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Orders 2211 - ...

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  • Orders 2211 - ...

    Orders thread for turns to be played on Saturday 2200 GMT.

    Governor please look here for the format:
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!

  • #2
    Orders for Twin Sea, MY 2211-???

    Build Queues

    Crystalis (add following to existing queues)
    1-3t-1 Garrison
    Network Node
    Colony Pod

    Mysidia (add following to existing queues)
    Sea Former

    New Suez (add following to existing queues)
    Transport Foil (as per request by Drogue)
    Supply Crawler
    Sea Colony Pod


    No changes necessary for the time being;


    New Suez Sea Former (22, 94) west of New Suez
    -construct tidal harness
    -after completion, move to 22,96, directly southeast of present location
    -cultivate kelp farm

    Crystalis Former (26,104) northwest of Crystlis, planting forest
    -finish planting forest (due for completion in one turn)
    -move to 26, 106; directly south of present location
    -plant forest

    Mysidia Former (28, 108) southeast of Crystalis, building road
    -leave in present location
    -finish constructing road
    -construct solar collector
    -after completion of solar collector move to 30, 106; directly northeast of present location
    -remove fungus

    New Suez Former (29, 105) northeast of Crystalis, removing fungus
    -finish removing fungus
    -in same location plant forest
    -after which construct solar collectors

    New Apolyton Former (20, 108) west of Twin Sea region, building mine
    -finish constructing mine
    -build road
    -move to 20, 110; directly south of present location
    -construct mne

    U.N. Pizza Delivery Former (22, 102) south of Mysidia, plating forest
    -leave in present location
    -build road
    -construct solar collectors

    Tactius Academy Former (21, 103) suthwest of Mysidia, planting forest
    -leave in present location
    -build road
    -construct solar collectors

    Colony Pods

    Crystalis Colony Pod (Crystalis) Crystalis, nothing
    -move to 29,97, north of west of Morgan Mines
    -build base

    New Suez Colony Pod (23,103) southeast of Mysidia, nothing
    -move to 23,111, 4 tiles directly south of present location
    -build base


    I would like to officially request that more Colony Pods be diverted to the Twin Sea region to counter the increasing expansion of Morgan on our eastern border.
    Last edited by Voltaire; December 20, 2002, 13:29.
    You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


    • #3
      Orders for Jedinica Vrijstaat, MY 2211 onwards

      Build queues

      Hab Complex
      Gatling Infantry
      Police Infantry
      Colony Pod

      Network Node

      Sheathed Sword
      Supply Crawler
      Rec Commons
      Children's Creche

      Terminal Dogma
      Rec Commons
      Children's Creche

      Supply crawlers

      Sheathed Sword crawler (15,63) E-SE of Sheathed Sword, waiting for orders
      -convoy minerals

      Sheathed Sword crawler (12,62) in Sheathed Sword, in production in Sheathed Sword
      -move to (13,59) N-NE of Sheathed Sword
      -convoy nutrients

      Worker allocations

      -move E worker to forest N-NE.

      -move NE worker (on flat&rainy square) to forest S-SE.
      -change SW worker (on flat&rainy square) to a doctor

      Terminal Dogma
      -move NW-NW worker to forest N.


      Two Sheathed Sword formers (13,59) N-NE of Sheathed Sword, building a condenser
      -finish condenser
      -build farm on that location
      -move to (14,62) E of Sheathed Sword
      -build farm & solar collector on that location

      Sheathed Sword former (10,62) W of Sheathed Sword, planting forest
      -finish forest
      -build sensor array

      Concordia former (20,66) E of Terminal Dogma, waiting for orders
      -move one tile SE to (21,67)
      -build road
      -move one tile SE to (22,68)
      -build road

      Terminal Dogma former (18,66) in Terminal Dogma, waiting for orders
      -move one tile E and plant forest on (20,66)
      -move one tile SE and plant forest on (21,67)

      Terminal Dogma former (18,68) S of Terminal Dogma, waiting for orders
      -build road on current square
      -help the above former to plant forests

      Terminal Dogma former (15,67) and Pandemonium former (12,66) moving to (15,67), E-NE of Pandemonium
      -build farm
      -move to (13,69)
      -build farm & solar collector

      Pandemonium former (13,69) SE of Pandemonium, building road
      -finish road
      --move one tile W to (11,69)
      -build road
      -move one tile N to (11,67)
      -build road

      Concordia former number one (12,72) N-NE of Concordia, waiting for orders
      -build sensor array
      -move one tile SE to (13,73)
      -build road
      -move two tiles E to (17,73), if road is built on (15,73)
      -remove fungus
      -build road

      Concordia former number two (12,72) N-NE of Concordia, waiting for orders
      -build sensor array
      -move two tiles SE-E to (15,73)
      -build road
      -move one tile E to (17,73)
      -remove fungus
      -build road

      Last edited by Maniac; December 21, 2002, 16:07.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4

        Build Queue Orders:
        New Apolyton:
        No changes.

