Officials of the April government, please post your possibly last orderset ever here. The chat will be on the Apolyton server at #smacdg.
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Orders for turnchat 2282 onwards, Saturday 18/04/03 23.00 GMT
Orders for turnchat 2282 onwards, Saturday 18/04/03 23.00 GMT
Last edited by Maniac; April 18, 2003, 12:29.Tags: None
Build Queues
Ankh Morpork-aaafusinwhtvr/crawler/fuslab/crawler/hbrdfrst
Metropolis-(change suppfoil to)crawler/crawler/aquaformer
Capricorn-chldrncrche/recreation commons/research hospital
UN Aquaxenobananna-suppfoil/chldrncrche/recomm/supfoil
UN Slippery Ground-chldrncrche/reccomm/supfoil/supfoil
Worker Placements
Ankh Morpork-at population growth, new citizen is engineer.
Shangri-La-at growth, new worker is thinker; make sure to work energy bonus square (22,52)
Metropolis-at growth,new worker is an Engineer
Capricorn-no specialists; work (26,52) and (24,56) other placements seem fine.
UN Aquaxenobananna-sit tight, think good thoughts
UN Slippery Ground- worker from nutrient bonus tile into engineer
Ankh-Morpork-upon completion crwlr to (16,50) for energy
Shangri-la-upon completion crwlr to (18,48) for energy
UN AquaXenoBananna:upon completion, trawler to (28,80) for minerals
Terraforming Requests
lower (19,61)
raise (27,61)
remove fungus (12,56)(9,55)(11,53)(11,55)
solar collector on energy bonus (17,61)
plant forest (21,61)
farm+mine (24,62)(12,54)
farm+solar (16,54)
tidal harness on energy bonus (22,52)
mining platform on mineral bonus (24,46)(25,39)(25,18)(8,46)(12,16)(16,14)(32,14) (37,5)
Rush/Upgrade Requests
Ankh Morpork-no requests
Shangri-La-no requests
Metropolis-no requests
Capricorn-Children's Creche, when possible
UN Aquaxenobannana-no requests
UN Slippery Ground-Children's Creche, when possible
Jedinica Vrijstaat orders, MY 2282 onwards
Requests to the DPO
When we get the Nano Factory (which shouldn't take more than 2 turns with all the crawlers being made), please upgrade all non-clean JV-homed units (3 in Concordia, 1 in each of Pandemonium, Sheathed Sword, and Terminal Dogma, last I checked), to provide marginal (but important) mineral boost. Most important are the 3 in Concordia.
Until then, please re-home the Concordian Gatling Squad (5-1-1) to Valhalla, to balance the industrial output a bit.
Requests to the DIA
Rush requests:
Aero Complex in Sheathed Sword: 40ecs
Hybrid Forest in Valhalla: 140ecs
Orders for the Commissioner
Build queues
Please follow them exactly. All are changed.
change from Chaos Tank to Secret Crawler (40 min crawler)
Queue 7 Secret Crawlers
Be prepared to change production to The Universal Translator when enough crawlers are available to insta-build it.
change from energy satt to Supply Speeder (30 min crawler)
Queue 7 Supply Speeders
Sheathed Sword
finish aerospace complex (rush with 10 mins over: 40ecs)
Queue 7 Supply Speeders
(note: I'm not sure I should bother with a Hybrid Forest here, since there's only one forest square in the base radius... but if we run out of need for crawlers, put a Hybrid Forest in)
Terminal Dogma
change from energy satt to Secret Crawler (40 min crawler)
Queue 7 Secret Crawlers
finish Hybrid Forest (rush with 10 mins over: 140ecs)
Queue 7 Secret Crawlers
Supply crawlers
Move one of Concordia's nutrient crawlers to the unworked forest square S,S,W of Valhalla (outside of base radii) and crawl minerals. (this should bring it up to 40 from the 38 that will result from my worker and unit-rehoming orders)
All JV crawlers (except those crawling minerals, or crawling nutrients for Sheathed Sword or Valhalla) should be considered available to assist in the insta-building of secret projects. My priorities are as follows:
The Cloning Vats (in New Apolyton... insta-build the thing!)
The Universal Translator (in Concordia, will be available to build in 2283, please switch Concordia to this when enough crawlers are available to insta-build it and... well, insta-build itThink of it as buying 2 techs...)
The Nano Factory (in DEM or possibly New Suez, wherever, just ship crawlers over if it will allow construction by the next turn) ... note: when this is completed, please upgrade (among other things) the units in Concordia that are still non-clean, thanks
The Living Refinery (in DEM or possibly New Suez, ditto to The Nano Factory, but less of a priority)
The Dream Twister (wherever)
The Pholus Mutagen (in Aurora, most likely)
If no such projects can be insta-built in a given turn and there are still JV-built crawlers, there are 3 general uses I have in mind:
1. if a JV base ceases to be able to produce it's assigned crawler type in 1 turn, assign mineral crawlers as necessary to remedy the situation.
