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Jedinica Vrijstaat

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  • Look at the funnuy mushrooms behind the Ben Nevis...
    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


    • So, a nuclear shelter is it? What for? It's not like anyone is likely to be getting their hands on nukes any time within the enxt few decades except us.


      • One nevers know... All tickets are already sold anyway...
        "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
        "I shall return and I shall be billions"


        • Originally posted by Pandemoniak
          And now that our faction is devoted to free market, I, Mayor of Pandemonium, wishes to protect all its citizens for potential secondary effects and to inaugurate the ...
          Apparently the Believers have gotten wind of your plan, Pan:

          From the Believer comm-net, intercepted by our empaths
          Then the kings of the earth and their noblemen and their magnates and their military chiefs and the wealthy and the strong and everyone, whether slave or free hid themselves among the rocks of the mountains,
          And they called to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him Who sits on the throne and from the deep-seated indignation and wrath of the Lamb. (Revelation 6:15-16)
          I guess they forgot to toss in references to "the proletariat" and "working people" because it's your plan, but looks like they pegged it pretty good


          • Our datalinks are infilitred ! Our datalinks are infiltred ! Stop all transmissions now, these sunspots were faked !! Crouiiiic ^^^
            /me 's voice faints in the speakers
            "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
            "I shall return and I shall be billions"


            • Originally posted by Pandemoniak
              Our datalinks are infilitred ! Our datalinks are infiltred ! Stop all transmissions now, these sunspots were faked !! Crouiiiic ^^^
              * Pandemoniak 's voice faints in the speakers
              Note that the transmission was "intercepted by our empaths", ie empath guild... we still have access to everyone's datalinks, sunspots or no.

              As for how they found out about the vault... well, think about it, how hard is it to find out about a construction project that big?

              I guess I should have expected such a reaction, though


              • *Packs his bags* It's been swell, but I'm moving over to greener pastures in a region where I can actually make a difference. Ja!
                Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                • Which reduces our number of VIPs to five, of which only Pandemoniak and me active. The glory days when Jedinica Vrijstaat was a vibrating and innovative region seem definitely over.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • The Golden Age of the Jedinican Holography shall be back !!!
                    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                    • Originally posted by Maniac
                      Which reduces our number of VIPs to five, of which only Pandemoniak and me active. The glory days when Jedinica Vrijstaat was a vibrating and innovative region seem definitely over.
                      Hold on, Maniac!

                      Micha is back from his long abstinence to save you and all people of Jedinica!

                      What I tried to say is that I´ll be active again for some time, so perhaps we´ll get the dust out of Jedinica and tidy things up!
                      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                      Let me eat your yummy brain!
                      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                      • Great news! Thanks to the new upload feature, I can now host the base pictures myself.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • Well, that´s really great news! Now we just need some new pictures to host

                          btw: Congratulations! Now that Jedinica is going to become a center of aircraft industries, it will not fall back behind the great "rivals" in the south!
                          I support you in every way as gouvernor of our region!
                          Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                          Let me eat your yummy brain!
                          "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                          • Aero Complexes! Nut Sattelites! Noodles!


                            • Ok, I just wanted to do a major graphic update (and also minor text updates) of the first post, but I got the message my message was already longer than 20000 characters. So I'll have to start a new Jedinica Vrijstaat thread, and divide my post in several pieces.

                              In a next update I hope to post graphs showing the economic progress of the different bases over the years.

                              Cedayon, I am of course willing to keep updating the Jedinica thread, so you won't have to start a new one next month.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • Originally posted by Maniac
                                Cedayon, I am of course willing to keep updating the Jedinica thread, so you won't have to start a new one next month.
                                Good, that's a lot of work you did, and duplicating it would suck

                                Good job, btw

