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No, it's only a question of laws, morality has nothing to do with "rights".
Why not? "Rights" have to do with what is 'right' or 'wrong', so it clearly follows that they have to do with morality.
About knowledge you must have a pathetic general knowledge, since you always answer "Why should I read that ? I already know it's crap". I'm
Can you point to even a single example of him doing that?
About intelligence I dont know, but it seemed that your capacity to understand was strictly limited to an acceptation of mathematical logic, not to a general comprehension of things.
Given that you seem completely inapable of understanding any kind of logic at all (e.g. your statement that you can't take apr tof your liberty without taking all of it, which is self-evidently false as your right to run down tehs treet screaming your head off has no bearing on your right to do so in the privacy of your own home), you don't really have any grounds for attacking his intelligence.
Only if he chooses to read it that way. Or are you just disagreeing for the sake of it?
You said that he diaagreed with you because you addressed him as an adult. Either you were being deliberately insulting, or you have very little grasp of how people take things at all.
I have never said that I should die before another. I am saying that I would not kill the other to preserve my own life.
Would you care to explain the difference? If you have the choice of one person dieing, you or someone else, you have stated already that you would die rather than makign the toehr person do so. Why?
Pretty long time, I'd guess. I'm not particularly "trying to survive" at the moment. If by "trying to survive" you mean eating, drinking, breathing etc, then not so long.
The urge to do all of those things is part of the instinct to self-preservation. Given that you reject that, why not reject the tohers, and refuse to breathe, eat, drink, or anything else?
If by "trying to survive" you mean destroying anything that might threaten us, people have been unsucessfully trying to do this for thousands of years. Unsucessfully.
What do you think happened to smallpox?
Of course my opinion does not change what is right. My opinion does have a meaning, however, and this meaning is not "squat"
Well, ti has meaning in that you beleive in it, and hence you base your actions on it, and of coruse that it's part of the debate.
I notice you have no comment on the wonderfully clever big picture argument. That's good. I was half scared you'd try to tell me how it showed I was wrong or something. Thanks for refraining.
It doesn't show that you're wrong, merley thta he thinks you are.
I should've saved the thank you for your input for you Pan. Your sheer idiocy never ceases to amaze me.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Archaic, make yourself a reason and stop whining : you are a kid, with small experience, limited academic background and very restricted wisdom.
Which hasn't yet prevented me utterly humiliating you in debate several times over Mr. Unskilled Labourer. Also let's not forget that even my limited academic background is far superior to yours on these issues. And if you think experience matters, then why don't you throw out all of Marx's works already, seeing as he never even worked in a factory and instead lived off the sales of his works (Nothing against using the current system to his advantage I suppose.).
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Let's ask the question in another way : Whose life is essential to you personally, not to the community as a whole. Yours or the other persons ?
Thank you for rephrasing the question. It defeats his arguement even better.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
No, it's only a question of laws, morality has nothing to do with "rights".
That's debatable, but that doesn't change the impact of my point. This nitpick acomplished what exactly?
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Then why are so many people self destructive or suicidal ?
And since when did we ever say that was rational behaviour, hmmmm?
Originally posted by Pandemoniak "knowledge, intelligence and wisdom". About knowledge you must have a pathetic general knowledge, since you always answer "Why should I read that ? I already know it's crap".
Hasty generalization.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
I'm positive such a curioisity and application to make your own opinions from the very source of a thing must be very well rewarding concerning knowledge.
Ever considered that I might have already read the things you were pointing me to, or rebuttals of same? I *AM* constantly researching the subject as a part of my studies afterall.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
About intelligence I dont know, but it seemed that your capacity to understand was strictly limited to an acceptation of mathematical logic, not to a general comprehension of things. Not even a try to general comprehension, neither. You should study arts, that would do you much good.
My capacity to understand is limited by the fact that I don't accept something illogical......
As for Arts.......
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
And I cant even imagine you consider yourself wise.
So you were right, you could be 17 or 3 years old, that would not make a big difference in the debate. Except that you use prohibited words in Apolyton.
And I don't care if you can't imagine it or not. It's not as if you've demonstrated any.
