I did not see anyone claim 2120-2130, so I played those turns - I hope no one minds. I'm a much better chess player than Alpha Centauri player. Chess is all about tactics and not at all about economics. You've got to attack.
So when I downloaded this and saw how close University Base was and how many high morale rovers we had running around, in addition to already having a transport to move units across the channel, I couldn't help myself. Anyway, isn't that what you're supposed to do with the Spartans? Probably stupid. Slowed colonization. Slowed exploration. Ah well.
I founded bases with the two colony pods and switched to planned (at the risk of ticking off Morgan and the Gaians) for the boost in production and started building a probe team and prototyping lasers on a rover at one of the two new bases. I moved the second citizen at Sparta Command from a rolling rainy tile to Mount Planet for the extra mineral and started moving the rovers back home.
Training camp built another colony pod while this was going on, rushed as soon as the pop expanded to two. Floated it down the river and founded a base on the square immediately behind the westernmost rover in the picture during the last turn of 2130. (two squares between the new base and Training Camp. Not good at explaining spatial relationships. Sorry about that
During this time, the probe team had finished and was transported accross the narrow channel to University Base (which is roughly 5 or 6 tiles north of Sparta Command, though seperated by water) along with a Commando scout rover. The probe team landed next to University base and stole a tech (to get the AI to declare war without damaging our reputation). Unexpectedly, it was Industrial Automation. Bonus! Didn't even know they had that. So in this instance, going for Doctrine: Flexibility early worked like a charm. Good call Kataphraktoi!
The rover then landed and defeated a University unity rover and promoted to elite. Everything that could possibly have gone right that turn, did.
Two turns later I dropped off two more rovers (though I had not had time to upgrade either off them) and that was enough to take University Base. The first of the new batch, which was commando, beat a disciplined university rover. The second was lost but weakened the remaining defender, a scout patrol now deep in red (maybe 20%?), enough for the elite rover to defeat it and take the city that turn. It immediately met another university unit. They sued for peace and I accepted, then they proposed a treaty of friendship. Oddly enough, as I turn this over to everyone else at the end of turn 2130, they are Magnaminous despite having just lost their capital base!
Overall, I think that went better than could have been hoped. IA is an important tech and the captured base is close enough to be useful without specialists and has recycling tanks and a net node. Alright, on to Xian
Thank you to the creator of this game. It's a fantastic idea
So when I downloaded this and saw how close University Base was and how many high morale rovers we had running around, in addition to already having a transport to move units across the channel, I couldn't help myself. Anyway, isn't that what you're supposed to do with the Spartans? Probably stupid. Slowed colonization. Slowed exploration. Ah well.
I founded bases with the two colony pods and switched to planned (at the risk of ticking off Morgan and the Gaians) for the boost in production and started building a probe team and prototyping lasers on a rover at one of the two new bases. I moved the second citizen at Sparta Command from a rolling rainy tile to Mount Planet for the extra mineral and started moving the rovers back home.
Training camp built another colony pod while this was going on, rushed as soon as the pop expanded to two. Floated it down the river and founded a base on the square immediately behind the westernmost rover in the picture during the last turn of 2130. (two squares between the new base and Training Camp. Not good at explaining spatial relationships. Sorry about that

During this time, the probe team had finished and was transported accross the narrow channel to University Base (which is roughly 5 or 6 tiles north of Sparta Command, though seperated by water) along with a Commando scout rover. The probe team landed next to University base and stole a tech (to get the AI to declare war without damaging our reputation). Unexpectedly, it was Industrial Automation. Bonus! Didn't even know they had that. So in this instance, going for Doctrine: Flexibility early worked like a charm. Good call Kataphraktoi!
The rover then landed and defeated a University unity rover and promoted to elite. Everything that could possibly have gone right that turn, did.
Two turns later I dropped off two more rovers (though I had not had time to upgrade either off them) and that was enough to take University Base. The first of the new batch, which was commando, beat a disciplined university rover. The second was lost but weakened the remaining defender, a scout patrol now deep in red (maybe 20%?), enough for the elite rover to defeat it and take the city that turn. It immediately met another university unit. They sued for peace and I accepted, then they proposed a treaty of friendship. Oddly enough, as I turn this over to everyone else at the end of turn 2130, they are Magnaminous despite having just lost their capital base!
Overall, I think that went better than could have been hoped. IA is an important tech and the captured base is close enough to be useful without specialists and has recycling tanks and a net node. Alright, on to Xian

Thank you to the creator of this game. It's a fantastic idea
