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Orders for turnchat 2277 onwards, 2200 GMT Saturday

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  • #16
    Governor of Akiria Orders

    New Tassagrad
    Add to existing Q
    Some Sats when available
    Some of Cedayon's Secret Crawlers
    and maybe Theory of Everything.

    Add to q

    Hab Complex
    2 supply crawlers ( secret?)
    Biology lab (Area prone to blight)
    research hospital
    Bunch of Sats

    Twin Peaks

    Aerospace complex
    Supply speeders
    Fusion lab
    Research Hospital


    Sea Colony pod
    best Trance skimship ( for pod pops and defence western ocean)
    Sea former
    2 Sea supply
    Biology lab
    Fusion lab

    Espirito del Aqua

    Aeropspace complex
    Biology lab
    sea supply crawlers
    empath defender chopper (re worms)

    Sea Formers general
    kelp farms
    Mining platforms

    build condensors
    and eschelon mirrors complex as Visitor attraction ( near Twin peaks)


    Fine as is, except those working borehole in Cyclops, change or convert to specialists.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


    • #17
      Director of Foreign Affairs

      The war with Deirdre was unexpected. If given the opportunity we should try to secure a peace (Will post poll today) to restore previous policy with regards to Deirdre. I will also post poll re Spartans on same issue.

      However they should only be approached by us if poll results signal a desire for a change in current policy posture.
      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


      • #18
        Please note I will be in Germany from 21st to 31st March, so will miss turnchats and presumably severe denigration of Yang and the liberation of the Hive nation.

        Back April 1st.

        Cedayon I believe volnteered to look after Akiria region but of course any sound environmentalist is welcome to offer services.
        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


        • #19
          I'll look after Akiria if no one else is available *looks pointedly at Maniac*


          • #20
            Of course I'll do the Akirian orders, as my job description involves acting in case of an emergency. I just wanted to check if anyone else was jumping to perform the role. Apparently no one is.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #21
              Originally posted by Maniac
              I know I know. I didn't really expect much orders to come in anyway. I just hope this will be a sign for all future officials that there might be two turnchats/week the coming time, and that they should take that in account.
              Duly apprised. If we're doing a wednesday next week (barring a suitcase nuke in my back yard), can we make note of it in the thread reporting Saturday's turnchat? I think that once again I'll be missing the chat itself this week, though for social rather than technical reasons. Maybe finally the following week I will be in actual and relatively meaningless attendance.


              • #22
                Originally posted by lucky22
                Maybe finally the following week I will be in actual and relatively meaningless attendance.
                A governor can participate quite meaningfully, actually, mostly with on-the-spot rush requests and the like... I actually snuck in an unrequested rush in A-M during the chat, simply because Solaris needs it, but much more would have been possible if you were around to make more-informed (since you know the region better than I) requests.

                (note: the above ramble-speak translates to "Please come, we need help spending the cash!")

                That said, I will most likely be unable to attend the turnchat, or any for the rest of this term. Sorry about that, as I know DIA participation is helpful... but I give permission (if it's even needed) for the commissioner/acting comissioner (GT/Maniac) to propose and quickpoll reasonable rushes (ie they're past 10 mins if non-emergency), so long as the proper reserve is maintained... I'd be ecstatic if we could get anywhere near the point of actually worrying about the reserve, because that would mean we've spent over 5500ecs on improving the faction.

                (note: the above ramble-speak translates to "I won't be there, but feel free to rush anything that the attendees agree upon" ... this further translates to "Spend! Please!")


                • #23
                  Science poll indicates clear preference for Biomachinery/Homo Superior route. Next favorite Industrial Nano, then 3rd place for Centaur Psi, unless anyone has any objections.

                  1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                  That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                  Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                  Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                  • #24

                    Build Queues
                    (If a queue appears, there has been a revision)





                    UN Aquaxenobananna-(replace aquafrmrs w/)chldrcrche/suppfoil/recomm/supfoil

                    UN Slippery Ground-chldrnscreche/reccomm/trefrm/supfoil/supfoil

                    Worker Placements

                    Ankh-Morpork-at population growth, new citizen is engineer.

                    Shangri-La-empath into engineer when recommons is complete, at pop growth new worker at
                    energy bonus square (22,52)

                    Metropolis-new worker works tidal harness

                    Capricorn-empath into thinker

                    UN Aquaxenobananna- one kelp square into thinker

                    UN Slippery Ground- no changes


                    Shangri-La- upon completion crwlr to (19,49) for minerals

                    Capricorn- upon completion to (17,47) for minerals


                    formers at (22,60) remove fungus, terraform up

                    formers at (16,58) remove fungus, build farm+mine

                    formers at (19,49) build mine then go to (17,47) build mine

                    formers at (15,53) go to (11,49) build mine then road (13,51)(15,50)

                    formers at Shangri-La accompany colony pod to ruins: condenser at (15,29)

                    formers at (18,62) to (18,58) remove fungus build mine

                    aquaformers at Metropolis to (28,80) build mining platform

                    aquaformers at (21,59) tidal harness at (22,52) then mining platform at (24,46)

                    Rush/Upgrade Requests

                    Ankh-Morpork- rush Tree Farm

                    Shangri-La- rush Recreation Commons

                    Metropolis- rush Tree Farm in 2281

                    Capricorn- rush Network Node in 2281

                    UN Aquaxenobannana- no requests

                    UN Slippery Ground- rush Children's Creche


                    • #25
                      Okay, orders still required are:

                      Archaic's for Centralis (I can do them again if he can't)

                      TKG's for Aurillion.

                      Voltaire's for Twin Sea.

                      Once we have those, we're ready to go.