2. *IF* it will change our tech rate (unlikely at this point, unless we drop back to 3 turns for some reason), re-home them to Concordia and have them work the energy park (which didn't crash in my latest tests, but save before trying just in case) for energy.
3. If Concordia can't change the tech rate with the extra energy, rehome the crawlers to New Apolyton (our best cash base, correct?) and work the energy park for energy... but please be prepared to pull the formers off for insta-building.
Crawlers assigned to 2. and 3. should be considered "available" for instabuilding Secret Projects.
Instead of giving former orders, I'll just give a list of what terraformation I would want in the end, as the list of detailed former orders would become too long now they can too double the work than before. Please tell me when you want the other order format after all. If you want me to make a picture with this list put into symbols on a map of Jedinica, I'll do so.
Updated for already done terraformations.
All sea tiles: kelp farm, tidal harness
(14.60) NE-NE of ShSw: soil enricher
(19.65) NE of TeDo: (nut bonus square) replace forest with farm, soil enricher and Condensor
(21.69) SE-SE-SE of TeDo: soil enricher
(19.69) S-SE of TeDo: soil enricher
When these tasks are completed, have the JV formers improve Solaris... if in doubt, roads and forest (with a little mag tube here and there to make it all easily accessible)... Lucky, feel free to make orders as if you had a great deal more formers than you actually do
Should Solaris become completely formed (not entirely out of the question), consider the JV formers available for any (legal) work, faction-wide... I love mag tubes
-Take the worker off the Echelon Mirror square NW of Concordia.
-Convert all 3 specialists to Thinkers.
From Our Holy Emperor (who is due to return tomorrow, iirc) :
DPO Requests
Upgrade Xanadu and UNPD garrisons to 1-5+t-2*2 after photon is prototyped
Force Aurora to support UN Pizza Deliverian Scout patrol stationed there
Disband or otherwise deal with scout patrol in Zanarkand Gate
Get that fusion chopper from UNPD supported at egregion, perhaps?
Build Queues
Rush RAP (i have no idea how much. but we're rich...*TKG throws several 20 mikrocred bill around)
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Start an SP, i guess. Dream twister, or Uni Translater, perhaps. Cedayon DID poll it, right?
Rush RAP
13-5-6*2 (deep)
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Machines of Peace
Nano Factory
Living Refinery
Rush RAP when it gets closer to completion
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Machines of Peace
-move worker to new borehole upon completion
-same as UNPD
-Move the 1-0-1 worker to a forest
Turn the 2 engineers into borehole workers (don't worry about ED, i'm canceling some crawlers)
-work new borehole upon completion
-WORK any new mine tile that may pop up
-work the new forest tile
7,101: Move to ZG
-support it there
-move back and crawl mins
move to xanadu
-support from there
-move to 6,106 and crawl mins
Move all new crawlers built to DEM or any other SP-building base
Move all Trance Fusion Hovertank Supplys to an SP building base
14,96: borehole (the poll shows this one failed, but add my vote and it's tied, and I get to break the tie!)
13,99: borehole
6,106: Mine
3,111: borehole
2,100: remove fungus
4,96: sensor array
5,93: sensor array (road?)
DPO Requests
Upgrade Xanadu and UNPD garrisons to 1-5+t-2*2 after photon is prototyped
Force Aurora to support UN Pizza Deliverian Scout patrol stationed there
Disband or otherwise deal with scout patrol in Zanarkand Gate
Get that fusion chopper from UNPD supported at egregion, perhaps?
there, now did i miss anything?
Re: the borehole orders... TKG is correct that his vote brings the green borehole from 3-4 against to a 4-4 tie... if he gets to break the tie, the result is clear, and if I get to break the tie I defer to his judgement
Also, just a suggestion for those upgrade requests: wait until we've built the Nano Factory, then go nuts
Two comments about my (JV) orders that I'd like to be more visible than they are buried amongst build queues and such...
1) JV, with the exception of finishing (via rushes) the Aero Complex in Sheathed Sword and the Hybrid Forest in Valhalla, is building nothing but crawlers this whole upcoming turnchat. The main purpose is to insta-build the upcoming Secret Projects, but I gave alternative uses as well if such insta-building is either completed or not possible at any given time.