And as for your whinging about my debating methods......perhaps if you weren't so willfully ignorant I wouldn't be using them, would I?
Originally posted by Archaic
Which hasn't yet prevented me utterly humiliating you in debate several times over Mr. Unskilled Labourer. Also let's not forget that even my limited academic background is far superior to yours on these issues. And if you think experience matters, then why don't you throw out all of Marx's works already, seeing as he never even worked in a factory and instead lived off the sales of his works (Nothing against using the current system to his advantage I suppose.).
lived off the sales of his works Thank you for selfdefeating, Marx indeed worked. Not in a factory but all works are not made in a factory. MArx did produced something, what have you produced ?
Thank you for rephrasing the question. It defeats his arguement even better.
No, it makes the question a total nonsense. And the question is not rephrased, but precised. The most important thing of all in a whole being what is essential.
And since when did we ever say that was rational behaviour, hmmmm?
Well, why should it be unrational ?
Hasty generalization.
Just generalization, by observance each time I quote you something, thats what you reply.
Ever considered that I might have already read the things you were pointing me to, or rebuttals of same? I *AM* constantly researching the subject as a part of my studies afterall.
Or rebuttal of same... how pathetic... It's like you read Newton who rebutted Aristotle so you know all about Aristotle. And you pretend to be knowledgeable.
And when you say yourself you never read them, why should I consider you already read them ? (And theres not only reading, I remind you.)
My capacity to understand is limited by the fact that I don't accept something illogical
As for Arts.
Exactly. Many illogical things do happen, and you will have to accept them. Death of a close person for example, is illogical and you 'll have to accept them -- except if your ego is too strong and you prefer to pretend it didnt happen, which wouldnt surprise me seeing the way you conduct a "debate", and which would also lead to to schizophrenia, probably dubbled by paranoia. Thats for facts. For ideas and thoughts, you'll see any kind of logic will fade off at a moment or another : when faced to experience, feelings, etc...
For example : it is logical to think that people doesnt like hard labour (ie, farm works) because its exhausting and not financially rewarding. Why is there so many young people who goes work to farm occasionally, then ? Because they like the experience of exhaustment ? because they they like things that are not financially rewarding ? because it is cool ? because rabbits are blue ?
As for arts, forget about it. You would more hurt art than it would help you, an economic school is perfect for your intellectual pauper.
And I don't care if you can't imagine it or not. It's not as if you've demonstrated any.
Pronunciation: 'wiz-d&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wIsdOm, from wIs wise
Date: before 12th century
1 a : accumulated philosophic or scientific learning b : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships c : good sense d : generally accepted belief [challenges what has become accepted wisdom among many historians -- Robert Darnton]
2 : a wise attitude or course of action
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): wis·er; wis·est
Etymology: Middle English wis, from Old English wIs; akin to Old High German wIs wise, Old English witan to know -- more at WIT
Date: before 12th century
1 a : characterized by wisdom : marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment b : exercising sound judgment
2 a : evidencing or hinting at the possession of inside information : b : possessing inside information c : SHREWD
3 archaic : skilled in magic or divination
do you truly consider yourself as marked by deep understanding, keen discernment and a capacity for sound judgement ?
I already know you're an arrogant jerk who thinks very highly of himself and yet has achieved nothing, but I cant imagine, indeed, that you've gone that far in human aberration.
And as for your whinging about my debating methods......perhaps if you weren't so willfully ignorant I wouldn't be using them, would I?
Then why are you using them with everyone ? Because everyone except for you and those who think like you are ignorant ?
"Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
"I shall return and I shall be billions"
From the bottom of my heart thank you Pan. My nature is too polite to say what, possibly, should have been said a long time ago. Now I fear for a reprisal.
BTW, my English teacher always said that a comma too many is better than a comma too few.
1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak lived off the sales of his works Thank you for selfdefeating, Marx indeed worked. Not in a factory but all works are not made in a factory. MArx did produced something, what have you produced ?]
Selfdefeating in your dreams. Thanks for conceeding a much earlier point in a previous about the fact that not all work need be physical work BTW.
