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Democratic Libertarian Party HQ

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  • I've been gathering some data off and on since I got the save file:

    I've got the
    (total pop)/(talents)/(citizens)/(drones)/(eco damage)/(specialists)
    table for all the bases under the three possible SE settings, sorted by region. I've also got a
    (minerals)/(total energy)/(ECs)/(Research)
    table for the same.

    They're a bit large, where should they be posted?


    • Perfect. Just what I would've asked for in my wildest dreams. Could you email them to please? (Replace # with @. Don't want to tempt spam bots.)
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • I emailed you with the data as an attachment.

        I hope it helps


        • It did indeed. Not in the election, but in something far more important.

          Let them eat cake! Wahoo! A Free Market is the first step towards a truly Libertarian society. A hearty thanks to all who made this possible.

          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


          • Unfortunately, it didn't take Pande long to try to overturn the results by posting a new poll. gathering information on what people want or making a new proposition after a reasonable interval is one thing, repolling something that doesn't need repolling and the result of which you plainly don;t like is quite another.

            (especially considering that he implied that there'd been something fishy going on with the voting in the last poll, as if the number of voters was particularly unusual)


            • Keyword being try. His poll is unconstitutional, is it not?

              As for the number of voters.....Xx;; Give me a break. This was an election as important as the directorships. Of course similar numbers of people would vote for this. Especially considering how many new people we've had join recently who are Pro-Market. Cedayon, the Facists....
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • I don't actually know if the poll is constitutional; DBTS hasn't applied any of the recent amendments to it, and I don't know if the constitution even contains anything on this, but i think it should be obvious to anyone that you cannot simply post a poll on one thing with a result you don't want, then change things slightly and repoll it before the previous results are actually applied.

                As for teh number of voters - of coruse, but since when has logic stood in Pan's way when he has an ideology to defend?


                • Agreed. Then again, Pan has quite the habit of missing the obvious when it gets in the way of his ideology, doesn't he?

                  Indeed. Though by standing up for idiocy like that, it's not like he's doing his ideology any favours.
                  Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                  • He wouldn't exactly be doing it any favours if he allowed it to be democratically defeated, now would he?


                    • Better perhaps to let it be democratically defeated and try to rally next term than to whinge and whine and put people off anything associated with you.
                      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                      • Well, that is, of course, assuming that people would actually have any interest in voting for it by the next elections. Or that he's actually willing to admit defeat in the elections.

                        Regardless, I agree that this isn't likely to do him very much good, as long as we don't let him get away with it.


                        • Two Econ polls for the same turnchat is definately past the "suspicious" line.

                          One thing, though, is I'm not sure the constitution says he can't do this.

                          I guess we have to see how the votes fall. If FM wins this one and he tries something else to overturn it, it will be time to consider an impeachment.

                          edit - and an amendment, definately an amendment, along the lines of "The results of at most one poll for each SE category will appy to each turnchat"


                          • Well, one thing's for sure: We've got a ready-made campaign issue for next term, and the polls only closed a few days ago.


                            • One thing, though, is I'm not sure the constitution says he can't do this.
                              It doesn't; It doesn't mention anything about this kind of situation but I think basic comon sense dictates that this kind of stuff should not be allowed.I suppose we could always post up an amendment to make it absolutely clear that this should ot be done - that is if DBTS actually puts it into the constitution.


                              • I strongly suspect that if Archaic had been elected and tried to pull something like this after a Green victory he would have been torn to pieces by the CCCP/STEP before the ink dried on the new poll.

