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  • #16
    Thanks for that Maniac.

    Pan, here's a little guidepost for you to try and aim for.

    MY: 2165
    SE: Free Market/Wealth
    Comlinks: Morgan (Treaty)
    Bases: 21 (3 in GA)
    Pop: 46 (92 Votes on Council)
    Tech: Cent. Eco., Biogen, Info. Net's, Ind. Base, S. Psych, Ethic. Calc., Plan. Net's, SotHB, Ind. Econ., Ind. Auto., GS, Eco. Engin.
    Researching: Envio. Econ.
    Tech Cost: 411
    TpT: 92
    Net Income: 50 Credits a Year
    Projects: HGP, WP. (VW and PTS planned to be constructed within 10 turns)

    35 Formers (3 in Production)
    3 Scout Patrols
    26 Supply Crawlers (11 in Production)
    2 AA's
    1 Unity Rover (1 Lost)

    *Yawns*'s 6am, and I'm been playing since 2am, so I'm going to bed now. ^^;; I'll attach the turn. I'm not sure if I'll restart yet, simply because I might do better when I'm not half asleep, but then, somehow I highly doubt Pan's ability to equal that above. Once the projects are in place (Specifically the VW, PTS and EG), and NN's are built, this game's pretty much clear sailing. I predict I'd be able to transcend by the early to mid 2200's, however I'll keep going after that of course to rack up extra points.
    Attached Files
    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


    • #17
      Well I'm currently in MY 2168 and I'm doing much worse. Only 14 bases, each with 3 population except for three with four population (due to the PTS). I already have commlinks with three factions due to Unity pods, and due to massive tech trading with the UoP my tech cost is already around 800. The downside is of course I only discovered IndAut around MY 2160 and EnvEcon is only in my dreams.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #18
        Archaic: When I try to load the file you posted, the game says it's not a valid save file.


        • #19
          Alright, here, try it as a zip file then.
          Attached Files
          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


          • #20
            Thanks. I'll test it out when my computer unfreezes.


            • #21
              No worries.
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • #22
                Well, now that I checked it, all I have to say is: wow . You've certainly beaten the hell out of what we'd achieved, even with an extra ten years to do it in (I don't have a 2165 save, so I compared it to the 2175 one instead), although I imagine trying to admnister it in the DG without governors would be a nightmare.


                • #23
                  I did a little "test run" for the hell of it last night (Not an actual part of my game, just to see how quickly I could achieve it), and I found I could take the PTS in less than 5 turns, and the VW another 5 turns after that. All my bases at size 3 would be in GA's, all my higher pop bases would be GA's where I also had a NN. And this is in a Free Market without Psych Spending (With Morgan as a Pactmate, which I bought the same turn as that save I posted up, after the save.). The extra talent of Lal really helps in my play style, at least initially. Expanding under FM was never easier.

                  Then again, I *am* still rather tech. and infrastructure poor compared to my Zak, however I think I can make up for that by sheer scope. Once I have the EG and start securing Pacts and Treaties, as well as the Governorship, the credits coming in can be used to rush things at my leisure.

                  The secret's really in the rushing. Full rushes are just foolish. You should only rush what you need to complete whatever it is you're building, plus maybe 10 minerals for the carryover. All it takes is a bit of simple maths.
                  No carryover = (RC/MR)*(MR-MP)
                  Carryover = (RC/MR)*(MR-(MP-10))

                  RC - Rush Cost
                  MR - Minerals Remaining
                  MP - Mineral Production
                  Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                  • #24
                    Yeah, that's pretty much the way we've been doing the rushing here too (or at least the way I've been doing it).


                    • #25
                      It is? I was under the impression everyone was just doing straight rushes. Glad to know that's not the case. Still.....why the hell do we have such a large treasury then?
                      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                      • #26
                        We just haven't been rushing very much, and we experienced something of an economic boom in the last turnchat when we got Engineers and Empaths. We haven't had time to spend it all yet.


                        • #27
                          Ah, I see. The need for voting and discussion on rushes is preventing them being used as efficiently as they could be. I suppose that's only to be expected.
                          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                          • #28
                            There's no need for voting on rushes - I've enve rpolled it. I just ask for the funds and TKg says yes or no, and then I spend them.


                            • #29
                              Is that so? I guess I stand corrected then.
                              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Archaic
                                Still.....why the hell do we have such a large treasury then?
                                DBTS and voltaire don't make many rushes. if we have so much money, i really encourage more.

