduct the parrots are forced to feed off more mindworms, and it's having a negative effect.
"Mindworm larva are what give parrots strength, the xenorumbyproduct is what gave them a mental balance that allowed pirate captains to command them and use them as carrier pigeons. Without the xenoproduct the parrots are beginning to become more mindworm-like. In a few more generations, they may even become untrainable."
"Horrible news, just horrible!" Captain Herc declares. "What kind of pirates don't have parrots?"
The rest of the pirate council seems to agree with those sentiments.
Given even time, they will join the locusts as a main aircraft enemy if the pirates are unable to regain their footing and stave off the threat.
"Assimilated pirates just don't cut it," noted one philosopher as he sipped at his underaged rum. "They just don't care anymore. We need fully-rum powered pirate captains to handle the parrots and give out the xenoproduct, and there just arrrrn't enough of them anymore."I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...
Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...
Me like! Bleh, water indeed. How crazy is that?? ^^
You want to PM those to HongHu, or should I?But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Well, you probably will all have read the Planetary Council thread by now. Tis good, cycon is frightened (or utterly oblivious; methinks they are more likely to be devious and arrogant than stupid). Note all the accusations they bring against the Hive, true or not, its not worth bringing up, just goes to show the Cycon perhaps realize their predicament. If it pleases the capn's, I'll be writing up an argument for that thread, unless someone else would prefer to do it.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
yerrr...looks like its pretty much been taken care of. But a challenge is a challenge! I just need a little time to mull over it, we can't all be super-efficient cyborgs or super-industrious Hiveans, or super-hard-working Drones.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.