I agree with you too. The bitterness has only to do with the people involved, nothing to do with the format of the game.
I AM against permapacting though. How many times did I try and end the Hive-Drone pact, only to be told "We have promised that blah blah blah..." ?
See, in a democracy game if everything is decided at the start, and then made permanant, there's no interest anymore. I think the next demogame should have a "basic constitution" for all the teams, who are then free to add more, but not to take away from some basic rights.
I AM against permapacting though. How many times did I try and end the Hive-Drone pact, only to be told "We have promised that blah blah blah..." ?
See, in a democracy game if everything is decided at the start, and then made permanant, there's no interest anymore. I think the next demogame should have a "basic constitution" for all the teams, who are then free to add more, but not to take away from some basic rights.