In order to get a more detailed picture about what's going on concerning SMAX ownership and participation in a possible next acdg, I'd like to ask a few questions:
1) Do you own basic SMAC: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and have it installed? Yes or no? This may look like a stupid question, but some people did participate in this game without having SMAC.
2) Do you own SMAX: Alien Crossfire? Yes or no?
3) In a possible next acdg, would you want to play with SMAC or SMAX? I know it has been asked in a previous thread, but I'm reasking just to get all the data in one thread.
4) If we played basic SMAC, would you participate in a next ACDG? Yes or no?
5) If we played with the expansion pack SMAX, would you participate in a next ACDG? Yes or no?
Thanks for answering.
1) Do you own basic SMAC: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and have it installed? Yes or no? This may look like a stupid question, but some people did participate in this game without having SMAC.

2) Do you own SMAX: Alien Crossfire? Yes or no?
3) In a possible next acdg, would you want to play with SMAC or SMAX? I know it has been asked in a previous thread, but I'm reasking just to get all the data in one thread.

4) If we played basic SMAC, would you participate in a next ACDG? Yes or no?
5) If we played with the expansion pack SMAX, would you participate in a next ACDG? Yes or no?
Thanks for answering.
