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CCCP's Workshop.

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  • Originally posted by Maniac
    When do you guys hold all those conversations anyway?? I never seem to be around when there's a chat going on with some smacdg members. And if there is, people only post a message once every minute...
    well tass told me ahead of time he was quitting cccp, and it evolved into a conversation about how parties suck.


    • Yep.

      Down with the CCCP! Down with parties! Let us become a united faction!

      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


      • Due to the growing influence of the anti-parties, I envisage to dissolve the CCCP and fund an NGO : the Centauri Communalist Citizens' Penthouse. I need members votes before I can do that.
        "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
        "I shall return and I shall be billions"


        • I am vehemently against disbanding. I'm assuming we can generate a concise dialog on this subject in a reasonable period of time. I propose we do so before changing any organizational definitions.


          • Originally posted by Pandemoniak
            Due to the growing influence of the anti-parties, I envisage to dissolve the CCCP and fund an NGO : the Centauri Communalist Citizens' Penthouse. I need members votes before I can do that.
            good on you, pande


            • What differnce is between penthouse and party ?

              Both a thread where most is spam, then sometimes come arguments.

              By the way : a party is a sort of NGO
              I know Siegfried's Sohn.


              • Originally posted by Schinkenjoe
                What differnce is between penthouse and party ?

                Both a thread where most is spam, then sometimes come arguments.
                There's a big difference. One is a discussion form, the other is a party, with a set ideology, set candidates for elections, etc.

                Originally posted by Schinkenjoe By the way : a party is a sort of NGO
                Not really. An NGO is a straight discussion body, nothing more.


                • There's a big difference. One is a discussion form, the other is a party, with a set ideology, set candidates for elections, etc.
                  I think we do nothing else here but discussing. I would also candidate for Directorities if i wouldfeel like (but i don´t)
                  I know Siegfried's Sohn.


                  • Originally posted by Darkness' Edge
                    Not really. An NGO is a straight discussion body, nothing more.
                    Since our democracy is not governed by parties, but by directors ordering from polls, any party of the UN Peacekeepers is non-governmental, and organized. It is therefore a NGO.

                    And since our party remains a discussion place, within a defined field of ideology (Let me remind to Darkness Edge that despite we all are gathered under the same banner, we all have different political opinions, else it would be boring).
                    Moreover, for the elections, no consign has ever been given, no agreements made between members. Every member of the CCCP always remaint free of his vote, and free to claim his vote, even and especially when he voted for a direct opponent to on e of the CCCP's members. (Remember Tassadar voting MWIA facing Lucky22).
                    Last, but not least, myself, being the most active "CCCPian", and being its funder, never used in my directore my influence in this party. Never did I gave my opinion on the polls I started, here in the CCCP, nor in the polls themselves. I remaint an independant director from his party.

                    All this is, IMHO, the proof that political parties are NGO.
                    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                    • I strongly second both Schinkenjoe and Pandemoniak here. We run no electoral college, our parties are strictly voluntary associations. Any reframe into an NGO simply alters the label, making the CCCP in particular seem more like a "no on FM" campaign than an "institution". But that is truly all in the seeming- and cetainly moreso for us than for at least one other party I can think of.


                      • Members of political parties hold a broad common outlook (they agree with more of the party's policies than they disagree with) which may and should change over time. In joining a political party you compromise to varying extents in the interests of efficiency. A party block vote or a coalition vote can succeed in getting a number of measures ( agreed actions) passed quickly. Also through matched pairing, not everyone needs to vote everytime on every issue (based on an understanding that if need be a party whip can be enforced).

                        However there should also be provision from time to time for plebsites / referenda on issues, provided that a) the parties internally are split on the issue or b) enough citizens call for one and taking the cue from the central council cannot be run again for 10 years after the vote.

                        However I suspect when we eventually start to meet the other factions and also when the size of our faction starts to really expand we will find the need for political parties, otherewise we'll get bogged down in polls on what action at each base.

                        Also one party rule is boring
                        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                        • The problem is many people here are rather individualistic and don't want to compromise on certain issues and join a group to get the other more important issues through. As a consequences parties are useless here.
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • Originally posted by themagicbanana (on another thread)
                            tassadar sux. WHERE THE F**K IS THE UNN!?!?!? IT WAS DUE, LIKE, A WEEK AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            This was over in the P4's thread. I'm aghast. Main_Brain, for instance is a "quirky" citizen, with occasional non-sequiturs making for humor. themagicbanana is in a different category. I've been sticking up for a total troll. AAARRRGHHH
                            Last edited by lucky22; September 23, 2002, 18:56.


                            • Originally posted by Maniac
                              The problem is many people here are rather individualistic and don't want to compromise on certain issues and join a group to get the other more important issues through. As a consequences parties are useless here.
                              I dunno. I think the main problem is that we are too few. Seems the vast mojority of the people who signed up have left the game already.
                              "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
                              "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


                              • Indeed. Eightteen active participants according to my recent thread...
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