2) JV is almost completely formed, so when the last of my former orders are completed (and please do complete them, GT, they won't take long) I'm essentially turning control of them over to the faction as a whole. I'm sending them to Solaris first, since it could definately use some forest and such. Lucky, this would be your cue to decide and post which Solarian squares you want something other than forest on
After Solaris is completely formed (not out of the question if this turnchat goes 7 turns), send them wherever... perhaps to Twin Sea to build massive amounts of boreholes
Completing my stay as sock puppet for GT, I give him total control over my region for this turnchat. If I recall correctly, it's not like there's really anything further to develop in the region anyway. Keep the rushing as normal, build whatever clean military as needed, and make building any new facilities the topmost priority (Well, beside the SP builds anyway, of which there's....2 this turnchat for the region? I can't remember, it's late and I haven't slept in 2 days. ^^; ).Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
Concordia Gatling Squad move to Valhalla, rehome and return to Sentry in Concordia (JV Gov request)
Aurora: - rehome Scout Patrol there to be supported from that city
Believer Incursion at Circular Quay
Chopper from NA to TacAc
Attack the first turn possible
Locusts of Chiron near DEM
This depends on what the locusts do generally. If they go for bases, there is nothing to do but wait for them to attack DEM. If they damage terrain improvements, move Empath Chaos Rotor from Egregion to NA this turn, to Zanarkand Gate next and then attack the Locusts.
Standing orders
At UNSG, continue to attack Hive targets of opportunity until afull complement of Defensive units fill the two transports in Egregion.
The following orders are all to be carried out as funds permit AFTER the Nano Factory ahs been built. None of these upgrades are judged to be particularly important over any other at present.
Upgrade after Nano Factory as funds permit
The immediate following relates to the UNIT SLOTS THEMSELVES. I want the Commish to go into the U unit design screen, find these units and upgrade the whole unit type. This will free up some slots for possible future prototypes.
Empath Scout Rovers to Empath Recon Rovers (1) - slot free
Trance Plasma Sentinels (4) to Clean Silksteel Sentinels - slot free
Trance Scout Defensives (2) to Trance Silksteel Defensives - slot free
Police Synthemtal Sentinel (1) to Police Silksteel Sentinel - slot free
Gatling Squad (1) to AAA Gatling Squad - slot free
After the above, I want these prototyped.
Clean Coppers
1-1-1 (Clean, Police)
Clean Photon Garrison
1-5t-1*2 (Clean Trance)
IF there are no ACS MWIA Cruisers by this time, then do the following:
ACS MWIA II (or whatever name)
13-5-6*2 (Clean, Deep)
upgrade ACS MWIA type to ACS MWIA II
f there are ACS MIWA units built by the time the Nana Factory is up, do not do any of the above
Further unit type upgrades
Police Infantrys (11) to Clean Coppers - slot free
Individual Unit Upgrades
Metropolis: Upgrade 2 Missile Interceptors to Clean Fusion Needlejet (Shangri-La, Tacticus Academy)
UN AquaXenobanana: Missile Interceptor to Clean Fusion Needlejet (Metropolis)
Capricorn: 2 Missile Interceptor to Clean Fusion Needlejets (Capricorn, NA)
Pandemonium: Trance Plasma Sentinels to Clean Photon Garrison
Terminal Dogma: Police Infantry to Clean Coppers
UNSG: Missile Interceptor to Clean Fusion Needlejet (NA)
UNPD: Police Synthmetal Garrison to Clean Photon Garrison
Xanadu Police Plasma Sentinel to Clean Photon Garrison
Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
whoever is doing the orders for Akiria.Smile
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
TKG was so kind as to do orders for Twin Sea:
..since nobody else is around to do it, i guess i might as well...
DPO Requests
Upgrade the garrisons in all bases
Finish Transport
Robotic Assembly Plant
ACS MWIA class cruiser
13-5-6*2 (deep)
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply
Machines of Peace
Rush Hybrid Forest
Fusion Lab
Energy Bank
Research Hospital
Aerospace Complex
Centauri Preserve
Robotic Assembly Plant
Heaven's Gate
Rush Tree Farm
A Cheap Crawler
Hybrid Forest
Hab complex
Fusion Lab
energy bank
research hospital
UN Research Complex
Rush Tree farm
Hybrid Forest
fusion lab
Hab complex
Resarch hospital
Energy bank
Transcendance Academy
Rush network node
hybrid forest
hab complex
fusion lab
research hospital
aerospace complex
New Suez:
-turn empath into engineer
-turn empath into forest worker
-work 2 new boreholes
Heaven's Gate:
-when cralwer is built, move condensor worker to a borehole
-work one new borehole
-work 2 new boreholes
New Crawler from Heaven's Gate
-crawl Nuts from 26.114
Build boreholes based on the picture, but leave out #11, #12 and #16. there, i ordered it, and if they get built, you all know who to blame
27,93: tidal harness
26,94: tidal harness
26,92: tidal harnessin general to the rush requests (assuming they're past 10 mins), but we've really only got so much cash right now so there is a limit to how much we can rush on the first turn.