My point was that Marx never worked in the factories. In other words, he knew jack **** about his subject matter.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
No, it makes the question a total nonsense. And the question is not rephrased, but precised. The most important thing of all in a whole being what is essential.
And this is nonsense how?
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Well, why should it be unrational ?
Killing yourself = Irrational
Any debate on that? Any at all?
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Just generalization, by observance each time I quote you something, thats what you reply.
Hasty generalization, because you said that for all circumstances. Not to mention the fact it's also complete and utter bollocks.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Or rebuttal of same... how pathetic... It's like you read Newton who rebutted Aristotle so you know all about Aristotle. And you pretend to be knowledgeable.
And when you say yourself you never read them, why should I consider you already read them ? (And theres not only reading, I remind you.)
I'm not the one pretending here Pan. Remember who's the Liberal Arts major and who's the one who's actually got the academic grounding in the subject at hand.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Exactly. Many illogical things do happen, and you will have to accept them. Death of a close person for example, is illogical and you 'll have to accept them -- except if your ego is too strong and you prefer to pretend it didnt happen, which wouldnt surprise me seeing the way you conduct a "debate", and which would also lead to to schizophrenia, probably dubbled by paranoia. Thats for facts. For ideas and thoughts, you'll see any kind of logic will fade off at a moment or another : when faced to experience, feelings, etc...
"Death of a close person for example, is illogical" -
Something bad does not equate to something illogical. I see you suffer from the same problem that WoA has. Go learn the subject matter for once. *YAWN*
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
For example : it is logical to think that people doesnt like hard labour (ie, farm works) because its exhausting and not financially rewarding. Why is there so many young people who goes work to farm occasionally, then ? Because they like the experience of exhaustment ? because they they like things that are not financially rewarding ? because it is cool ? because rabbits are blue ?
And this has what relation to the topic at hand? Illogical things happen, yes, but illogical arguements (Like the one you've just given) are still illogical arguements. Do you understand the concept of flawed logic leading to flawed conclusions? (You also
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
As for arts, forget about it. You would more hurt art than it would help you, an economic school is perfect for your intellectual pauper.
There's a reason why Liberal Arts majors are belittled by all other majors Pan, and it's not jealously. Now do you have a point already? I'm getting sick of red herrings and nitpicks.
Originally posted by Pandemoniak Wisdom
Pronunciation: 'wiz-d&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wIsdOm, from wIs wise
Date: before 12th century
1 a : accumulated philosophic or scientific learning b : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships c : good sense d : generally accepted belief [challenges what has become accepted wisdom among many historians -- Robert Darnton]
2 : a wise attitude or course of action
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): wis·er; wis·est
Etymology: Middle English wis, from Old English wIs; akin to Old High German wIs wise, Old English witan to know -- more at WIT
Date: before 12th century
1 a : characterized by wisdom : marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment b : exercising sound judgment
2 a : evidencing or hinting at the possession of inside information : b : possessing inside information c : SHREWD
3 archaic : skilled in magic or divination
do you truly consider yourself as marked by deep understanding, keen discernment and a capacity for sound judgement ?
I already know you're an arrogant jerk who thinks very highly of himself and yet has achieved nothing, but I cant imagine, indeed, that you've gone that far in human aberration.
One could say exactly the same things to you as well, Unskilled Labourer. Frankly, if one wants to determine if they're more wise than someone, why, what better place is there to prove it than on the field of debate? But then, you've been slaughtered time and time again. You seem to have Black Knight syndrome. "It's but a flesh wound!"
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Then why are you using them with everyone ? Because everyone except for you and those who think like you are ignorant ?
On the topics being discussed in these debates, yes, you are. Your demonstrated knowledge, or lack thereof, only proves that. If you have a problem with being called ignorant, go and learn the subject matter.
What is this red herring anyway? What point does it have to the discussion? Dragging the topic away from the topics you've been defeated on yet again? Or is this an attempt for a "Archaic is arrogant and mean and nasty, so he can't be right!" fallacy?
My point was that Marx never worked in the factories. In other words, he knew jack **** about his subject matter.[/size]
He didnt talk about working in a factory, but theorized a socio-economic system, to which he belonged.