                      • #26
                        Lucky: rushes approved ... in fact, you don't have to wait on the metro and capricorn rushes, just rush them right away... we're drowning in cash (I'm not sure I can even keep us at current levels, we'll probably have more at the end of the chat than we do now), and Solaris is the newest region. Stuff like Tree Farms and Network nodes are necessities for proper growth and productivity, rush them with all due speed.


                        • #27
                          A few thoughts from your DIA:

                          -Herc, Concordia's building the ToE, no need to include it in New Tass's build queue. Feel free to start constructing crawlers for use in insta-building the Pholus Mutagen, though (and that goes for any governor hoping to build an SP soon, feel free to pre-build the crawlers since they have other uses).

                          -Regarding energy satts: we only need 18 before extra ones only benefit those bases without Aero Complexes, so I'd say it'd be better to stop at 18 (put the resources elsewhere after that, and direct some rushing cash at getting those AC's up). To the Commish: keep an eye on energy satt production, once we hit 18 and/or have more in production than fit in 18, switch the to-be-completed-later ones to nut satts (until we get 18 of those).

                          Btw, if we go Ind Nano, then Digital Sentience, then Self-Aware Machines we can get Mineral Satts... and believe me, an extra mineral per satt per citizen (and it's supposed to be all clean minerals, right?) would do very good things for us

                          -That colony pod going north should get some kind of escort, though perhaps we should plant it just outside our borders to avoid drone problems... hmm, no, just give it an escort that's been rehomed to Egregion.

                          edit - another tech path to consider is photon/wave, probability mechanics, nanometallurgy, matter compression, and super tensile solids... this would get us hab domes, which combined with the Cloning Vats and suitable amounts of nut satts and nut crawling would give us rapid and essentially unlimited growth. I don't need to elaborate on why this would be beneficial from the game standpoint
                          Last edited by Cedayon; March 22, 2003, 00:32.


                          • #28
                            I need to update orders for the various Governors who have so kindly agreed to give me some more Machines of Peace after our nice little meeting we all had some days ago...

                            I will do that and address concerns such as escorting the CP and destroying that Complex right after I watch WWE: Armageddon, whcih I have on tape right now.

                            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                            • #29
                              Our Holy Emperor just sent in his orders:

                              The following orders may contain scenes of explicit evil or coarse language evil. Viewer discression is advised.

                              DPO Requests
                              Upgrade Xanadu and UNPD garrisons to 1-4+t-2*2
                              Force Aurora to support UN Pizza Deliverian Scout patrol stationed there
                              Disband or otherwise deal with scout patrol in Zanarkand Gate
                              Get that fusion chopper from UNPD supported at egregion, perhaps?
                              AND ACTUALLY DO THEM THIS TIME, PLEASE

                              Build Queues

                              Finish Chaos Rotor
                              Energy Sat
                              ACS Pizza Mk2, God dammit! (13-4-6*2 AAA radar)
                              Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply (0-2-3*2 trance)

                              finish Preserve
                              Energy Sat
                              Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply (0-2-3*2 trance)

                              finish hydro lab
                              Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply (0-2-3*2 trance)
                              Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply (0-2-3*2 trance)
                              Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply (0-2-3*2 trance)

                              finish aero complex
                              Energy Bank (rush after 10 mins...?)
                              Centauri Preserve
                              Trance Fusion Hovertank Supply (0-2-3*2 trance)

                              -move worker to new forest on raised land when it's completed.
                              -same as UNPD

                              -Steal that borehole from Cyclops. I thought akirians didn't want boreholes?

                              -WORK any new mine tile that may pop up

                              ZG Crawler at 8,104
                              -move to 6,96 and crawl minerals

                              Move all new crawlers built to DEM and hold there until secret projects are approved later on.

                              Evil land-raising plan
                              Stage I


                              Stage II

                              -all new land tiles EXCEPT 3,111 13,99 and 14,96
                              Ding! all complete....for now

                              After that, just turn the Gulf of Tacticus (SW of TacAc) into TKG Mountain
                              TKG appended the above in a subsequent PM:

                              oh, and i forgot my sea former in the fresh water. build some mining platforms around UNMI. also, move any trawlers herc/maniac/whoever may have around..*hem* operation "Mount Pizza"
                              And in case you haven't seen the poll yet, TKG got the necessary votes to go ahead with his land raising evil-ness

                              And I don't see much in the way of rush requests in there, except the energy bank in Xan... Rush the Xan Aero Complex (if it's over 10 mins) with 10 mins over, then rush the energy bank. (again, feel free to rush anything over 10 mins if it seems reasonable and helpful, unless our massive cash reserves actually manage to drop to 100-200 or so).


                              • #30
                                Erm, we're still without Centralis or Twin Sea orders... GT can handle Centralis, but Twin Sea... not a huge deal, but it'd be nice if we could get regional orders out of the way before we're in the 3-4 hours before the turnchat range. I'm leaving for uni in about 2 hours (2000 GMT or so), and will be completely unavailable until about 0300 GMT tomorrow (it's the same day for me, but not in Greenwich, it seems). In case I don't get the chance to review the Centralis or Twin Sea orders, consider any rush over 10 mins approved, as well as any necessary upgrades (I'd prefer to wait until we get the Nano Factory before any large scale upgrading program is undertaken).

                                In any case, I just wanted to remind the Commissioner to make clear the way of the energy satts. Specifically:
                                -if something is before an energy satt in the queue, please arrange (with rushing cash if it's more convienient) for that to finish with 10 mins over.
                                -if a satt is over 10 mins and will not be completed by next turn with normal industry, rush it so that it will be completed by next turn (possibly with 10 mins over, if it would help). This is not a suggestion, this is an order

