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who can be blamed for thVIs mes6 ? [civ6 review]

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  • #91
    Think of it as paying to beta-test the game before other players get to see it, and then getting the finished game later for free.
    1011 1100
    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


    • #92
      If you assign a military unit to escort a unit that can be transferred to another city (great person) and then transfer the transferable unit, the military unit gets warped also.

      airlifting, lol

      It's not a bug. It's a feature!
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #93
        The UI is hot buttered ass, and there needs to be another balancing pass or three, but overall I think this is a much better game out of the box than Civ5 was at the start.

        The districts and wonders taking up tiles on the map add a very nice extra strategic layer, I think.
        "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
        "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


        • #94
          Originally posted by Boris Godunov View Post
          I'm not sure yet about the social policy cards mechanic. With the Civ V social policies, it felt more like you were building a society with a unique culture. With the cards, whatever you picked 300 years ago doesn't matter one bit in the current turn, you can swap out every card whenever you discover a new cultural advancement. There's no sense of a lasting legacy, that policies I chose to follow in the beginning really shape what my culture becomes. It's totally a board game mechanic now where all that matters is what's useful in your current situation.
          I think you have traits that are added to your civ from having certain government / policies in place.

          I actually think that building a policy tree which is set in stone is a poor decision for a Civ game, as it makes your game less fluid and less agile and more set in stone (IE early commit to a victory path and policy) which is the opposite of what *I* want in a Civ game.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Elok View Post
            See, this is why Poly is essential. CFC would have handed out deletes and bans all round for honest reviews like we see in this thread
            EXACTLY. I left CivfaNAZIS just before civ6 release, fed up with their attitudes regarding ANY type of criticism (after more than 15 years a member, mind you...).

            CivfaNAZIS has become a big part in the overall mediocrization of the Civ franchise, and plays an important role at that. Their audience, like Civ's, is now the Instant Gratification generation, and they do all they can to "avoid hurting their feelings", even if that includes silencing any valid criticism...

            CivfaNAZIS, I tell you.
            Candor dat viribus alas.


            • #96
              [moderator hat]

              Aristos, While I don't disagree with you on any particular point, This isn't the Off Topic forum which is decidedly more lax in its policing. Please refrain from calling anyone or any group "Nazis" in the On Topic areas. Thanks!

              [/moderator hat]

              WELCOME ABOARD!
              I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
              [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


              • #97
                Originally posted by self biased View Post
                [moderator hat]

                Aristos, While I don't disagree with you on any particular point, This isn't the Off Topic forum which is decidedly more lax in its policing. Please refrain from calling anyone or any group "Nazis" in the On Topic areas. Thanks!

                [/moderator hat]

                WELCOME ABOARD!
                Ha, no! I was here since before I joined Civfawhateveryouwannacallthem in 2001... I think I joined Poly in 2000, with another username, but I lost my password and the email address I had registered was long gone, so I started a new account... but I'm a vet of Poly, so no Welcome Aboard! as I was long aboard ;

                I appreciate that at least we can communicate with the mods here; I understand your point about name calling, but man, if a group behaves like fascists then I will call them on that... if they don't like it, the solution is easy: stop being fascists.

                Anyways, glad to be back here, where it all TRULY started, and where no one is on sale for pocket money and ads.

                EDIT: would be cool if you could help me find my original alter ego, and maybe merge it with this one...? How can I help you do that?
                Candor dat viribus alas.


                • #98
                  i'm nothing if not empathetic.

                  I'm okay with colorfully dissenting opinions, but there are some things that aren't okay. Decorum is still a thing that i'm aware of.

                  I'd PM Aeson, Re: your former login troubles.
                  I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
                  [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


                  • #99
                    NB this thread was originally in the OT, where I posted the thing about CFC and Wiglaf posted the Enormous Posts of Awesomeness Without Restraint.
                    1011 1100
                    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                    • I wonder if smaller legacy bonuses for the social policies might make it a bit more interesting...
                      Indifference is Bliss


                      • Great general passive area bonus doesn't seem to work. I have three bunch up close together. Each one says "+5 strength and +1 movement to units with 2 tiles". I was testing to see if the boost stacks. I don't see any indication that there is a boost. Either that or the UI for combat results is bugged and doesn't display the impact of great generals in the odds.

                        Conquering cities is super easy with archers. Six archers and a scout is all you need. Send a strike force toward each capital. If you can expand to three cities very early, you should have no problem conquering the world before most anyone has built ancient walls.

                        I'm about to get my first domination victory.
                        To us, it is the BEAST.


                        • great general bonus does stack (LOL)

                          I got three right now. It's fun having my swordsmen start out with 5 MP. I can plug up any gaps in archers real quick. They are also super strong at 50 strength. The UI only says +5, but the combat odds count all three for +15. Another bug in UI.

                          archers are considered ancient units (along with slingers, i guess) and don't receive the general's bonus

                          if archers got that, they'd make quick work of cities

                          always go all out on attack, use the promotions to heal... keep a rotation going... keep that death raining

                          i'm working my way to deity, we'll see how these strategies scale up in diff level... on king now
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • i'm playing as gorgo of the greeks

                            i just met.... gorgo of the greeks


                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • Originally posted by Sava View Post
                              i'm playing as gorgo of the greeks

                              i just met.... gorgo of the greeks


                              Yes. That only happens with Greece leaders though, and only if you play one of them, so I am refraining from playing Greece until patch.
                              Candor dat viribus alas.


                              • Originally posted by self biased View Post
                                i'm nothing if not empathetic.

                                I'm okay with colorfully dissenting opinions, but there are some things that aren't okay. Decorum is still a thing that i'm aware of.

                                I'd PM Aeson, Re: your former login troubles.
                                Or PM me... I'd be glad to help. If you can send me ANY info you remember, maybe we can make this happen.
                                Keep on Civin'
                                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

