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UN Constitution

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  • #46
    i was not talking about empeaching Pande but was just wandering where you was but i want to talk about the AT if he doesnt tell anything here from him I will start empeachment on thursday
    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


    • #47
      i want to start nominations on the friday 11 and then have it open for 9 days up to the 20 then start elections on the 22 until the 25 this way is it layed over the entire term...what do you all thing?
      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


      • #48
        i thing () maybe a bit too early. we don't need 6 days transition: 2 or 3 is enough. while i like the idea of having this going a bit longer, maybe start the 14th or 15th


        • #49
          Too early.
          I agree with the longer nomination period - but not that long. A government can't really operate in a transition period. We managed fine with the short transition period between the September cabinet and October cabinet - why change that?


          • #50
            what do you think of stepping back from the 3 day polling to a 2 day polling? that we can hold 2 turns a week a small turnthread and a big chat on saturday. i am pushing for this a long time because i dont think that one turn a week is enough look at the forum it is completely boring. so i want to start that as soon as possible i have a week of from everything this week so i will be able to do a lot and i will look at constitution and the court for improvements i think some simple thinks still needs to be adressed like what to do when the AT is gone! and a AA but that will be next week first the change from 3 to 2 what do you all think?
            Welcome to the DBTSverse!
            God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
            'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


            • #51
              The forum is boring because there are too little citizens. we really should recruit more people. Perhaps we could post ads in the general SMAC forum and CGN, and start a "Star Cult" in the Civ3 democracy game with the stars as our gods and of course with a link to this forum...
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #52
                1 How many citizens do other Demo games elsewhere attract : Our last poll indicated between 18- 24 play this one.

                Yet newbies join apolyton every day. Many look in at the demo game but don't grasp or are not interested in getting involved. A topped post about the game structure and procedures and rules should be there along with the UN constitution.

                Plus there has to be a curtailment of spam in the threads. By spam I mean overuse of smilies as sole comment.

                I mean when I check my email and it says KassmaniedgeTass has replied to a thread I've subscribed to and its the last unread message and I check it to find No doubt an apposite response to something 4 turns above but it's a waste.

                Somebody new looking in finds this a turn off.

                The screenshots are good idea; it is easier to relate to. sometimes the turn downloads don't work.
                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Hercules
                  Yet newbies join apolyton every day. Many look in at the demo game but don't grasp or are not interested in getting involved. A topped post about the game structure and procedures and rules should be there along with the UN constitution.
                  i agree i often wondered what democracy games were until DEdge started this one
                  Perhaps a new thread to be created: Constitution and FAQ, which would outline the procedures like you suggested, but keep the current constitution thread for changes/ammendments etc.

                  Originally posted by Hercules
                  Plus there has to be a curtailment of spam in the threads. By spam I mean overuse of smilies as sole comment.

                  I mean when I check my email and it says KassmaniedgeTass has replied to a thread I've subscribed to and its the last unread message and I check it to find No doubt an apposite response to something 4 turns above but it's a waste.
                  Solution: don't subscribe to threads the feature would work better if you could choose not to receive an email every time someone responded. maybe start a thread in the Apolyton/Community forum asking for such a feature

                  Originally posted by Hercules
                  sometimes the turn downloads don't work.
                  Markos fixed that problem. all .zip files work now

                  now DBTS, as i recall, one of your campaign promises was to attract more people to the game. have you tried posting threads at CFC or other forums?
                  Last edited by Method; October 11, 2002, 20:16.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by DeathByTheSword
                    what do you think of stepping back from the 3 day polling to a 2 day polling? that we can hold 2 turns a week a small turnthread and a big chat on saturday. i am pushing for this a long time because i dont think that one turn a week is enough look at the forum it is completely boring. so i want to start that as soon as possible i have a week of from everything this week so i will be able to do a lot and i will look at constitution and the court for improvements i think some simple thinks still needs to be adressed like what to do when the AT is gone! and a AA but that will be next week first the change from 3 to 2 what do you all think?
                    Dude, wasn't this in the Darkness Reforms?
                    I'm sure - in fact I know I decreased the amount of polling time from 3 days to 2.

