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PRAVDA - The Hive Newsletter of the Peoples' Advisory Council

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Tassadar5000
    A communist never gets himself involved with Maoists
    Says the revisionist Marxist.
    You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


    • #92
      Originally posted by War of Art

      @Comrade HongHu - I was worried you wouldn't make it. For some strange reason I couldn't send you a PM yesterday. Any idea why? Good to have you on board comrade.
      Let's just say that the capitalist has tried spreading rumors about the lack of activation codes by some of our comrades but that's all lies! Yes, I am on board! The final victory always belongs to the party and the people!
      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

      Grapefruit Garden


      • #93
        @Comrade HongHu

        @Comrade Voltaire - Looks good, the people will at last clearly understand the structure of their government. At the moment it looks like you will be our first Chairman, Micha Minister of Information, me for Editorial Deputy (and Commissionar for Democratic Reform?)This leaves science, peace and industry ministries open for HongHu, Calc and Static Universe, am I right? Or have I forgotten someone/some position? Three people for three positions - get fighting guys Unless anyone wants to contest for Chairman? Of course if a ministry is left unfilled, more power goes to the Chairman And perhaps we have to create a ministry of social ideology for Tass

        are my suggestions for mottos

        -Comrade Jam
        1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
        That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
        Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
        Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


        • #94
          Actually Comrade War of Art, I was thinking that if a ministry is left unfilled another minister/department takes on the portfolio of that ministry/department. But that should not be a problem in our great nation for there are enough good Communists ready to serve the People and the State.
          You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


          • #95
            The current candidates are as follows:

            Chairman: Comrade Voltaire
            Minister of Information: Comrade Micha
            -----Editorial Deputy: Comrade War of Art
            -----Commissioner of Democratic Reform: Comrade War of Art
            Minister of Peace:
            Minister of Scientific Knowledge:
            Minister of Industry & Development:
            -----Commissar of Economic Development:
            -----Commissar of Infrastructure:

            NOTE: No one person shall at any one time hold the office of more than one Ministry; though if not enough candidates place their names forwards, the departments subservient to a particular Ministry will be treated as portfolios of the Minister of that particular ministry.

            The two remaining positions of Prefect and Commissioner of Foreign Relations will be decided on Planetfall by the joint meeting of the Peoples' Advisory Council and the Central Continuing Committee. Though candidates Commissioner of Foreign Relations should put their names forward now.

            Commissioner of Foreign Relations:
            You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


            • #96
              Comrades, the forums are almost up. But we need to decide now on the Chairmanship for our faction for the administrators have asked that someone be appointed as moderator of the forums. All that is required for this to pass is the majority vote of the PAC of the Hiverian Communist Party. Remember Comrades, vote soon, and vote often.
              You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


              • #97
                You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Voltaire
                  Comrades, the forums are almost up. But we need to decide now on the Chairmanship for our faction for the administrators have asked that someone be appointed as moderator of the forums. All that is required for this to pass is the majority vote of the PAC of the Hiverian Communist Party. Remember Comrades, vote soon, and vote often.
                  Comrade, you have my vote.

                  Under your glorious leadership the Hive shall surely attain levels of Peace and Prosperity undreamt of by our forefathers.

                  Long Live The Chairman!
                  "We are living in the future, I'll tell you how I know, I read it in the paper, Fifteen years ago" - John Prine


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Voltaire
                    The current candidates are as follows:

                    Minister of Scientific Knowledge:

                    Comrades, I would like to put my name forward for the position of Minister of Scientific Knowledge. In all areas of scientific endeavor I shall strive to serve the greater good of the collective and its goals.
                    "We are living in the future, I'll tell you how I know, I read it in the paper, Fifteen years ago" - John Prine


                    • You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                      • Originally posted by Static Universe
                        Comrades, I would like to put my name forward for the position of Minister of Scientific Knowledge. In all areas of scientific endeavor I shall strive to serve the greater good of the collective and its goals.
                        Comrade Static, the Party has long been awaiting your candidacy for the Ministry of Scientific Knowledge. Both the Party and the People have great faith in your abilities, surely through your research we will better the collective good and spread the revolution.
                        You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                        • UPDATE

                          Chairman: Comrade Voltaire
                          Minister of Information: Comrade Micha
                          -----Editorial Deputy: Comrade War of Art
                          -----Commissioner of Democratic Reform: Comrade War of Art
                          Minister of Peace:
                          Minister of Scientific Knowledge: Comrade Static Universe
                          Minister of Industry & Development:
                          -----Commissar of Economic Development:
                          -----Commissar of Infrastructure:
                          Commissioner of Foreign Relations:
                          You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                          • COMRADES GREAT NEWS!

                            With 4 of the 7 PAC votes in we are the first faction to have chosen a leader. I thank the Peoples’ Advisory Council and the Party for their support and faith in me, I will strive to live up to the expectations of the Party and the People for the betterment of the State.

                            -Chairman Voltaire
                            You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                            • With 4 of the 7 PAC votes in we are the first faction to have chosen a leader.
                              Further proof that the Hive shall be first in all things!

                              I thank the Peoples’ Advisory Council and the Party for their support and faith in me, I will strive to live up to the expectations of the Party and the People for the betterment of the State.


                              The masses cry out for leadership and at last they have it! Lone live the Chairman! Long live the Human Hive!
                              "We are living in the future, I'll tell you how I know, I read it in the paper, Fifteen years ago" - John Prine


                              • Purple: Central Continuing Committee (CCC)
                                Red: People’s Ministries
                                Yellow: Presidium of Prefectures
                                Green: Departments, Commissions, etc.
                                Blue: PRAVDA
                                You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!

