Hopefully, the PUT just screwed up and forgot to give us the EthCalc and they will give it to us next turn. I would suggest that you hold the turn while you and/or Cap'n Flubber contact the PUT and MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS OK instead of letting everything sail on by while it is screwed up like we did the last couple of turns. Some straight talk with the Borg might be a good idea too. It seems that nothing is going on in these areas when there are obvious problems. Is Ambas'dor Flubber unable to talk to either of them or what?
As to the turn details, I posted something in the turn thread (where Cap'n Herc should have posted his turn stuff instead of in here). I think that the drone problem could be eased or deferred if the EthicalCalc problem were resolved soon, so there is good reason to delay taking the turn in order to make sure that is on track. If you send out the turn before things are straightened out, it could possibly come around again before anyone over there realizes anything is wrong.
As to the turn details, I posted something in the turn thread (where Cap'n Herc should have posted his turn stuff instead of in here). I think that the drone problem could be eased or deferred if the EthicalCalc problem were resolved soon, so there is good reason to delay taking the turn in order to make sure that is on track. If you send out the turn before things are straightened out, it could possibly come around again before anyone over there realizes anything is wrong.