Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
Why not? Given that the US block contained far more of the world than the USSR's did, and they still killed less people, I don't know how you can make such a claim.
Why not? Given that the US block contained far more of the world than the USSR's did, and they still killed less people, I don't know how you can make such a claim.

USSR population in 1990 : around 300 millions
USA population in 1990 : around 250 millions
And I think that the USSSR satellites were far more populated than the USA's satellites, but I cant be sure.
The thing about political repression in both blocks was that it was far more overt and violent in the USSR than the US. In the US, people were never forbidden from mentioning something upon pain fo death - they might be studiously ignored if they mentioned something inconvenient, but that didn't stop them fro speaking.
1. The United States of America
2. The Popular Democracy of China
Other examples would include the refusal of the US government to have an american judged by an international court, etc...
The US, throughout it's whole bloody history, would be hard-pressed to find an example of barabarism committed by it or it's proxies to match Stalin's genocide in the Ukraine - and that was just one of many Soviet crimes. The Americans committed many crimes, but they enver managed to match the Soviets in their sheer scale.
The fact that there is not a single example that is famously recognized as a larger genocide than Ukraine's must not refrain us to consider the larger variety, and larger number of US crimes. This mean that while USSR concentrated its crimes, USA's crimes were spread out.