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Orders for turnchat 2277 onwards, 2200 GMT Saturday

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  • Orders for turnchat 2277 onwards, 2200 GMT Saturday

    It's possible there might be a turnchat Wednesday, depending on how many orders come in, and if the missing ordersets aren't crucial for the running of the playsession.
    So to all officials, please deliver some orders as soon as possible if those of last Saturday no longer suffice. It doesn't need to be much, as probably no more than a few turns will be played.

    I'll post the time later, probably it'll be somewhere after Wednesday 19.00 GMT.
    Last edited by Maniac; March 18, 2003, 14:13.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    Science orders waiting on poll (posted about 6 hors ago) If about 10+ people show a preference before Wednesday then I'm good.

    1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
    That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
    Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
    Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


    • #3
      *This* Wednesday? Oh....wait.....that's your time. Alright, well, if I get the time, I'll take a look at the turns and make my final GT-seat-warming orders for Centralis. But beyond keeping up production of those sats until we hit 16, producing the units needed for the war effort, and maybe some earthworks a-la TKG (Got to plan those), I don't see much for Centralis to do right now.
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • #4

        OK, tomorrow that's what I do.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          Jedinica Vrijstaat orders, MY 2277 onwards

          Requests to the DPO
          Look over the build orders to see if the unit choices are satisfactory.

          Design, if they're not alreay designed:
          a 1-4-3 Empath Clean Tank, which will cost 70 mins (90 on proto)
          a 8-1-3 Chaos Tank, which will cost 60 mins (and can be upgraded upon construction to have a better weapon, and quite cheaply when we get the Nano Factory.

          There are still JV-built offensive choppers that have not been rehomed to Egregion yet (some are already in UNSG), and are causing significant drone problems. Please pull them off their current duty *immediately* to be rehomed to Egregion.

          Requests to the DIA

          Design a rover supply w/deep radar, that will cost 40 mins (for the special use of giving my bases a crawler that can use their full industry). Name this something like "Secret Crawler" so it's purpose is clear when the time comes to start cashing them.

          Rush requests:
          (I could list them all, but it'd be simpler to just look at my build queues. Needless to say, I intend to grant my own rush requests, since JV's been either very light on the rushes or devoted to military production up until now for this term)

          Build queues
          Please follow them exactly. All are changed.

          Change current project (nut satt) to Secret Crawler (design is above) and rush with 10 mins over
          Secret Crawler (rush with 10 mins over)
          Secret Crawler (rush with 10 mins over)
          Theory of Everything (when this comes up, cash all 9 of the JV Secret Crawlers and apply whatever rushing cash is necessary to make it complete next turn, preferably with 10 mins over)
          Energy Satt (rush with 10 mins over)
          Energy Satt (rush)
          Chaos Tank (design is above)

          Clean Fusion 'Copter (10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) (rush with 10 mins over)
          Secret Crawler (rush with 10 mins over)
          Secret Crawler (rush with 10 mins over)
          Energy Satt (rush with 10 mins over)
          Energy Satt (rush)
          Empath Tank (design is above)
          Biology Lab

          Sheathed Sword
          Clean Empath rover (8-1-2*2 clean, empath) (rush with 10 mins over)
          Secret Crawler (rush with 10 mins over)
          Secret Crawler (rush with 10 mins over)
          aerospace complex (rush with 10 mins over)
          Energy Satt (rush)
          hybrid forest

          Terminal Dogma
          Clean Fusion 'Copter (10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) (rush with 10 mins over)
          Secret Crawler (rush with 10 mins over)
          Secret Crawler (rush with 10 mins over)
          Energy Satt (rush with 10 mins over)
          Energy Satt (rush)
          Chaos Tank

          Clean Fusion 'Copter (10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) (rush with 10 mins over)
          Hab Complex (rush)
          Hybrid Forest
          Centauri Preserve
          Nut or Energy Satt, depends on which is needed more at the time
          Nut or Energy Satt, depends on which is needed more at the time

          Supply crawlers

          All Secret Crawlers should be put to work crawling squares near their home bases that only produce significant quantities of one factor of production (ie condensor farms or mines), should there be a lack of those feel free to go farther afield, just make sure they stay on/near the mag tube network so they can all make it back to Concordia on the turn that the ToE comes up in it's queue.


          Instead of giving former orders, I'll just give a list of what terraformation I would want in the end, as the list of detailed former orders would become too long now they can too double the work than before. Please tell me when you want the other order format after all. If you want me to make a picture with this list put into symbols on a map of Jedinica, I'll do so.

          Updated for already done terraformations.

          All sea tiles: kelp farm, tidal harness
          (8.78) SW-SW-SW of Con: soil enricher
          (14.60) NE-NE of ShSw: condenser, soil enricher
          (19.65) NE of TeDo: (nut bonus square) replace forest with farm, soil enricher and Condensor
          (21.69) SE-SE-SE of TeDo: soil enricher
          (19.69) S-SE of TeDo: soil enricher
          (16.76) S-SW of Val: plant forest

          When these tasks are completed, send the formers north to improve Solaris and build the energy park.


