Are you saying that they want the Doc:Flex now and will give us the HEC in 5 years or whenever (no deadline?), plus still owe us a tech and with nothing binding on them for that delivery either? That would be 10 or 15 years more float for the payoff on the IndAuto deal as well as the 5 plus years float they want on this one - that's well over 20 years of float (counting what they've already had). Surely they are not that intractable - or are they playing the Suicide Pact role over there.
If there is anything still on the table from them to make it less odious, please fill us in.
If that's it, I'm also P!$$ed off and leaning toward letting them get Doc:Flex however the &*$&# they can and cutting our losses to just the remainder of the float from the IndAuto. OTOH, being able to direct their research to anything, even HEC (rather than our suggestion of NonLinear), would be helpful in the global context, as you say they will otherwise (redundantly) research EhicalCalc, wasting the research points; unfortunately, we only collectively gain from avoiding redundancy, not we Pirates specifically. If they research EthicalCalc after getting Flex (whether from us or from the AI) and we have meanwhile decided to get the EthCalc from the PUT, then our IndAuto payback would be further postponed - In that case, I would be in favor of just stealing techs from them whenever possible for the rest of the game rather than attempting to work with them in the trade market.
I think you should probably start a poll or polls, setting forth whatever options you think are possible for trading and whatever alternative actions you see.
I'm not sure that I have all the details of the various trade possibilities with the other factions, but I think you said we can get AppPhys and Loyalty from the Hive and EthicalCalc from the PUT. Presumably we can get something useful from the Drones too. It is true, is it not, that the Borg do not have contact with any of the other human factions?
Just so we can figure the big picture, could you set out the possible deals with all the factions here in one post.
Presumably you can stall the Borg at least another of their turns, while we decide what to do. If they wish, are able and actually do make the deal with the AI before then, so be it, it will only be another insulting gesture and what's one more insulting gesture among such friends. Meanwhile, we can check with the other factions and/or figure out what we want to do with the Borg. Perhaps we could bribe Roze &/or Miriam to be their enemies, scotching their deals and also giving them something else to worry about.
We seem to be heading for a confrontation with the Borg, let's keep that in mind in our builds and plans; I was only half kidding in my post about splitting them up with the PUT.
If there is anything still on the table from them to make it less odious, please fill us in.
If that's it, I'm also P!$$ed off and leaning toward letting them get Doc:Flex however the &*$&# they can and cutting our losses to just the remainder of the float from the IndAuto. OTOH, being able to direct their research to anything, even HEC (rather than our suggestion of NonLinear), would be helpful in the global context, as you say they will otherwise (redundantly) research EhicalCalc, wasting the research points; unfortunately, we only collectively gain from avoiding redundancy, not we Pirates specifically. If they research EthicalCalc after getting Flex (whether from us or from the AI) and we have meanwhile decided to get the EthCalc from the PUT, then our IndAuto payback would be further postponed - In that case, I would be in favor of just stealing techs from them whenever possible for the rest of the game rather than attempting to work with them in the trade market.
I think you should probably start a poll or polls, setting forth whatever options you think are possible for trading and whatever alternative actions you see.
I'm not sure that I have all the details of the various trade possibilities with the other factions, but I think you said we can get AppPhys and Loyalty from the Hive and EthicalCalc from the PUT. Presumably we can get something useful from the Drones too. It is true, is it not, that the Borg do not have contact with any of the other human factions?
Just so we can figure the big picture, could you set out the possible deals with all the factions here in one post.
Presumably you can stall the Borg at least another of their turns, while we decide what to do. If they wish, are able and actually do make the deal with the AI before then, so be it, it will only be another insulting gesture and what's one more insulting gesture among such friends. Meanwhile, we can check with the other factions and/or figure out what we want to do with the Borg. Perhaps we could bribe Roze &/or Miriam to be their enemies, scotching their deals and also giving them something else to worry about.
We seem to be heading for a confrontation with the Borg, let's keep that in mind in our builds and plans; I was only half kidding in my post about splitting them up with the PUT.