                    Originally posted by Maniac
                    The forum is boring because there are too little citizens. we really should recruit more people. Perhaps we could post ads in the general SMAC forum and CGN, and start a "Star Cult" in the Civ3 democracy game with the stars as our gods and of course with a link to this forum...
                    Agreed. Perhaps we also may want a webpage to attract any non-Apolytoners, people coming in from the web.

                    Originally posted by Hercules
                    1 How many citizens do other Demo games elsewhere attract : Our last poll indicated between 18- 24 play this one.
                    It just varies. The C3DG has masses of people, but it has got going. The C2DG is foundering a bit, but as their 2nd game gets going, we're getting the people back again. In this DG, we're somewhere in between the two.

                    Originally posted by Hercules
                    Yet newbies join apolyton every day. Many look in at the demo game but don't grasp or are not interested in getting involved. A topped post about the game structure and procedures and rules should be there along with the UN constitution.
                    I don't think this does much good. It just adds to forum clutter - I think if we can get people to this forum, they can learn the ropes from there.

                    Take how I got involved with the democracy games. I'd been around Apolyton (the site, not the forums) for years, and I stumbled across a news update for the C2DG. I signed up, and I've been hooked ever since. I think we need to keep the news updates going to MarkG - they're one of our best forms of advertising.

                    Originally posted by Hercules
                    Plus there has to be a curtailment of spam in the threads. By spam I mean overuse of smilies as sole comment.

                    I mean when I check my email and it says KassmaniedgeTass has replied to a thread I've subscribed to and its the last unread message and I check it to find No doubt an apposite response to something 4 turns above but it's a waste.
                    I don't see this to be much of a problem. In most other cases, it would be useless spam, but it does often show more clearly the support or lack of it for a particular proposal. I don't make these posts often - but I see them as being a necessary part of the game.

                    Originally posted by Hercules
                    The screenshots are good idea; it is easier to relate to. sometimes the turn downloads don't work.
                    I agree on the screenshots, but there's nothing we can do about the turn downloads. The .sav files are too big to post on their own - we have to compress them to post. The .zip file itself may be fine, but somewhere in the uploading/downloading, Poly stuffs it up. Case in point: the last save file I posted, everyone who downloaded it found it to be corrupt (including me, when I did so as a test). But if I load the original version off my computer, it works fine.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by TKG
                      i agree i often wondered what democracy games were until DEdge started this one
                      Perhaps a new thread to be created: Constitution and FAQ, which would outline the procedures like you suggested, but keep the current constitution thread for changes/ammendments etc.
                      That's not a bad idea. Perhaps untop the current thread, leaving it as a loose discussion thread, then have the official, topped, Constitution and FAQ thread, with no posts allowed?

                      Originally posted by TKG
                      Markos fixed that problem. all .zip files work now
                      Ahhh, good to know. Ignore what I said above.


                      • #56
                        Take how I got involved with the democracy games. I'd been around Apolyton (the site, not the forums) for years, and I stumbled across a news update for the C2DG. I signed up, and I've been hooked ever since. I think we need to keep the news updates going to MarkG - they're one of our best forms of advertising.
                        An idea: perhaps we should ask if MarkG could post the CNN in the news updates section.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by GeneralTacticus An idea: perhaps we should ask if MarkG could post the CNN in the news updates section.
                          That would be really useful. Also, if people could write updates before and after elections, and during any major upheaval (such as a war), we may gain some more members. If it's good enough for the C3DG...


                          • #58
                            tass has told me the CNN has been abolished!

                            DE, are you still doing yours every 2 weeks?


                            • #59
                              OK good discussion
                              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                              • #60
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

