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Orders for turnchat 2277 onwards, 2200 GMT Saturday

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  • #31
    I was just planning to make the Twin Sea orders. And since Voltaire hasn't left any indications, I'll use the opportunity to move forward tree farm and hybrid forest construction and hurrying in the build queues of all his forested bases.

    And MWIA, if you have any specific requests for Twin Sea, please tell so. I'll order anything you want in Twin Sea, if the base's mineral production allows it.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #32
      Thanks for taking care of Twin Sea, Maniac. Feel free to use rushing cash to speed up the TF/HF construction. Even if we spend ourselves silly the first few turns, I'm sure our income will leave us with a lot of cash by the end of the chat (probably even more than we have now).


      • #33
        Twin Sea orders MY 2277 onwards

        Requests to the DIA

        I'd simply like to request to hurry as many facilities as possible which already are above 10 mins, especially tree farm and hybrid forest facilities, as the region consists entirely out of forest.

        Requests to the DPO

        Please rehome all clean land based military units to Egregion. The same with ALL naval units, even if they aren't clean. I'll produce crawlers for Egregion to support that unit.
        Please design a 0-4-5*2 CleanRadar "Clean Fusion Destroyer Transport".
        Please design a 13-4-6*2 AAARadar cruiser, same model as TKG will construct (so for that reason please give it another name than Pizza).
        Please design a 0-1-3*2 "Probe Tank" unit.

        Build queues

        All queues are reworked for several reasons:
        1) The DIA and Commissioner asked to stop constructing land formers.
        2) The region has not enough place outside its base radii to support more crawlers. It wouldn't be fair against the other regions to use their territory for Twin Maritime crawlers.
        3) Tree farms and hybrid forests were placed very late in the queues, while about all terraformations are forest.

        New Suez
        hybrid forest
        aerospace complex
        command center
        0-4-5*2 CleanRadar "Clean Fusion Destroyer Transport"
        0-4-5*2 CleanRadar "Clean Fusion Destroyer Transport"
        13-4-6*2 AAARadar cruiser
        13-4-6*2 AAARadar cruiser

        hybrid forest
        aerospace complex
        supply speeder
        supply speeder
        command center
        probe tank
        probe tank
        probe tank

        Transcendance Academy
        network node
        hybrid forest
        research hospital
        aerospace complex
        centauri preserve

        tree farm
        hybrid forest
        research hospital
        aerospace complex
        centauri preserve

        Heaven's Gate
        network node
        tree farm
        hybrid forest
        research hospital
        aerospace complex
        centauri preserve

        U.N. Research Complex
        network node
        tree farm
        hybrid forest
        research hospital
        aerospace complex
        centauri preserve

        Supply Crawlers

        Please move the crawlers on the tiles (24.96), (23.97), (24.98), (25.101), (24.102) and (21.103) to the free tiles of (32.104), (27.101), (29.101), (31.101), (30.102) and (34.104) and harvest minerals.

        Supply speeder under construction in Mysidia
        -move and rehome to Egregion
        -harvest minerals on of the neighbouring forests (if that's ok for the local governor of course)

        New Suezi supply skimship (22.94) W of New Suez, harvesting nutrients
        -move to (26.86) and harvest energy

        Worker placements

        When in the base screens of New Suez, Mysidia and UNRC, please click on the base icon of the production screen to let the game itself decide better worker locations.
        Please do so after the crawlers have been given their orders in the first turn.


        Sea former orders
        (22.94), (30.96) and (31.95) : construct a kelp farm and tidal harness
        (26.86): construct a tidal harness
        When those orders are done before time, please move to U.N. Peace Anchorage to help out there.

        Various little Twin Maritime terraformations
        (34.104): mag tube, forest, sensor array
        (29.115): road, forest, sensor array

        Extra magtubes
        Please have a look at the attached picture. Red lines indicate new mag tubes. This way we have better access to Morganite territory should he declare Vendetta on us like all the rest.

        Further orders
        When all that's done, please help build the Solarian energy park.
        Attached Files
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #34
          Originally posted by Cedayon
          Lucky: rushes approved ... in fact, you don't have to wait on the metro and capricorn rushes, just rush them right away... we're drowning in cash (I'm not sure I can even keep us at current levels, we'll probably have more at the end of the chat than we do now), and Solaris is the newest region. Stuff like Tree Farms and Network nodes are necessities for proper growth and productivity, rush them with all due speed.
          I 'm just coordinating 'need due to growth' and timing... I'm all for those rushes, but if I recall correctly we may be in an awkward position vis a vis crawlers being ready before terraforming enhancements are completed to accomodate them. Not that this system of play is really that sensitive to such issues, of course.
          Last edited by lucky22; March 22, 2003, 17:50.