          Put free pop units on the 3 open squares
          Until the drone problems from the non-rehomed offensive choppers are out of the way, make all specialists thinkers (keep empaths only to prevent a riot)
          Once the appropriate choppers have been rehomed, convert as many specialists to empaths as necessary to secure Golden Age status.

          stop working the two 1nut+1energy sea squares
          Until the drone problems from the non-rehomed offensive choppers are out of the way, make all specialists engineers (keep empaths only to prevent a riot)
          Once the appropriate choppers have been rehomed, convert as many specialists to empaths as necessary to secure Golden Age status.

          Terminal Dogma:
          take the worker off the 1nut+1energy sea square
          take the worker off the 3nut+1energy condensor square
          put a free pop unit on the new borehole.
          Until the drone problems from the non-rehomed offensive choppers are out of the way, make all specialists engineers (keep empaths only to prevent a riot)
          Once the appropriate choppers have been rehomed, convert as many specialists to empaths as necessary to secure Golden Age status.



          • #6
            Secret Crawlers


            • #7
              Rover supply units with deep radar (just to bump them up to 40 mins), "Secret Project Crawlers", shortened to sound more like "Secret Squirrel" (semi-obscure cartoon-related joke).

              edit- btw, I do understand that you can't put energy satts in the build queues until next turn, so you can either do the queues up to them until next turn and fill the rest in then, or you can put nutrient satts in as placeholders to be replaced when we get Adv spaceflight (make sure to replace them, though).


              • #8
                Director of Peacekeeping Operations

                These orders are brief as the early week is not a good time for me ever.


                Create the following: (requested by Cedayon)
                -1-4-3 Empath Clean Tank, which will cost 70 mins (90 on proto)
                -8-1-3 Chaos Tank, which will cost 60 mins
                -1-4-1*2 AAA Clean Infantry - 60 mins

                Worm threat near DEM
                The Veteran Empath Chaos Rover in Tacticus Academy is to proceed this turn to DEM then to attack the worm near DEM. I request that this rover stays in DEM, and possibly rehomes here for future worm duty.

                No specific upgrades, but any Governor requests that improve equipment have the permission of the DPO.

                I have requested that the Governors of all regions except Jedinica Vrijstaat queue some military units, including the above Infantry and Fusion Choppers. These, when built, should be moved to Egregion, where they rehome and

                1. Fusion Choppers proceed to UNSG,
                2. Silksteel or Plasma Infantry (Governors' discretion) go to Egregion where they sentry to board the two Transports waiting there.
                3. Any Empath Choppers around should travel to their home bases, after rehoming in Egregion if it is felt necessary. These Choppers are simply for homeland defense against worms.

                Standing Orders
                -Choppers in UNSG are to attack Hive units wherever possible and Choppers are 10% or less damaged, where the odds are good. Otherwise wait in UNSG until they repair.
                -When a Transport in Egregion is full of Infantry, neither is to leave until the next chat. I need to coordinate air and sea cover before I risk this many units in a flimsy transport travelling towards our airborne large enemy. If it is felt necessary that they should travel to UNSG, do so only with at least one Interceptor and at least one Ship providing cover. The Interceptor in Terminal Dogma and the AAA Chaos Cruiser would suffice for a low level of cover for these Transports.

                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                • #9
                  Btw, el Dictator of Peacekeeping Operations, are you planning on providing escort for the colony pod heading north? My guess is that there'll be something along the way to either try to kill it or destroy/take the base it forms if it has no escort.


                  • #10
                    As there are too little orders, there can be no turnchat.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #11
                      Drat... well, at least I don't have to interrupt what I was doing


                      • #12
                        This was a little abrupt for me... don't mean to be a weenie, but we need to coordinate our efforts a little better if we;re going to do 2 chats/threads per week. I'm still procrastinating with the orders for this weekend. Notice a week in advance of a Wednesday chat/thread will allow me to do a meaningful set of orders.


                        • #13
                          I know I know. I didn't really expect much orders to come in anyway. I just hope this will be a sign for all future officials that there might be two turnchats/week the coming time, and that they should take that in account.
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #14
                            No chat? Phew. I have to say that hearing that was kind of out of the blue, and with one extra day/night I will be pretty much fully prepared.

                            But I do tend to need one night for examining the situation and PMing people with requests, then they reply over the next day and I can write up full orders the following night (my time). Just please keep that in mind for future chats - two days warning as a minimum.

                            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                            • #15
                              Okay, well, let this serve as the orders thread for the next chat on Saturday.

                              btw MWIA - do you have any plans for taking out the Aerospace Complex in TLH which is rather hindering our air operations there?

