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Democratic Libertarian Party HQ

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  • We can probably just rip him to shreads on the double standards of it all. I posted a 2nd FM poll in the same period, though only after the previous poll had, as far as I knew, been invalidated by the constitution change. And now he wants to do this?
    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


    • I don't really care about getting a shredded Pan (that can wait till election time, if it's necessary), I just want FM come next turnchat.


      • I strongly suspect that if Archaic had been elected and tried to pull something like this after a Green victory he would have been torn to pieces by the CCCP/STEP before the ink dried on the new poll.
        You bet he would have been, and they'd have been right.


        • I don't really care about getting a shredded Pan (that can wait till election time, if it's necessary), I just want FM come next turnchat.
          Well, a shredded Pan would be a bonus; but invalidating the new poll will prevent him from overturning the last one and produce a shredded Pan at the same time


          • Aye, I already moved that the results of the poll not apply till after the 8/2 turnchat. Invalidating it entirely would probably be better, so people could see FM in action before another poll is started. I'm not sure such a motion from me matters, but I can't imagine that he can just get away with this while we pound sand.


            • 2 birds with one stone. I like, I like.
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • Aye, I already moved that the results of the poll not apply till after the 8/2 turnchat. Invalidating it entirely would probably be better, so people could see FM in action before another poll is started. I'm not sure such a motion from me matters, but I can't imagine that he can just get away with this while we pound sand.
                Well, given that we could probably gather up quite a bit of support for delaying the poll's effects at minimum, it probably would matter; and we can always start up an amendment to close the loophole if needed. I don't thinka whole lot of discussion would be needed.


                • *Points to Lemmy's post in the poll thread*

                  Perhaps some discussion will be needed afterall.
                  Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                  • *nods* perhaps we're having a stronger reaction than most people will. I'd be happy with closing the loophole, and hoping FM wins this poll. If we get too aggressive/vicious it may reflect badly on us (perhaps rightly so, it's not as if the guy broke any written rules)... not that Archaic has to worry about that


                    • *Laughs* Indeed. One of the benifits of being an bastard. I've got no reputation to ruin in the first place. ^^;
                      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                      • Not to be lecturing, but... I imagine it's occured to you that your "reputation" is part of the reason you lost this last election...?


                        • *Shrugs* Perhaps. Still, I'm not about to make myself out to be anyone than who I really am just in an attempt to win votes. I'm not going to suck up to the electorate.
                          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                          • I could go into the difference between the act self-examination & change for the purpose of "sucking up" and the act of self-examination and change for the purpose of improving oneself... but I won't, you're too entertaining this way


                            • *Shrugs* I like myself just the way I am. "Improving oneself" is really just a relative thing.
                              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                              • True. I had a more appropriate term in mind, but I doubt you care much about "love thy neighbor as you love thyself", or even "be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger".

