Teemu's 3 crucial wishes for Civ 5:
-Try to replicate the historical economico-social reality and put the player under those alternatives. Make the game based on academic economical stages starting from the hunter-gatherer-semi-cultivated-semi-domesticated-agricultural-slavery-feodalism-manufacture-industrial-post-industrial. Bind the player to the historic specific time period, society model, geographic resources and neighbour relations by replacing the simultaneous start with script AIs. Scrap the 4000bc start and begin before the invent of agriculture in the right time period for that tribe. The earliest would be the earliest known hunter-gatherers. The latest would be the hunter-gatherers of the 19th century. Bind all cultures to their historical situations, when they first appeared on history books. Nation states begin with the declaration of independence in a particular environment. Recreate that environment. All solo player civs begin with their historical time, not 4000 BC. Put the player to face the historical situation and to try to change the history. Multiplayer works so that players choose in turns the protagonist Civ and others will choose the other cultures of the time.
-Make a new society modeling table from Alpha Centauri version. It needs variables like economic model-political model-religion model. Each civ will have its unique variables based on natural resources and knowledge. Political model allows only certain economic and religious models and vice versa. Try to catch the reason for societies, rather than putting them all in the same mold.
-Only one city can build units at a time, and the unit number depends on the number of cities.
-Try to replicate the historical economico-social reality and put the player under those alternatives. Make the game based on academic economical stages starting from the hunter-gatherer-semi-cultivated-semi-domesticated-agricultural-slavery-feodalism-manufacture-industrial-post-industrial. Bind the player to the historic specific time period, society model, geographic resources and neighbour relations by replacing the simultaneous start with script AIs. Scrap the 4000bc start and begin before the invent of agriculture in the right time period for that tribe. The earliest would be the earliest known hunter-gatherers. The latest would be the hunter-gatherers of the 19th century. Bind all cultures to their historical situations, when they first appeared on history books. Nation states begin with the declaration of independence in a particular environment. Recreate that environment. All solo player civs begin with their historical time, not 4000 BC. Put the player to face the historical situation and to try to change the history. Multiplayer works so that players choose in turns the protagonist Civ and others will choose the other cultures of the time.
-Make a new society modeling table from Alpha Centauri version. It needs variables like economic model-political model-religion model. Each civ will have its unique variables based on natural resources and knowledge. Political model allows only certain economic and religious models and vice versa. Try to catch the reason for societies, rather than putting them all in the same mold.
-Only one city can build units at a time, and the unit number depends on the number of cities.