And this is nonsense how?
"What is essential to your life, your life or others life ?" This is nonsense.
Killing yourself = Irrational
Any debate on that? Any at all?
/me seizes Camus' works.
I'll take it. Let's defend the right of suicide !
Hasty generalization, because you said that for all circumstances.
Taking an example is not necessarly an hasty generalization, and can on the contrary be a thoughtful generalization. You're yourself quite an expert at giving examples in order to demonstrate, while abstaining of an actual demonstration.
Not to mention the fact it's also complete and utter bollocks.
Do you want the quotes ?
I'm not the one pretending here Pan. Remember who's the Liberal Arts major and who's the one who's actually got the academic grounding in the subject at hand.
What do you call liberal arts ?
Oh, and in case you didnt notice, I was talking about knowledge in general, not in any specific case. Someone who thinks because he read a rebuttal and not the original, but is still convinced that he knows more than anyone who has read the original is either a fool, either an obsurantism. You're both, unfortunately.
"Death of a close person for example, is illogical" -
Something bad does not equate to something illogical. I see you suffer from the same problem that WoA has. Go learn the subject matter for once. *YAWN*
Im not talking about morale, yet again. But things are illogical sometimes.
And this has what relation to the topic at hand? Illogical things happen, yes, but illogical arguements (Like the one you've just given) are still illogical arguements. Do you understand the concept of flawed logic leading to flawed conclusions? (You also
Please finish your sentence, you definetly have a problem with english grammar, for a native english speaker...
There's a reason why Liberal Arts majors are belittled by all other majors Pan, and it's not jealously. Now do you have a point already? I'm getting sick of red herrings and nitpicks.
Sure, sure... Go explain that to Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and all the 70's generation of filmmakers... They sure are belittled by all other majors... As for your platonician exile of the poets, thats another topic. "Any debate on that ? Any at all ?"
One could say exactly the same things to you as well, Unskilled Labourer.
Certainly. But I do not pretend to be intelligent, but bright (lucide), not knowledgeable about everything, but decently taught on some subjects, and certainly not wise, on the contrary, I am a foolish impulsive young man. Just like Cyrano de Bergerac.
Frankly, if one wants to determine if they're more wise than someone, why, what better place is there to prove it than on the field of debate? But then, you've been slaughtered time and time again. You seem to have Black Knight syndrome. "It's but a flesh wound!"
"slaughter ? " ... "field of debate ? " ... " Black Night ? " ...
Come on, its not AD&D, wisdom is not a sum of numbers and cannot be proven by sordid in which we both spend more of our time bashing each other rather than actually trying to be wise...
I shall be wise and will stop this debate anyway. as well, please dont post too much in the CCCP thread.
"Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
"I shall return and I shall be billions"
Question? What is Black Knight Syndrome? I assume the reference is either to the tales of King Arthur et al, or a misspelling of Black Night Syndrome. Either way I'm confused.
1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
None shall pass. Is this pass as in "pass a test" or as in a very selfish football team, or even as some kind of guardian?
Am I too dumb, or is this an in-joke?
1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
I don't know the context where "Black Knight Sydrome" was used, but I think it has something to do with the Black Knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail who refused to admit defeat even after having both arms and both legs hacked off.
I haven't been following the discussion, but I think it could apply to just about any of the major participants.
Hmm, I guess you need to have seen the movie. I take it this is a good thing - stand by your beliefs until death, or is it bad - doesn't know when hes beaten. Again something to debate on the CCCP thread ! Yippee !
1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
Originally posted by War of Art
Hmm, I guess you need to have seen the movie. I take it this is a good thing - stand by your beliefs until death, or is it bad - doesn't know when hes beaten. Again something to debate on the CCCP thread ! Yippee !
In the film he just looks silly and pitiable, frankly. I think the analogue in a debate would be standing by your beliefs even after all your supporting arguments (ie arms and legs) have been shown to be invalid (ie cut off).
Standing by your beliefs no matter what is generally only considered good when you're being threatened to make you change your mind, not when your beliefs are being attacked in debate.