Posted 2301 save.
Tactical situation around #1:

Tactical situation around #2:

(1) Wild MW destroyed Spartan scout patrol at stack (28 6). MW 80% damaged.
(2) Wild MW at (57,5) attacked Morgan IR at (58,6). Both 50% damaged. IR disengaged to (59,7).
(3) Morgan discovered Secrets of the Human Brain.
(4) SotR PR at (29, 5) destroyed Hive scout patrol at (31,5). PR 20% damaged.
(5) Stack at (28,6) moved to (27,7).
(6) We acquired Industrial Base. Given a choice of Doctrine: Mobility, Centauri Ecology, Industrial Economics, and Applied Physics to research. We chose Industrial Economics. Our research cost is 60 labs. We have 7 labs accumulated and we are producing 16 labs/turn.
(7) We built colony pods at UN Headquarters and Worker's Nest.
(8) The Hive has gained Biogenetics. It has gained a colony pod.
(9) The SotR has gained Information Networks. It has lost 2 PT, 1 AA, 1 TT and gained 3 II and 1 synthmetal sentinel.
(10) Following ACDGIII rules that it is OK to check out diplomatic options as long as you don't reveal maps, the Gaians will talk with us. They offer to pact with us if we declare war on the Spartans. I recommend we do so. I do NOT want to conduct any trade with them.
(11) The Hive will loan 42 ec for a repayment schedule of 1 ec for 54 years.
General ideas for this turn:
(1) Get Gaian world map.
(2) Attack Spartan probe teams near #1.
(3) Mind control SotR Synth Police near #1.
(4) Move upgraded units at #2 closer to Morgan Energy Monopoly.
(5) Bombard Morgan Energy Monopoly.
(6) Take out all the defenders at Working Man Hold.
(7) Steal technology from Working Man Hold.
(8) Occupy Working Man Hold.
(9) Move CBU into Working Man Hold. Move CBU along magrail to scout.
(10) Occupy bunker SE of Working Man Hold.
Other moves will depend on what we find out from the Gaian world map and the deep radar ability of the CBU's as we move them around (with TT and intel, they lose the ability to deep radar if they use part of their movement point).
Proposed moves:
(1) Contact Gaians. Agree to pact in exchange for launching a surprise attack on the Spartans. Refuse any proposed trade. Then end contact. Intent: After we get the Gaians world map, we will be in a better position to plan our move.
If there are no comments, I'll implement this move in 24 hours and post a mid-turn save .
Tactical situation around #1:

Tactical situation around #2:

(1) Wild MW destroyed Spartan scout patrol at stack (28 6). MW 80% damaged.
(2) Wild MW at (57,5) attacked Morgan IR at (58,6). Both 50% damaged. IR disengaged to (59,7).
(3) Morgan discovered Secrets of the Human Brain.
(4) SotR PR at (29, 5) destroyed Hive scout patrol at (31,5). PR 20% damaged.
(5) Stack at (28,6) moved to (27,7).
(6) We acquired Industrial Base. Given a choice of Doctrine: Mobility, Centauri Ecology, Industrial Economics, and Applied Physics to research. We chose Industrial Economics. Our research cost is 60 labs. We have 7 labs accumulated and we are producing 16 labs/turn.
(7) We built colony pods at UN Headquarters and Worker's Nest.
(8) The Hive has gained Biogenetics. It has gained a colony pod.
(9) The SotR has gained Information Networks. It has lost 2 PT, 1 AA, 1 TT and gained 3 II and 1 synthmetal sentinel.
(10) Following ACDGIII rules that it is OK to check out diplomatic options as long as you don't reveal maps, the Gaians will talk with us. They offer to pact with us if we declare war on the Spartans. I recommend we do so. I do NOT want to conduct any trade with them.
(11) The Hive will loan 42 ec for a repayment schedule of 1 ec for 54 years.
General ideas for this turn:
(1) Get Gaian world map.
(2) Attack Spartan probe teams near #1.
(3) Mind control SotR Synth Police near #1.
(4) Move upgraded units at #2 closer to Morgan Energy Monopoly.
(5) Bombard Morgan Energy Monopoly.
(6) Take out all the defenders at Working Man Hold.
(7) Steal technology from Working Man Hold.
(8) Occupy Working Man Hold.
(9) Move CBU into Working Man Hold. Move CBU along magrail to scout.
(10) Occupy bunker SE of Working Man Hold.
Other moves will depend on what we find out from the Gaian world map and the deep radar ability of the CBU's as we move them around (with TT and intel, they lose the ability to deep radar if they use part of their movement point).
Proposed moves:
(1) Contact Gaians. Agree to pact in exchange for launching a surprise attack on the Spartans. Refuse any proposed trade. Then end contact. Intent: After we get the Gaians world map, we will be in a better position to plan our move.
If there are no comments, I'll implement this move in 24 hours and post a mid-turn save .