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  • #31
    More rushing, eh? Howzabout we see to every (land) base in Akiria having a treefarm by the end of next turnchat?


    • #32
      great, provided it doesn't cost *too* much


      • #33
        My estimate is 400-500 for all 3 together, although if you wanted it really fast I'm sure I could use 600

        I'll figure out something reasonable (ie less than that). If I see little rushing on part of the other governors; however, I will ask for more rushes either before/during the turnchat... Aurora and Cyclops could really use it. The new sea base could certainly use a NN and a Hab complex, not to mention a few of those nice and shiny Fusion Sea Formers...


        • #34
          A reasonable rush for a Tree Farm would be between 120 and 200 credits apiece from my experience.
          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


          • #35
            * Rubs hands together *

            The more tree Farms we can get, the better. It will pretty much kill the STEP arguments about the negative environmental effects of FM, if we can simply make sure there aren't any.


            • #36
              If only our research rate was better, we could have had both TF's and Hybrids in all our core bases by now. We've had enough cash to do the rushes for ages, and a FM gives us enough cash flow to keep that up in the outlying bases.
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • #37
                One of the big reasons I want TFs in all of my bases is to be ready for HFs when we get PE. Btw, can there be a poll for whether or not we should probe Morgan for PE? Trade is preferable by far, but it isn't an option thanks to that big ball of fire having a tantrum in the sky. HFs ASAP is good enough reason, IMO, but there's also the matter that Morgan's gonna finish the AV in 23 turns unless something changes. Morgan, if anyone, needs that project... but are we gonna give up on the benefits for ourselves?

                We could probably research it ourselves fast enough to build the AV just before he does, but it would be close and the research turns could be put towards another tech (like Orbital Spaceflight if it comes up, or one of the techs we need to get to mag tubes... 'cause once we get a mag tube network going... )


                • #38
                  I'd vote to go for PE as our next tech anyway, and we have the production capacity to beat Morgan any day of the week, especially if we inject some money to speed things up.


                  • #39
                    In this case, it'd be best to simply get high production bases pumping out Crawlers at a rate of 1/turn each, and throw them into the project as soon as we discover the tech. In this case, Morgan might be our ally, but the tech is far too important to miss. We must have it under Freedom of Information......and if we can pin the blame on Yang or similar, it's even better.
                    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                    • #40
                      Yea, with crawlers it would barely matter, even if we had to wait to trade to him for it... if he would trade the tech that allows the project he'd be ready to finish in 5 turns or so... btw, does the computer ever rush stuff?

                      I'm curious about the sunspot event, though... worst to worst, couldn't we just physically send an envoy (with appropriate escort) to our good friend and neighbor Morgan to propose the deal? Physical data media could be used for the tech transfer.

                      There's a developer out there somewhere who forgot something


                      • #41
                        That might work, actually; contact seems to be initiated automatically whenever units come into contact. I don't know if this works during sunsopts, but I see no reason why it shouldn't.


                        • #42
                          The computer not only rushes cheats too. He could rush it at any time.
                          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                          • #43
                            Although the computer doesn't really seem to make a habit of rushing SPs; I rarely see them do that when I can actually observe them, although of course I'm rarely actually watching in the first place.


                            • #44
                              Anyway, shall we get back to the original topic: The internal PBEM? It seems that we still need faction choices from MWIA, Maniac, and Herc.
                              Last edited by GeneralTacticus; February 5, 2003, 03:16.


                              • #45
                                MY: 2165
                                SE: Free Market/Wealth
                                Comlinks: Morgan (Treaty)
                                Bases: 21 (3 in GA)
                                Pop: 46 (92 Votes on Council)
                                Tech: Cent. Eco., Biogen, Info. Net's, Ind. Base, S. Psych, Ethic. Calc., Plan. Net's, SotHB, Ind. Econ., Ind. Auto., GS, Eco. Engin.
                                Researching: Envio. Econ.
                                Tech Cost: 411
                                TpT: 92
                                Net Income: 50 Credits a Year
                                Projects: HGP, WP. (VW and PTS planned to be constructed within 10 turns)

                                35 Formers (3 in Production)
                                3 Scout Patrols
                                26 Supply Crawlers (11 in Production)
                                2 AA's
                                1 Unity Rover (1 Lost)
                                MY: 2165
                                SE: Free Market/Wealth (Lets show Archaic I am better than him at his own playstyle)
                                Comlinks: Morgan (Treaty) / Zakharov (Treaty)
                                Bases: 19(4 in GA)
                                Pop: 39(78 Votes on Council)
                                Tech: Cent. Eco., Biogen, Info. Net's, Ind. Base, S. Psych, Ethic. Calc., Plan. Net's, SotHB, Ind. Econ., Ind. Auto., GS
                                +Doc.Mob + Appl. Phy. + Doc. Flex + Opt. Comp
                                Researching: Nonlinear Maths. (... )
                                Tech Cost: 647
                                TpT: 72
                                Net Income: 55 Credits a Year
                                Projects: HGP, (WP and VW under construction)
                                9 Formers (2 in Production), + 2 sea formers
                                12 Scout Patrols
                                2 Supply Crawlers (2 in Production)
                                1 AA
                                1 Unity Rover (1 Lost)

                                Though the automation boost hasnt come yet...
                                Attached Files
                                "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                                "I shall return and I shall be billions"