        Add probe team to start of build queue.
        Add Research Hospital to the end.

        Tacticus Academy:
        Add 5-1-1 infantry to start of build queue.
        Add Research Hospital to the end of build queue.

        Add 5-1-1 infantry to start of build queue.
        Add Research Hospital to the end.

        Worker Placement Orders:
        New Apolyton:
        No changes.

        Move 13,83 worker to 14,84.
        Move 13,87 worker to 12,84

        Tacticus Academy:
        Move Doctor to 7,87.

        Move 11,83 worker to 12,84.

        Crawler Orders:
        Tacticus Academy crawler (8, 86) north of Tacticus Academy, crawl minerals.
        - Move to 7,85 & crawl nutrients.

        Tacticus Academy crawler (under construction)
        - Move to 9,91 & crawl minerals.

        Antioch crawler (Antioch):
        - Move to 6,86 & crawl nutrients.

        TBIBTU crawler (under construction):
        - Move to 14,88 & crawl minerals.

        Former Orders:
        Tacticus Academy former (10, 88), east of Tacticus Academy, build farm.
        - When done building farm, build condensor

        ThisbaseIsBelongToUs former (10, 88), west of Tacticus Academy, build farm.
        - When done building farm, build condensor

        Antioch former (6, 90), SWSW of Tacticus Academy, build sensor
        Move N 1 tile & build condensor.

        Tacticus Academy former (12, 84), WNW of ThisBaseIsBelongToUs, build farm
        - Move to 9,83, clear fungus, then build farm, collector, & road, in that order.
        Last edited by GeneralTacticus; December 20, 2002, 06:21.


        • #5
          DoFA Orders:

          1) Keep trying to get whatever techs Morgan and Zakharov may have.

          2) Keep trying to Pact with Zakharov.

          3) Try for a straight-up peace deal with the Hive, with no concessions by either side (unless Yang offers them, but don't risk demanding them).

          4) If peace is acheived, go for any techs Yang has, but don't trade away important techs.

          5) Don't trade for energy, but be willing to trade it away.

          6) Don't extort them for anything, or give in to any demands.

          EDIT: I assume this will be another Sat. 2200 GMT chat?
          Last edited by GeneralTacticus; December 20, 2002, 06:27.


          • #6
            EDIT: I assume this will be another Sat. 2200 GMT chat?

            Yeah, GT, you sure about contacting Zakharov? He doesn't like us for two things, we don't use Knowledge, and we have a pact with Morgan, who he's at war with. He could declare war on us if we contact him, but don't give in to any of his demands.
            <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
            Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


            • #7
              I'd say don't contact him. Wait until we switch to knowledge (after the last polls, I'm quite sure it's a when).
              For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
              But he would think of something

              "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


              • #8
                I wonder if it would be possible for our Director of Foreign affairs to find out how much energy credits Morgan would demand if we were to consider purchasing Morgan Mines (I believe this is his westernmost base, if not I’m speaking of his westernmost base)? I’m interested in using the Twin Sea regional budget for the acquisition of this base from the Morganites. But before any consideration can take place, I need to know the cost to see if it is feasible.
                You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                • #9
                  Way to much I think. I'd guess over a thousand Ec at least.
                  For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                  But he would think of something

                  "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Drogue
                    Way to much I think. I'd guess over a thousand Ec at least.
                    Wow, for a base as crappy as that?!?

                    Well, just as I thought, I guess I’ll need to step up colony pod production if we want to counter the Morganite expansion to the west.
                    You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                    • #11
                      Morgan usually charges heavily for anything IMO, and bases are lot for the smallest of ones. I've once had him charge 500 for a tech

                      If he'll do it cheaply, might be worth it, but I doubt it.
                      For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                      But he would think of something

                      "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Drogue
                        Morgan usually charges heavily for anything IMO, and bases are lot for the smallest of ones. I've once had him charge 500 for a tech

                        If he'll do it cheaply, might be worth it, but I doubt it.
                        That greedy bastard.

                        Well if it’s below 500 energy credits for the base, I think it would be a bargain, coming form Morgan that is. Though I highly doubt it.
                        You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                        • #13
                          I wouldn't approve spending 500 ECs on a base as pathetic as thta anyway. That's half our factional treausury for crying out loud, and it would take us decades to recover it all.


                          • #14
                            About Zakh: On second thoughts, I agree with Drogue. Wait 'till after Knowledge.


                            • #15
                              Science Directorate orders

                              I'll likely be absent this upcoming turnchat. Orders are simple: Maintain current research goal of Centauri Empathy. In the event we receive it early by some random chance, take the front runner of the tech poll I'm about to post.
                              Adam T. Gieseler

